Sen. Poore & Sen. Lawson & Rep. Heffernan
& Rep. Miro & Rep. Hudson |
Blevins, Hall-Long, Hocker, Lavelle, Sokola, Townsend; Reps. Baumbach,
Bennett, Hensley, Jaques, Q. Johnson, Kenton, Mulrooney, Paradee, Ramone, M.
Smith, Viola, K. Williams, Wilson |
WHEREAS, the individualized education program (IEP) process is the method by which educational programs and services for students with diagnosed disabilities in Delaware public schools are determined; and
WHEREAS, Senate Concurrent Resolution 63 of the 147th General Assembly established the IEP Improvement Task Force in order to examine means to improve the individualized education program process for students in Delaware public schools,” and
WHEREAS, the task force was assigned to recommend to the General Assembly and Governor “potential legislative, regulatory, funding, or other improvements to Delaware’s IEP process”; and
WHEREAS, the Task Force delivered its report to the General Assembly and Governor in January, 2015, and in so doing recommended a number of legislative and funding changes to improve the IEP process;
Section 1. Amend Title 14, Chapter 5 of the Delaware Code by making deletions as shown by strike through and insertions as shown by underline as follows:
§ 506 Restrictions.
(g) By August 1, 2015, each charter school shall
have designated a responsible person at the school to receive training from the
Department of Education regarding the legal responsibilities of charter schools
with respect to preparation of individualized education programs for students
with disabilities and resources available to charter schools to assist in
preparation of such programs.
Section 2. Amend Title 14, Chapter 31, Subchapter III and V of the Delaware Code by making deletions as shown by strike through and insertions as shown by underline as follows:
§ 3125. Parent Councils.
Each school
district and charter school enrolling any child with disabilities shall, on an
annual basis, contact the parents of each such child to attempt to facilitate
the creation and maintenance of a parent council for the parents of students
with disabilities. Parent councils will advocate generally for students with
disabilities and provide person-to-person support for individual parents and
children. The LEAs shall collaborate and coordinate with existing parent groups
and other information and support groups to facilitate creation, maintenance,
and effectiveness of the Parent Councils.
§ 3131 Minutes of meetings.
Subject to
confidentiality requirements of applicable state or federal law, minutes may be
taken, by disclosed recording device or stenographer, of any meeting, review or
conference concerning a child with a disability's free, appropriate, public
education, at the option of the parents of the child with a disability, their
authorized representative or the agency conducting the meeting, review or
conference. Costs of the recording shall be borne by the person or agency
exercising the option under this section.
§ 3131 Conduct of Meetings
(a) No
school or school district, or any person acting under the authority of a school
or school district, shall discriminate or take any adverse employment or
contract action against any person based upon statements that person makes in
connection with an individualized education program, including statements made
in preparation for or at a meeting, review, or conference concerning a child
with a disability’s free, appropriate public education. Entities or persons who violate this
subsection shall be subject to the same injunctive and monetary sanctions as persons
or entities that engage in unlawful employment practices pursuant to Title 19,
Chapter 7 of the Delaware Code.
(b) Subject
to confidentiality requirements of applicable state or federal law, minutes may
be taken, by disclosed recording device or stenographer, of any meeting, review
or conference concerning a child with a disability's free, appropriate, public
education, at the option of the parents of the child with a disability, their
authorized representative or the agency conducting the meeting, review or
conference. Costs of the recording shall be borne by the person or agency
exercising the option under this section.
(c) Discussions
about employment options with children and parents during the individualized
education program process should be consistent with Delaware’s employment first
policy articulated at 19 Del. C. § 743.
(d) The
Department of Education, in consultation with the Department of Justice, shall
annually survey a material number of parents and children who have
individualized education programs with respect to the parents’ and children’s
satisfaction with the IEP process.
Information gathered through this survey shall be used by the Department
of Education and Department of Justice to conduct follow-up examinations with
school districts and charter schools as to their good faith compliance with
state and federal laws and regulations.
§ 3134 Contents of notice.
The notice under § 3133 of this title must include:
(1) A full
explanation of all of the procedural safeguards available to the parents under this
subchapter state and federal law
and regulations;
(2) A description of the action proposed or refused by the district or agency, an explanation of why the district or agency proposes or refuses to take the action, and a description of any options the district or agency considered and the reasons why those options were rejected;
(3) A description of each evaluation procedure, test, record or report the district or agency uses as a basis for the proposal or refusal;
(4) A description of any other factors which are relevant to the district or agency's proposal or refusal;
(5) A statement that the parents of a
child with a disability have protection under the procedural safeguards of this
chapter state and federal law and
regulations and, if this notice is an initial referral for evaluation,
the means by which a copy of a description of the procedural safeguards can be
obtained; and
(6) Sources for parents to contact to obtain assistance in understanding the provisions of this subchapter, including but not limited to specific contact information for existing parent assistance programs, legal assistance programs, and the Delaware State Bar Association;
(7) Along with
or prior to the notice of an individualized education program meeting or its
equivalent, a separate questionnaire requesting the input of a child’s parent
and, where appropriate, a child, with respect to the child’s progress to date
and additional proposed steps that should be taken to adjust the child’s goals,
curriculum, services, aids, modifications, or other elements of the child’s
individualized education program.
(8) To the
extent that a draft individualized education program will be presented to a
child and/or parent, or otherwise utilized at the individualized education
program meeting for which notice is provided, a copy of the draft
individualized education program accompanied by a letter clearly indicating to
the parent and child that the document is a draft for discussion and subject to
revision at the noticed meeting. If such
a draft individualized education program is prepared subsequent to the notice
required by this section but prior to the noticed meeting, it shall be provided
to the parent and child prior to the noticed meeting, along with the
explanatory letter required by this paragraph.
Any draft document provided to a child or parent pursuant to this
paragraph shall be clearly labeled on each page as a draft document for
discussion purposes only. The Department
in collaboration with the Governor’s Advisory Council on Exceptional Citizens
shall create a draft letter and associated guidance to assist the LEAs with the
content and application of the above letter.
(9) A notice that a parent or child may request
prior to an individualized education program meeting any data in the school or
school district’s possession relevant to the child’s needs and/or disability.
(10) A notice that a parent or child may request
the presence of any teacher, paraprofessional, and any additional staff members
of their choosing at an individualized education program meeting.
Section 3. The Department of Education is directed to make a formal, written report on the functionality of the IEP Plus system, specific plans that it has put in place to remedy any deficiencies in the IEP Plus system and when those plans will be executed, and specific available alternatives to the IEP Plus system which would provide computerized systems for preparation of individualized education programs. This report must be submitted to the General Assembly within 30 days of enactment of this legislation.
This Act
implements the legislative recommendations of the IEP Improvement Task Force
created by the 147th General Assembly. The recommendations it implements are to:
Author: Senator Poore