Rep. Valihura & Sen. McBride ;


Reps. Lofink, Hall-Long, Longhurst, McWilliams, Mulrooney, Brady, Ennis, Johnson, Kowalko, M Marshall, Oberle, Schooley, B. Short; Sens. McDowell, Sokola, Copeland, Sorenson, Connor, Henry









BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE (Three-fifths of all members elected to each house thereof concurring therein):


Section 1. Amend § 6002, Title 7 of the Delaware Code, by inserting therein the following new paragraphs:

“(74)       ‘Collector’ means a person who collects recyclable materials and/or organic yard waste.

(75)         ‘Municipal Solid Waste’ means durable goods (excluding vehicles and other moving equipment), nondurable goods, containers and packaging, food scraps, organic yard waste and miscellaneous inorganic waste from residential (single- and multi-family households) and non-residential (commercial, institutional and industrial) sources.  Municipal solid waste does not include construction and demolition debris, vehicle bodies, pre-consumer waste, municipal sludges, combustion ash or industrial process wastes.

(76)         ‘Organic yard waste’ means plant material resulting from lawn maintenance and other horticultural gardening and landscaping activities and includes grass, leaves, prunings, brush, shrubs, garden material, Christmas trees and tree limbs up to 4 inches in diameter.

(77)         ‘Processor’ means a person who manages recyclables and/or organic yard waste for the purpose of returning them to the economic mainstream.

(78)         ‘Recyclable Material’ or ‘Recyclables’ means any material or group of materials that can be collected and sold or used for beneficial purposes.

(79)         ‘Single Stream’ means a system in which all fibers (at a minimum paper, cardboard, etc.) and containers (at a minimum plastic and metal) are mixed together for collection into one container instead of being sorted into separate commodities and multiple containers.

(80)         ‘Source Separated’ means the process by which recyclable materials are segregated and kept apart from the waste stream by the generator thereof for the purpose of collection, disposition, recycling or resources recovery.

(81)         ‘Transporter’ means any person engaged in the transportation of solid waste.

(82)         ‘Authority’ means the Delaware Solid Waste Authority.

(83)         ‘Recycling’ means the process by which discarded municipal solid waste materials are separated and used as raw materials, products or replacement of products, including the reuse of organic yard waste, but does not include the burning of materials for energy.

(84)         ‘Local Governments’ means counties, cities, towns, municipalities, civic or community associations within unincorporated areas of the state that are recognized as a not-for-profit organization under state and federal law.”.

Section 2. Amend Chapter 60, Title 7 of the Delaware Code, by adding the following new Sections to Subchapter II thereof:

            “§6043. Local Government Recycling Grants Program and Private Sector Initiatives.

(a)       Local Government Recycling Grants Program.  There is hereby established a competitive Local Government Recycling Grants Program (Program) to assist local governments with (1) the implementation of source separated recyclables collection and processing programs with emphasis on start-up costs for  single-stream curbside collection and (2) start-up costs for initiatives which result in the beneficial use of solid waste materials which would otherwise be land disposed.  The Program shall be administered by the Department, and monies from the Program shall be paid based on approved grant requests. The Department shall be entitled to charge to the Program an administrative fee of 7.5% of grants made to cover the cost of managing the Program.  The Department shall be entitled to disburse grant monies for the documented costs of implementing the collection or processing of source separated recyclable materials.  The Department shall be entitled to adopt guidelines and procedures for administering the Program and determining eligibility for receipt of funding pursuant to § 6044(a) of this Title.  The Department shall solicit the commentary of the grant eligible stakeholders during development of the grant guidelines and procedures.  Local Governments electing to implement a curbside recycling program are in no way precluded from requiring mandatory participation by the residents within their jurisdiction.  The Program shall be funded by monies made available under the provisions of § 6044.

