House Amendment 2 to House Bill 334
151st General Assembly (2021 - 2022)
Bill Progress
Passed 5/19/22
The General Assembly has ended, the current status is the final status.
Bill Details
This Amendment does two things. First, it adds a new paragraph new subsection (c) to Section 6003 of Title 24 to clarify that health-care providers licensed in a state other than Delaware are authorized to deliver healthcare services by telehealth and telemedicine to patients in this State subject to the provisions of this chapter if the provider has a pre-existing provider-patient relationship that has been established in accordance with the existing statutory requirements. The amendment makes clear that the intent of House Bill No. 334 is not to remove the existing flexibilities contained in Sections 6003-6005 of Title 24.
Second, this Amendment adds additional clarifying language to subsection (b) to Section 6003 of Title 24 to make clear that the applicable professional licensing boards for each health-care profession authorized for telehealth practice can require out-of-state providers who are licensed in a state that has adopted the applicable interstate licensure compact for the provider’s license category to apply for and seek Delaware licensure under applicable interstate medical licensure compact. For health-care providers licensed in a state that has not adopted the applicable interstate compact for the provider’s license category, the regulations can require written notice to the applicable licensing board.