AN ACT to amend Chapter 76, Volume 28, Laws of Delaware, entitled, AN ACT to amend Chapter 43 of the Revised Statutes relating to the Levy Court of Sussex County, by reorganizing said Levy Court, defining its powers and duties with respect to the management and control of the affairs of said County, and the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges therein, and to repeal certain sections of said Re- vised Statutes, relating to said Levy Court.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. That Chapter 76, Volume 28, Laws of Delaware, be amended by striking out all of 1060 A. Sec. 48 A. and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "

1060 A. Sec. 28 A. The Levy Court of Sussex County annually, at some meeting held during the month of February, shall fix and determine the amount of the capitation tax which the Assessors or Board of Assessment shall assess for the year then next following. Such tax shall not exceed the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents, nor shall it be less than one dollar. The tax shall be uniform throughout the County and shall be levied upon every citizen of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, residing in the County of Sussex."

Approved April 17, A. D. 1925.