House Amendment 2 to House Bill 244
151st General Assembly (2021 - 2022)
Bill Progress
Passed 5/3/22
The General Assembly has ended, the current status is the final status.
Bill Details
This Amendment does all of the following:
(1) Makes clear that a court may not charge a convenience fee for a payment made at a court designated payment kiosk or through an Internet-based court payment system.
(2) Removes a court’s discretion to waive, suspend, or modify payment of a fine, fee, cost, or assessment.
(3) Harmonizes this Act with existing authority to not renew a license of an individual who does not pay a fine owed to the voluntary assessment center for a motor vehicle offense handled by the voluntary assessment center. As a result, an individual who is convicted in a court of a motor vehicle offense that originated in a voluntary assessment center would likewise not be eligible for renewal of the individual’s license if the individual does not pay the fine, fee, cost, assessment, or restitution assessed by the court in full.
(4) Makes the Senator and Representative charged with leading the Study Group co-chairs.
(5) Changes the due dates for the Study Group's interim and final reports.
(6) Updates, on line 1 and lines 43 through 52, current Delaware Code language contained in this Act to account for legislation enacted in the 1st Session of the 151st General Assembly and earlier this session.
(7) Makes Section 5 of this Act effective immediately because Section 5 makes only technical changes and, therefore, delaying the effect is unnecessary.