(b)       Local Governments and private sector entities engaging in the collection, transportation, processing, and marketing of source-separated recyclable materials shall conduct such activities in a manner that the source-separated recyclable materials enter the marketplace or, in the event the recyclable materials are unmarketable, then put to other beneficial use.”

(c)       Private Sector Initiatives.  There is hereby established a competitive grant program to assist private sector entities with (1) start-up costs for the implementation of source separated recyclables collection and processing programs with emphasis on single-stream curbside collection and (2) start-up costs for beneficial use initiatives which result in the beneficial use of solid waste materials which would otherwise be land disposed.  The private sector initiatives program shall be administered and subject to the requirements set forth in subsection (a) above.

            §6044. Delaware Recycling Fund. 

(a)           There is hereby established a Delaware Recycling Fund in the Department for the exclusive purpose of funding specific activities designed to enhance the state’s recycling rate and the beneficial use of materials otherwise land disposed.  Monies in the Delaware Recycling Fund shall be retained in an interest bearing account and may be expended only:

(1)           To fund the Local Governments Recycling Grants Program and Private Sector Initiatives.  Annual funding for the Local Governments Recycling Grants Program and Private Sector Initiatives shall be dependent on revenue generated by the Delaware Recycling Fund referenced in subsection (d) of this Section;  

(2)           To pay the Department’s limited and reasonable costs and grant recipient’s costs of establishing and conducting public outreach and education programs to promote the Grant Program, curbside recycling and organic yard waste management and beneficial use initiatives;

(3)           To pay the limited and reasonable cost of the Department and Recycling Public Advisory Council, collectively studying and evaluating the status and potential for recycling the commercial component of municipal solid waste, and other improvements to the residential curbside recycling program, including the funding of initiatives undertaken by Local Governments and the private sector to enhance the recovery rates of recyclable materials and determination of the level of recycling achievable for all solid waste generated in the state as a result of implementation of the programs established under this Subchapter.

(b)                 The funding for the Delaware Recycling Fund shall be derived from an assessment of $3.00 per ton made by the Department for every ton of solid waste generated and/or disposed in Delaware, excluding recyclable materials actually recycled and hazardous waste, collected by transporters and/or generators subject to: (i) the permit requirements of the Department pursuant to § 6001(c)(6), § 6003 (a)(4), and       § 6025 of Title 7 of the Delaware Code; and (ii) the licensing requirements of the Authority adopted pursuant to § 6404 (6) of  Title 7 of the Delaware Code.  Quarterly (by the 15th of January, April, July and October) the Authority shall submit to the Department the names and addresses of the transporters subject to the provisions of 7 Del. C. 6404(6) and the total solid waste tonnage that each transporter delivered to each DSWA facility.  The Department, via its transporter permit program, shall be responsible for identifying the generators and transporters of solid waste which do not use the Authority’s facilities, and shall make an assessment for the tonnage of solid waste generated and/or disposed in Delaware.

(c)                 Any Local Governments subject to the assessment established under this § 6044 shall be entitled to seek and obtain an exemption from the assessment upon demonstration to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the Local Government has adopted a program which has achieved a recovery rate of 30 percent of the total residential solid waste which would otherwise be land disposed by the Local Government.  The exemption shall be valid so long as the 30 percent recovery rate is being achieved on an annual basis.

(d)           The assessment shall become effective three (3) months from the date of enactment and the Department shall collect the assessment from transporters and/or generators after the initial assessment on a quarterly basis utilizing forms and procedures developed by the Department.  Payment of assessments shall be due within 30 days of the end of the quarter (The 30th of January, April, July and October), and any late payment shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per month.  The Department shall provide an annual report to the Authority and the Recycling Public Advisory Council setting forth the amounts collected from each transporter and/or generator and any delinquencies.  The Authority and the Department shall cooperate in maintaining an accurate list of active transporters and/or generators subject to the assessment.  The Department shall be entitled to seek collection of any assessments due to the Department through civil action or may seek to impose on the transporter and/or generator the sanctions specified for violation of a permit condition as set forth in § 6005 of Title 7 of the Delaware Code.

