Daily Report for 4/9/2019

Governor's Actions

No legislation is Signed by Governor Today

New Legislation Introduced

BillCurrent StatusSponsorSynopsisTitle
HA 1 to HB 84PWBOsienskiThis Amendment exempts unmanned aircraft systems, regardless of weight, from the state aircraft fee created by the Act. 
HA 1 to HB 86PassedOsienskiThis Amendment expands the exemption from the aviation jet fuel tax to any aerial application.  
SB 65CommitteePettyjohnThis Act establishes the Focus on Alternative Skills Training Program ("FAST"). FAST will provide tuition, up to $9,000, to Delaware residents who have obtained a high school diploma, Diploma of Alternate Achievement Standards, or a Delaware secondary credential, which includes earning a GED, and have enrolled in an approved non-degree credit certificate program. The Workforce Development Board will create a list of non-degree credit certificate programs approved for the FAST program.AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 19 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO THE FOCUS ON ALTERNATIVE SKILLS TRAINING PROGRAM.
HA 1 to SS 1 for SB 25DefeatedJaquesThis Amendment removes the shipping requirements imposed by SS 1 to SB 25 for tobacco substitutes. 

Legislation Passed By Senate

BillCurrent StatusSponsorSynopsisTitle
HB 61SignedBaumbachBenzodiazepine drugs that are approved for medical use in the United States are classified by the federal Drug Enforcement Agency as Schedule IV. Fourteen benzodiazepine drugs are currently listed on Schedule IV of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, § 4720 of Title 16. Benzodiazepine drugs have a serious potential for abuse. This Act adds both additional benzodiazepine drugs by name and the category of benzodiazepine drugs to Schedule IV of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act so that all current and future benzodiazepine drugs are included on Schedule IV in Delaware, whether or not the specific drug is approved for medical use in the United States. AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 16 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT.
HB 64SignedOsienskiThis legislation clarifies the type of signage that can be installed along or within the control zone of a designated Delaware Byway and puts the state into compliance with federal regulations.AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 17 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO DELAWARE BYWAYS PROGRAM.
SB 34 w/ SA 1SignedHansenThis Act creates a Prescription Opioid Impact Fund (“Fund”) through a prescription opioid impact fee (“Fee”) that is paid by pharmaceutical manufacturer. The anticipated revenue from the Fee is $2.8 million in 2020, $2.7 million in 2021, and $2.5 million in 2022.: 1. The fee is based on the total of the Morphine Milligram Equivalent (“MME”) in each manufacturer’s products dispensed in Delaware, based upon data already reported to the Prescription Monitoring Program (“PMP”). The PMP data contains the mandatory reports by pharmacists of every prescription opioid dispensed in the State. The PMP data does not include prescription opioids administered in hospitals, provided directly to patients by hospice, or dispensed by veterinarians. 2. The fee is assessed on manufacturers who exceed a threshold of 100,000 MMEs dispensed each quarter. 3. The Fee is calculated at a rate of either 1 penny per MME for a name brand prescription opioid dispensed and reported in the PMP or ¼ of a penny per MME for a prescription opioid that is a generic. The Act also provides that Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services, after receiving recommendations from the Behavioral Health Consortium, the Addiction Action Committee, and the Overdose System of Care Committee, will award grants and contracts from the money in the Fund for the following activities: 1. Opioid addiction prevention. 2. Opioid addiction services, including the following: 3. Inpatient and outpatient treatment programs and facilities, including short-term and long-term residential treatment programs and sober living facilities. 4. Treating substance use disorder for the under-insured and uninsured. 5. Emergency assistance relating to prescription opioids, including purchasing Naloxone. 6. Administrative costs of implementing the Fee and Fund, up to 15% of the amount in the Fund. Finally, this Act expires in 5 years, unless terminated sooner or extended by the General Assembly, so that the Fee is only continued if it is effective and is not creating negative unintended consequences.AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 16 OF THE DELAWARE CODE CREATING A PRESCRIPTION OPIOID IMPACT FUND.
SB 42SignedWilsonThis Act expands applicability of the Delaware State Fair Centennial Limited Edition Special License Plate to vehicles with a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of up to 26,000 pounds, and clarifies that vehicles owned by artificial entities qualify for this plate. This Act also removes a provision regarding vans, as that language is antiquated and no longer necessary.AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 21 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO SPECIAL LICENSE PLATES.
SB 51SignedHockerThe Town Council for the Town of Millsboro determined that the way they award contracts should be improved. The amount that initiates the process is increased from $20,000 to $50,000 to better reflect the current cost of ordinary purchases that the Town must make. This Act also allows the Town of Millsboro to have the ability to award a contract to a bidder other than the lowest bidder while also laying out the factors that the Town Council must use in determining who is a responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with their bid vetting process. AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF MILLSBORO RELATING TO CONTRACTS.
SA 1 to SB 34PassedHansenThis Amendment corrects a typographical error and allows money deposited in the Prescription Opioid Impact Fund to be used to support peer support programs. 
HCR 26PassedBoldenThis House Concurrent Resolution designates April 2, 2019 AS "EQUAL PAY DAY" in the State of Delaware.DESIGNATING APRIL 2, 2019 AS "EQUAL PAY DAY" IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE.

Legislation Passed By House of Representatives

BillCurrent StatusSponsorSynopsisTitle
SCR 15PassedLawsonThis Concurrent Resolution recognizes the valuable contributions that the Lions Club International makes to our local communities, as well as the world at-large, by designating April 9, 2019 as "Delaware State Lions Day" in the State of Delaware.RECOGNIZING THE VALUABLE CONTRIBUTION THAT THE LIONS CLUB INTERNATIONAL MAKES TO OUR LOCAL COMMUNITIES, AS WELL AS TO THE WORLD AT LARGE, BY DESIGNATING APRIL 9, 2019 AS "DELAWARE STATE LIONS DAY" IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE.
HA 1 to HB 62PassedK. WilliamsThis Amendment provides that the advocate members of the Commission can be advocates for people with disabilities, in addition to advocates for the elderly. 
HA 1 to HB 69PassedKowalkoThis Amendment provides for a representative from the Delaware Association of the Deaf instead of from the State Council for Persons with Disabilities and makes a technical correction. 

Senate Committee Assignments

Banking, Business & Insurance
Elections, Govt. & Community Affairs
Environmental & Natural Resources
Health & Social Services

House Committee Assignments

No House Committee Assignments

Senate Committee Report


House Committee Report

No House Committee Report

Senate Defeated Legislation

No Senate Defeated Legislation

House Defeated Legislation

No House Defeated Legislation

Nominations Enacted upon by the Senate

No Records