AN ACT Appropriating Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars Annually to the School of Agriculture, University of Delaware, for the Purpose of Payment of Scholarships to 4-H Boys' and Girls' Clubs, and Maintenance of the Junior Short Course at the University of Delaware.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. That the sum of Seven hundred and fifty Appropriation for Scholarships to 4-H Boys' and Girls' Clubs dollars ($750.00), be, and the same is hereby appropriated annually to the School of Agriculture, University of Delaware, for the purpose of payment of scholarships to 4-H Boys' and Girls' Clubs, and for maintenance of the Junior Short Course at the University of Delaware.

Section 2. This Act shall be known as a Supplementary Appropriation Act, and the funds appropriated shall be paid from the general funds of the State Treasury.

Approved April 6, 1931.