House Amendment 1 to House Bill 318
151st General Assembly (2021 - 2022)
Bill Progress
Passed 5/3/22
The General Assembly has ended, the current status is the final status.
Bill Details
This Amendment clarifies the difference in the deferral of the expiration of a license for a qualifying person who holds an initial license and the deferral of the expiration of a license for a qualifying person who holds a continuing or advanced license. This Amendment also applies the provisions for deferral of expiration of a license for a qualifying person to § 1216. Section 1216 provides for a license extension upon a showing by an educator of exigent circumstances and a license freeze for an educator who takes an extended leave of absence. By amending § 1216, the act will now apply to public school educators who are licensed in accordance with Chapter 12 of Title 14.