AN ACT to authorize the Clerks of the Peace of Now Castle, Kent and Sussex Counties to destroy certain papers.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the Clerks of the Peace in and for the counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex, shall [on] and after the expiration of five years from their date, destroy certain papers, that is to say, the petitions for keeping tavern, certificates for retailers of goods, poll lists of elections, and individual bills settled and paid by the County, and such papers as may and do not become a matter of permanent record of the County and State in said office.

SECTION 2. And be it further enacted by authority of the same, That the destruction of the said papers shall be under and by the supervision of the Prothonotary and the Register of Wills in each of the said Counties mentioned in Section 1 of said act.

Passed at Dover, March 24, 1871.