Delaware General Assembly






Whereas, it i s highl y fitting that Americans everywhere s hould pause on Memorial Day to venerate the memor y of our war dead w ho have served this Nation's cause; and

Whereas, it is our solemn duty to perpetuate this custom, f ir st established over one hundred years ago, by gathering in pub li c places, before memorials, and in cemeteries to pay tribute t o those who h ave died in defense of our country; and

Whereas , the President of the United States of America, by the authority of the Congress, has set aside May 30, 1970 as a day when we should honor the memory and deeds of our fallen heroes; and

Whereas, P aragrap h 501, Chapter 5, Title 1 of the Delaware Code provides that the Governor may issue a proclamation setting as ide the 30th day of May in each year as Memorial Day;

Now, therefore, I, Rus se ll W. Peterson, Governor of the State of Delaware, do hereby proclaim Saturda y, May 30 , 1970 as


in Delaware, and urge that the people of The First State on this day participate in exercises, graveside ceremonies, and other appropriate memorials in appreciation of the sacrifices of our war dead.

Further, I request that the Flag of the United States of America and of the State of Delaware be properly displayed at half- sta ff from all state buildings and public institutions on this day , a s ev idence that we American s remain faithful to the memory of those who fought, suffered, and died in defense of freedom;

I further urge that all motorists drive with their headlights on from 3:00 p.m., Thursday, May 28 through Sunday, May 31, using low beams during the daylight hours, to forcefully remind us of the mounting highway accidents leading to far too man y fatalities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Russell W. Peterson, Governor of the State of Delaware, have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the said State to be hereunto affixed at Dover this 15th day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and seventy, and of the Ind ependence of the United States of America, the one hundred and ninety-fourth.



Attest: EUGENE BUNTING , Secreta ry of State