Rep. Minor-Brown & Rep. Jones Giltner & Sen. S. McBride |
Reps. Baumbach, Bolden, Bush, Carson, Dorsey Walker, Dukes, K. Johnson, Morrison, D. Short, Michael Smith, Yearick, Romer, Harris; Sens. Buckson, Gay, Hansen, Hocker, Hoffner, Huxtable, Lawson, Lockman, Mantzavinos, Paradee, Pettyjohn, Pinkney, Poore, Richardson, Sokola, Sturgeon, Townsend, Walsh, Wilson |
WHEREAS, licensed nurses in the United States and Delaware constitute the largest health care profession; and
WHEREAS, along with the American Nurses Association (ANA), the Delaware Nurses Association (DNA) has declared May 6-12 as Nurses Week, with the theme “Nurses Make the Difference,” with appreciation for nurses’ unparalleled impact during the pandemic, and their contributions to health care, and an open invitation to #ThankANurse for enriching our lives and the world we live in; and
WHEREAS, licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, and advanced practice registered nurses provide unique, holistic, compassionate care for numerous Delawareans across an array of settings; and
WHEREAS, the ANA, which acts to represent the interests of registered nurses in the United States, is at the forefront of improving the quality of health care for all citizens; and
WHEREAS, the Delaware Nurses Association (DNA), and its’ organizational affiliates, the Delaware Emergency Nurses Association, Delaware State Affiliate of the American College of Nurse Midwives, Delaware Coalition of Nurse Practitioners, Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Chi Eta Phi Delaware Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau Delaware Chapters and Black Nurses Rock Delaware Chapter, which act to represent the interests of all licensed Delaware nurses is at the forefront of improving the quality of health care for all citizens; and
WHEREAS, a renewed emphasis on primary, preventative, and mental health care will require better utilization of all our country’s licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, and advanced practice registered nurses; and
WHEREAS, professional nursing is an indispensable component in the safety and quality of care offered to all patients; and
WHEREAS, through national polls, American citizens have ranked the nursing profession as the profession with the highest ethical standards and honesty for 22 years in a row; and
WHEREAS, the demand for licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, and advanced practice registered nurses is greater now than ever before due to the aging of the American population, multiple concurrent public health crises, the continuing expansion of life-sustaining technologies, and the exponential growth of home health care services; and
WHEREAS, more qualified licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, and advanced practice registered nurses will be needed in the future to meet the continually growing complex needs of health care consumers in Delaware and across the country; and
WHEREAS, the cost-effective, safe, and quality health care services provided by licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, and advanced practice registered nurses will be an increasingly important component of the U.S. health care delivery system in the future.
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the 152nd General Assembly of the State of Delaware, the Senate concurring therein, that the week of May 6-12, 2024, be recognized as National Nurses Week to honor the licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, and advanced practice registered nurses in Delaware who care for all residing in Delaware.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that licensed practical nurses’, registered nurses’, and advanced practice registered nurses’ accomplishments and efforts to improve our communities and health care system be acknowledged not just during National Nurses Week, but at every opportunity throughout the year.
This resolution designates May 6-12 as "National Nurses Week" in Delaware.