Legislative Hall Facility Use Policy

Legislative Council has adopted the Legislative Hall Facility Use Policy (“Policy”) to establish a procedure for the public’s use of the public areas of Legislative Hall under the control of Legislative Council for an event or exhibit and to ensure that use of Legislative Hall is conducted in a manner that protects the health, safety, and well-being of legislators, legislative staff, and the public.

If you would like to use the Legislative Hall grounds for an event or the interior of Legislative Hall for an exhibit or table exhibit, please review the Policy, complete the Legislative Hall Facility Use Permit Application form, and send the form by e-mail or U.S. mail to the following:

E-mail:  DGA_reception@delaware.gov 
 U.S.Mail: Administrative Office
Division of Legislative Services
Legislative Hall
411 Legislative Avenue
Dover, DE 19901

To reserve legislative space on the first floor of the Tatnall Building, review and submit the Tatnall Reservation Form.

Before Planning Your Event

It is best to contact the Division of Legislative Services at 302-744-4114 to determine if the date desired for your event is available. Applications are due 10 business days before the proposed event or exhibit.

Requests to hold an event on Legislative Hall grounds require of a minimum of $1,000,000 liability insurance coverage listing the State of Delaware as the certificate holder on the policy binder for the event.

An application for a permit may be denied or limited, and a permit may be revoked, if one of the following applies:

  1. The requested event or exhibit would conflict with a previously approved application or with planned programs organized by the General Assembly or a State agency or State official. 
  2. The requested event or exhibit would interfere with the primary purpose of Legislative Hall.
  3. The application is not fully completed and signed by a person who is legally competent to contract.
  4. The application contains a material falsehood or misrepresentation.
  5. A person issued a permit under this Policy has violated the terms of prior permits, this Policy, or State or federal law other than this Policy.
  6. The requested event or exhibit involves activity that is prohibited by this Policy or State or federal law other than this Policy.
  7. The requested event or exhibit presents an unreasonable danger to the health, safety, or well-being of a legislator, legislative staff, or the public. 

If you have questions about this Policy, please contact the Division of Legislative Services at 302-744-4114.