Sen. Poore & Rep. Griffith & Rep. K. Johnson

Sens. Gay, Hocker, Hoffner, Wilson; Reps. Bolden, Heffernan, Hensley, S. Moore





WHEREAS, the number of Americans providing unpaid caregiving is increasing, with approximately 53 million Americans in 2020 reporting that they are supporting an adult with health or functional needs, an increase from 43.5 million in 2015; and

WHEREAS, nationwide, family caregivers provided over 36 billion hours of unpaid care in 2021 with an estimated economic value of $600 billion; and

WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the care that families and friends provide is invaluable for those receiving it, and is a precious resource for the communities, cities, and states wrestling with the realities of an aging population and fewer family members or friends to provide care; and

WHEREAS, millions of people are able to live more independently, with dignity and self-determination, in the community while experiencing a better quality of life thanks to some form of assistance from family caregivers; and

WHEREAS, family caregivers are truly the backbone of our long-term care system in this country, often juggling the demands of full-time or part-time jobs in addition to caregiving; and

WHEREAS, support for family caregivers has received national attention, with Congress passing the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act of 2017 to form a national caregiving strategy; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that almost 29% of Delaware’s population will be aged 60 and older by the year 2030, an increase of 41% from 2012; and

WHEREAS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2020 estimated that 24% of Delawareans have a functional disability; and

WHEREAS, 75% of Delaware’s Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS) service recipients live in a family or private home and 88% of adults over age 65 would like to age in place at home; and

WHEREAS, over 61% of family caregivers are women and more than 40% are racially and ethnically diverse and have distinct experiences and cultural values that often impact their access to and use of the long-term care system and caregiving experience; and

WHEREAS, data from 2020 shows an increase of 91% in individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) in Delaware living with a caregiver who is over the age of 65 in just seven years; and

WHEREAS, Delaware ranks 48 th in the country in spending on Individual and Family Support for Adults with I/DD; and

WHEREAS, today’s family caregivers are often expected to perform highly complex tasks, including medical tasks, care coordination, administration, and technological support for family members; and

WHEREAS, without support, the demands on family caregivers can cause mental, physical, and financial stress; and

WHEREAS, Delaware’s affordable, accessible housing shortage is particularly challenging for persons with physical and intellectual disabilities and for seniors; and

WHEREAS, Delaware’s workforce shortages further place the burden of caregiving on families; and

WHEREAS, the demand for all forms of caregiving rises with an aging population; and

WHEREAS, innovations in assistive technology and telehealth can be utilized to support service recipients and their family caregivers; and

WHEREAS, Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and the Home and Community-Based 1915(c) Lifespan Waiver can be used to support care for seniors and persons with disabilities; and

WHEREAS, the federal government has placed a priority on supporting caregivers and the people they serve, with the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 providing for a temporary 10% increase in federal matching funds for home and community-based services, and with the Biden Administration issuing an Executive Order in April 2023 expanding access to community living services and supporting family caregivers; and

WHEREAS, increasing service coordination, making services and supports more accessible and easier to navigate, is needed to better serve family caregivers and the people they support; and

WHEREAS, there is an opportunity for the public and private sectors to work together to develop solutions to support family caregivers and those under their care.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the 152 nd General Assembly of the State of Delaware, the House of Representatives concurring therein, that the Enhancing Lifelong Community Supports for the Aging, Individuals with Disabilities, and Their Family Caregivers Task Force (“Task Force”) is established to study and make findings and recommendations to best address the needs of seniors, persons with disabilities, and their family caregivers.


(1) The Task Force comprises the following members, or a designee selected by a member serving by virtue of position:

a. A Senator from the Majority Caucus, appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, who serves as co-chair.

b. A Senator from the Minority Caucus, appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.

c. A Representative from the Majority Caucus, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who serves as co-chair.

d. A Representative from the Minority Caucus, appointed by the Speaker of the House of


e. The Director of the Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance.

f. The Director of the Division of Developmental Disabilities Services.

g. The Director of the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities.

h. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

i. The Secretary of Labor.

j. The Director of the Delaware State Housing Authority.

k. The Chief Executive Officer of DART First State and the Delaware Transit Corporation.

l. The Executive Director of the State Council for Persons with Disabilities.

m. The Executive Director of Community Legal Aid Society, Inc.

n. The Executive Director of AARP Delaware.

o. The Executive Director of the ARC of Delaware.

p. The Director of the University of Delaware’s Center for Disabilities Studies.

q. The Executive Director of the Ability Network of Delaware.

r. The President of Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

s. The Executive Director of the Delaware Homebuilders Association.

t. The President of EDiS Company.

u. A residential services provider, appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.

v. Three members of the public representing caregivers, appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.

w. Three members of the public representing service recipients who require caregiving support appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.

(2) A member serving by virtue of position who is granted the ability to designate another individual to attend a Task Force meeting must provide the designation in writing to the Co-Chairs. An individual attending a meeting for a member serving by virtue of position has the same duties and rights as a member serving by virtue of position.

(3) A quorum of the Task Force is a majority of the members of the Task Force.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Task Force shall examine and recommend a course of action to address all of the following related to enhancing lifelong community supports for the aging, individuals with disabilities, and their family caregivers:

(1) Examine current and future community support needs for service recipients and caregivers, including

different types of housing supports, financial advisement, assistive technology, respite, and expanded workforce capacity.

(2) Research successful practices supporting family caregivers in other states and examine their feasibility for implementation in Delaware.

(3) Evaluate ways to streamline and coordinate resources and systems of care.

(4) Investigate current and future funding opportunities to support service recipients and caregivers, including how to maximize Medicaid federal match dollars.


(1) Official action by the Task Force, including making findings and recommendations, requires the approval of a majority of the members of the Task Force.

(2) The Task Force may adopt rules necessary for its operation.

(3) The co-chairs of the Task Force are responsible for guiding the administration of the Task Force by doing, at a minimum, all of the following:

a. Setting a date, time, and place for the initial organizational meeting.

b. Supervising the preparation and distribution of meeting notices, agendas, minutes, correspondence, and reports of the Task Force.

c. Sending to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Director of the Division of Research of Legislative Council, after the first meeting of the Task Force, a list of the members of the Task Force and the person who appointed them.

d. Providing meeting notices, agendas, and minutes to the Director of the Division of Research of Legislative Council.

e. Ensuring that the final report of the Task Force is submitted to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, with copies to all members of the General Assembly; the Governor; The Director and the Librarian of the Division of Research of Legislative Council; and the Delaware Public Archives.

(4) The Task Force shall hold its first meeting no later than September 30, 2023.

(5) The General Assembly is responsible for providing reasonable and necessary support staff, including a legislative attorney, and materials for the Task Force to carry out its mission.

(6) The co-chairs of the Task Force shall compile a report containing a summary of the Task Force’s work regarding the issues assigned to it, including any findings and recommendations related to those issues, and submit the report no later than March 2, 2024.


This concurrent resolution establishes the Enhancing Lifelong Community Supports for the Aging, Individuals with Disabilities, and Their Family Caregivers Task Force.

Author: Senator Poore