Rep. Bentz |
AMEND House Bill No. 442 on line 15 by deleting “ services ” as it appears after “care” and inserting in lieu thereof “ services. ”
FURTHER AMEND House Bill No. 442 on line 17 by deleting “ benefit ” as it appears after “ insurance ” and before “ administration ”.
FURTHER AMEND House Bill No. 442 on line 17 by inser4ting after “ products, ” and before “ or ” the following: “ Medicaid and CHIP, ”.
FURTHER AMEND House Bill No. 442 by deleting line 21 in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
” (h) Public Programs” means Payers that are not Insurers and includes Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP, the ”.
FURTHER AMEND House Bill No. 442 by deleting line 25 in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
“ Governor, the Department of Insurance, State Employee Benefits Committee, the Delaware Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance, and other relevant state agencies on the Spending Benchmark. ”
FURTHER AMEND House Bill No. 442 by deleting lines 26 and 27 in their entirety and redesignating accordingly.
FURTHER AMEND House Bill No. 442 by deleting lines 84 and 85 in their entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
“ (13) Subject to subsections (k)(13)(d) and (e) of this section, Payers, Insurers, and Public Programs shall report annually to the Commission by no later than October 1 of ”.
FURTHER AMEND House Bill No. 442 by deleting line 89 in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
“ c. The Commission may use other sources to track variation in costs and quality of high-volume, high- “.
FURTHER AMEND House Bill No. 442 by inserting after line 97 the following:
“ e. The above annual reporting deadline of October 1 of each calendar year may be modified by the Executive Director of the Commission provided that Payers, Insurers, and Public Programs are given written notice of any such modification at least 30 days prior to the annual reporting deadline. ”
This amendment to House Bill No. 442 modifies the definition of an “Insurer,” “Market,” and “Public Programs” to include Children Health Insurance Plans. The amendment clarifies the entities that shall report to the Delaware Health Care Commission annually on performance relative to the spending and quality benchmarks. The amendment permits the Executive Director of the Commission to modify the annual reporting deadline of October 1 of each calendar year, provided that advance written notice of the modified deadline is given to reporting entities. The amendment codifies that the Subcommittee shall set the spending benchmark and clarifies that the Commission may use other sources to track variation in costs and quality.