AN ACT to Amend Chapter 6 of the Revised Code of the State of Delaware, in relation to Licenses.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. That Chapter 6 of the Revised Code of the State of Delaware, be, and the same is hereby amended by the repeal of 212, Section 175 and the insertion in lieu thereof of the following to be styled 212, Section 175:

212. Section 175. That all State licenses with the exception of liquor, automobiles, motorcycles, operators, stallion or jackass, circus, carrying deadly weapons, oysters or clams, gypsy and marriage licenses hereafter issued in this State shall expire annually upon the first day of June next succeeding the date of issue.

That, on all State Licenses, due June first not paid during the month of June in each year hereafter, there shall be added to the amount of the license and tax, a penalty of five per centum of the amount thereof; on all State Licenses not paid during the month of July in each year hereafter, there shall be added to the amount of the license and tax an additional penalty of ten per centum of the amount thereof; and, on all State Licenses not paid during the month of August in each year hereafter, there shall be added to the amount of the license and tax a further additional penalty of ten per centum of the amount thereof, thereby making the total penalty, if licenses are paid after the month of August, of any year, of twenty-five per centum on the amount of the license and tax.

That all licensees, obtaining a license for the fractional part or portion of a year shall pay therefor the pro rata proportion of the whole year's license or tax, the minimum license or tax to be paid for the fractional part of the year for any license shall be Five Dollars.

That all merchants six months licenses and all manufacturers six months licenses shall hereafter be known as merchants fractional and manufacturers fractional licenses, respectively, and shall expire on the first day of June next succeeding the date of issue, the same as other licenses, with the exception of liquor, automobiles, motorcycles, operators, stallion or jackass, circus, carrying deadly weapons, oysters or clams, gypsy or marriage licenses, as aforementioned in this Act and that all merchants fractional branch licenses and merchants yearly branch licenses hereafter issued in this State shall expire annually upon the first day of June next succeeding the date of issue.

That all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved March 9, A. D. 1915.