Delaware General Assembly





WHEREAS, many men and women find enjoyment, recreation and inspiration in the composition of poetry, through which they find a means of self-expression; and

WHEREAS, the Poetry Society of Delaware is comprised of those whose talents along these lines find them in mutual concert and fellowship ; and

WHEREAS, the poet laureate of Delaware, Mr. David Hudson, has requested that a day be set aside as Poetry Day in the First State, now

THEREFORE, I, J. CALEB BOGGS, Governor of the State of Delaware, do hereby proclaim Monday, October 15, 1956, as


It is my hope that those participating in this art-form will find mutual fellowship in their gatherings, and that through their writings they will continue to bring added honors to our state in the world of literature.


What makes one day unlike another and yet identical in sum?

How goes the phrase (the random tune

escaping) that you try to hum,

when almost but not quite receiving

you think you have it ; yet on leaving

you a moment or an age the phrase returns to vaunt its subtle means of power--

So like remembering a certain hour whose place in time you seek to haunt, binding remembrance in another's plight of such an unlike day or night.

Belief itself is such a rune

whose name is love. There is no other.

The poet if he thinks at all accepts the quandary, for fall the leaves as fly the birds

and both to him more than the words

he weaves : his eyes, your eyes that widen at his wild surmise, for so he listens that to share your slightest wish all unaware he offers, heedless from the start, himself the least important part, your dreams that go untold

in words you have not read

before--but which delight you with their bold

betrayal saying what you wish you'd said.


Poet Laureate of Delaware

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, J. Caleb Boggs, Governor of the State of Delaware, have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the said State to be hereunto affixed, at Dover, this

(Great Seal) Eleventh day of October in the year of Our Lord One thousand nine hundred and fifty-six and of the Independence of the United States of America, the One hundred and eighty-first.

J. CALEB BOGGS, Governor JOHN N. McDOWELL, Secretary of State