(e)          The Department shall commence the Local Governments Recycling Grants and Private Sector Initiatives Programs in calendar year 2008 and offer the Programs at least annually thereafter until December 31, 2015.  One year prior to the termination date, the Department in consultation with the Recycling Public Advisory Council and pursuant to the solicitation of commentary by grant eligible stakeholders), shall report on the status of the Programs and make recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly on whether and how the Program should be reauthorized. The assessment shall terminate as of December 31, 2015 unless reauthorized by enabling legislation.

(f)          The Recycling Public Advisory Council, pursuant to solicitation of commentary by grant eligible stakeholders, shall make recommendations annually to the Department regarding the programmatic priorities for awarding grant funds under §6043 of this Title.  The Recycling Public Advisory Council shall provide recommendations regarding the categories and priorities for grants that reflect an informed and representative view of the most urgent and important areas where grant funding will provide the most benefit to the State of Delaware balancing current needs with those of future generations.  

(g)         The Department shall review all applications and requests for funding from the Delaware Recycling Fund and award funding grants taking into consideration the Recycling Public Advisory Council recommendations. In those cases where the Department’s funding decisions differ significantly from the Recycling Public Advisory Council recommendations, the Department shall report to the Recycling Public Advisory Council the justification for such differences.

(h)         The Authority shall not be entitled to receive any grants from the Delaware Recycling Fund.

(i)           The Recycling Public Advisory Council and the Department shall publish annually by November 1st of each year a report on all actions and activities involving the Delaware Recycling Fund and the status of recycling activities in Delaware as they relate to attainment of the goals established under 7 Del C. §6046(a).

(j)           The monies provided from the Delaware Recycling Fund shall be subject to independent audit and the recipient of any such funding shall agree to the audit and cooperate with the auditor as a condition of receiving funding.

            §6045.   Residential Curbside Recycling Programs

Residential Curbside Recycling Programs eligible for receiving funding from the Delaware Recycling Fund shall provide that persons who participate in the curbside recycling program separate in single stream or multi-stream at least paper materials (including at a minimum corrugated cardboard), aluminum materials, steel materials, organic yard waste and plastics materials deemed capable of being recycled from other municipal solid waste generated at their homes, apartments and other residential establishments and to store such materials until collection. Nothing shall be deemed to impair the ownership of separated materials by the person who generated them unless and until such materials are placed at curbside or similar location for collection by the Local Government or other collector.”.

Section 3.  Amend § 6451, Title 7 of the Delaware Code, by inserting therein the following new paragraphs:

“(6)         ‘Single stream’ means a system in which all fibers (at a minimum paper, corrugated cardboard etc.) and containers (at a minimum plastic and metal) are mixed together for collection into one container instead of being sorted into separate commodities and multiple containers. (7)‘Organic yard waste’ means plant material resulting from lawn maintenance and other horticultural gardening and landscaping activities and includes grass, leaves, prunings, brush, shrubs, garden material, Christmas trees and tree limbs up to 4 inches in diameter.”.

Section 4.  Amend § 6452(2), Title 7 of the Delaware Code, by inserting the words “and single stream materials” immediately after the word “materials” as it appears therein.

Section 5.  Amend § 6452, Title 7 of the Delaware Code, by striking the word “and” at the end of paragraph (9) thereof; by striking the period as it appears at the end of paragraph (10) thereof and substituting in lieu thereof a semi-colon; and by inserting therein the following new subsections:

“(11)       The implementation of a single-stream source separated recycling system that balances the need for drop-off recycling centers with public and private sector implementation and expansion of curbside recycling programs; provided, however, that where a municipal government implements mandatory curbside recycling within its jurisdiction, the Authority may remove the drop off sites located within the same jurisdiction; and

(12)         The development of recycling centers for organic yard wastes on Authority controlled and publicly controlled lands if necessary in the event private organic yard waste recycling efforts are unable to provide this service at a level capable of managing all of the organic yard waste which is generated.”.

