House Amendment 1 to House Bill 340
151st General Assembly (2021 - 2022)
Bill Progress
Passed 6/9/22
The General Assembly has ended, the current status is the final status.
Bill Details
This amendment does all of the following:
Renames the Child Death Review Commission the “Maternal and Child Death Review Commission.”
Adds the Director of the Division of Medicaid and Medical Assitance and the Director of DSAMH to the Commission and removes the Secretary of DHSS, the Chair of the Child Protection Accountability Commission, and the Chief Judge of the Family Court from the Commission membership.
Replaces the requirement for a member from the “National Association of Social Workers” with a member who is a “licensed mental health professional.”
Removes the addition to the Commission under the original bill of a doula member, requires a maternal advocate member from a statewide non-profit rather than one from a “community organization that focuses on women’s health, teen pregnancy, or public health,” and changes the current statutory language that requires two child advocates from statewide organization to one such advocate member.
Revises the requirement for an annual meeting with the Delaware Perinatal Quality Collaborative.
Requires public posting and acceptance of comment on the Commission’s findings and recommendations, rather than its draft findings and recommendations.
Requires 1 statewide meeting to accept comment on findings and recommendations rather than 1 per county.
Specifies that the Commission is a public health authority and a health oversight agency
Makes technical corrections.