SCR 40 | Passed | Lawson | This concurrent resolution recognizes the month of May 2019 as "Healthy Vision Month" in the State of Delaware. | RECOGNIZING THE MONTH OF MAY 2019 AS "HEALTHY VISION MONTH" IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE. |
HCR 38 | Passed | Schwartzkopf | This concurrent resolution commends the nominees and recipients for the 2019 Delaware Governor’s Awards: Recognizing State Employee Individuals, Teams, and Heroes. | COMMENDING THE NOMINEES AND RECIPIENTS OF THE 2019 DELAWARE GOVERNOR’S AWARDS: RECOGNIZING STATE EMPLOYEE INDIVIDUALS, TEAMS, AND HEROES. |
HCR 39 | Passed | Q. Johnson | This concurrent resolution proclaims May 8, 2019, as “Early Childhood Advocacy Day” to affirm the importance of quality early learning for every citizen and every sector of our State, to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year, and to rededicate ourselves to our shared responsibility for the construction and support of a Delaware early childhood system that will positively impact children, families, communities, and workforce and economic development across the State. | DESIGNATING MAY 8, 2019, AS “EARLY CHILDHOOD ADVOCACY DAY” IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE. |
HR 8 | Passed | Vanderwende | This resolution designates May 8, 2019 as "4-H Day" in the State of Delaware and calls upon Delaware's citizens to recognize the many contributions of the State's 4-H programs. | DESIGNATING MAY 8, 2019 AS "4-H DAY" IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE. |
HCR 40 | Passed | Longhurst | This House Concurrent Resolution outlines the need for expansion of the exchange network between school and county libraries and requests that the Secretary of State develop and implement such expansion. | REQUESTING THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO EXPAND THE EXCHANGE NETWORK BETWEEN SCHOOL AND COUNTY LIBRARIES. |
HCR 41 | Passed | K. Johnson | This House Concurrent Resolution recognized April 25, 2019 as the 50th Anniversary of the enactment of Delaware’s Equal Rights to Housing Act. The House Concurrent Resolution further recognizes May 9, 2019 as a Celebration of a Day for Housing in the State of Delaware. | RECOGNIZING THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ENACTMENT OF DELAWARE’S EQUAL RIGHTS TO HOUSING ACT AND CELEBRATING A DAY FOR HOUSING. |
SA 1 to SB 59 | PWB | Delcollo | This Amendment restricts the ability of certified nurse practitioners and physician assistants to recommend medical marijuana to adults and maintains the current requirement that only physicians with specific specialties may recommend medical marijuana for patients under 18. | |