Section 6.  Amend Chapter 64, Title 7 of the Delaware Code, by striking § 6454 thereof in its entirety and by substituting in lieu thereof the following:

“§6454. Recycling Centers. 

(a)       The Authority shall establish organic yard waste recycling centers on lands owned or controlled by the Authority or other public entity if needed to supplement organic yard waste recycling facilities operated by the private sector.  The Authority shall be entitled to impose a tipping fee or other service charge to cover the capital and operating costs of Authority recycling centers which handle organic yard waste.

(b)       Implementation of efficient and cost-effective recycling programs will require that Delaware have access to processing facilities capable of processing single and/or multiple-stream recyclables. Where the private sector has developed extensive recyclables processing capability and unique programs that provide incentives to the general public to recycle that are not available to Delaware residents, the Department and the Authority shall encourage and work with the private sector to establish private facilities for recyclables and recycling incentive programs in Delaware.  If, the private sector does not provide sufficient private facilities for recyclables, as determined by the Department and the Authority, then the Authority shall accept at no cost and process or provide for the processing of single stream recyclable materials comprised of paper materials, aluminum materials, steel materials and plastic materials. Additional materials may be accepted at the single-stream recycling center subject to the approval of the Authority.  The Authority shall receive recyclable materials for transfer to the processing facility at locations designated by the Authority.  It shall be the responsibility of the Authority to ensure that processing and/or transfer facilities for managing single-stream collected recyclables are in operation in each County.  It shall also be the responsibility of the Authority to transport or arrange for the transport of recyclables from transfer stations or landfills at which they choose to accept recyclable materials to a processing facility.  Municipal and private collectors shall not be required to use the Authority’s recycling centers. The revenues derived from the sale of recyclable materials and the Authority’s revenue stream resulting from the elimination of drop off recycling centers under the provisions of this Act shall be used to offset the Authority’s costs of transporting, receiving, processing and marketing recyclable materials.”.

Section 7. Amend Chapter 64, Title 7 of the Delaware Code, by striking § 6455 thereof in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the following:

“§6455.  Public Education and Promotion of Recycling, Composting and other Waste Reduction Programs.

The Authority, in cooperation and consultation with the Department, shall initiate and conduct public outreach and education programs on the operation of its residential curbside recycling, drop off and organic yard waste programs, as well as continuing education on the purposes and value of source separated recycling and resources recovery. The intent of these educational programs shall be to maximize the diversion and recovery of household recyclables and organic yard waste, whether it was generated by the commercial or residential sector.  Such program may be conducted in conjunction with similar efforts of private industry, municipalities, public interest groups and the Department.  The program may include the use of public advertising.”.

Section 8. Amend Chapter 64, Title 7 of the Delaware Code, by inserting therein the following new Sections:

“§ 6461.  Residential Curbside Recycling Programs.

(a)       Establishment.  The Authority shall establish and implement a statewide residential multi-stream and/or single stream source separation and collection program for recyclable materials in accordance with this section.  This shall include provisions encouraging and facilitating the development of flexible private and municipal systems for source separating recyclables, collecting source separated recyclables, processing source separated recyclables and marketing source-separated recyclables. 

(b)       Notice.  The Authority shall establish a comprehensive and sustained public information and education program addressing recycling program features and requirements.  As a part of this program, the Authority shall, at least 30 days prior to the initiation of the recycling program and thereafter, provide notification to all affected residents of the requirements of any residential curbside collection program.  (c)              Implementation.

(1)       In the absence of private or municipal participation, in whole or in part, in the collection, transportation, processing, and marketing of multi-stream and/or single stream source separated recyclable materials, the Authority shall make such services available statewide through a multi-stream and/or single stream drop off sites and by offering a subscription multi-stream and/or single stream curbside recycling service, directly or through contract with others.  The Authority may utilize its own personnel and resources but preference should be given to contracting with the private sector if cost effective, to provide this service consistent with the provisions of 7 Del. C. 6401(b)(4).

(2)       Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prevent any person from collecting, transporting, processing, and marketing source separated recyclable materials in competition with municipalities or the Authority, provided that the requirements of this Subchapter are satisfied.”.

Section 9. Amend Chapter 60, Title 7 of the Delaware Code, by inserting therein the following new Section:        

“§ 6046.  Minimum Recovery Rates.

(a)       It is the intent of the General Assembly that the program implemented pursuant to this Subchapter reduce the amounts of municipal solid waste, which is comprised of residential and commercial solid waste (including organic yard waste), currently deposited or capable of being deposited in landfills in this State by recovering from such municipal solid waste recyclable materials at the recovery levels specified below.  The Department and the Recycling Public Advisory Council shall report annually on the recovery rates of solid waste by identifying all public and private recycling efforts which reduce the amounts of municipal solid waste generated. Any person engaged in recycling or resource recovery of source separated solid waste generated in the State shall file with the Department an annual statement which contains the information required by the Department to determine and report on the recovery rate.   It shall be a goal to achieve recovery rates of municipal solid waste according to the following schedule:

Time in which Recovery Rates are achieved

Total Residential Solid Waste Recovered

Total Commercial Solid Waste Recovered

January 1, 2008




January 1, 2009




January 1, 2010




              The goal for recovery of municipal solid waste (residential solid waste and commercial solid waste) shall be 51% to be attained by January 1, 2015.

(b)       Notwithstanding any provisions or definition to the contrary contained in this Chapter, for purposes of satisfying the minimum recovery rates set forth in subsection (a) above recyclable materials shall be those paper, aluminum, metal, and plastic materials and other municipal solid waste which is source separated and collected for recycling, and recycling for purposes of the program established hereunder shall mean the process by which discarded municipal solid waste materials are separated and used as raw materials, products or replacement of products, or put to other beneficial use, including the reuse of organic yard waste, but does not include the burning of materials.”.


This Act establishes a framework for a statewide residential curbside recycling system and provides the opportunity for local communities, municipalities, counties and private sector entities to establish residential curbside recycling programs.  It addresses the elements of a recycling system, including separation, collection, and processing of recyclables, while leaving the existing trash collection system intact.  It provides for the establishment of transfer and processing facilities to which single stream recyclables can be delivered.  If not provided by the private sector, the processing of the recyclables will be provided at no cost by DSWA.  They will be designed to accept recyclables collected in a multi-stream and/or single-stream collection systems.  In assuming additional recycling responsibilities DSWA will incur additional costs which need to be absorbed in its budget. DSWA projects a $10.4M deficit for FY 07 for its current recycling programs.


This Act establishes a Recycling Fund to help pay for various aspects of the recycling system.  The source of funding will be a $3 per ton assessment on all solid waste (excluding recyclables) collected and/or disposed of in Delaware. Thus, those who collect solid waste in Delaware and dispose of it out of state will also pay the assessment to support the Delaware recycling initiatives. The fund will be administered by DNREC and used to help municipalities with start-up costs, fund private sector initiatives, support an education and outreach program and fund an assessment of the potential for increased commercial waste recycling.  DSWA is not eligible to receive any monies from the Recycling Fund.


The Act provides for the development of yard waste management facilities to handle such materials.  Development of private facilities will be encouraged; however, if these do not materialize, DSWA will manage the yard waste on its property or other public property.  DSWA is entitled to charge a tipping fee at these facilities sufficient to cover the costs of operation. 


The Act establishes recycling goals for both residential and commercial solid waste and involves the Recycling Public Advisory Council, whose role will be to advise DNREC and DSWA on various aspects of recycling and to report annually on the state of recycling and progress made toward the established goals.