House Bill 459

151st General Assembly (2021 - 2022)

Bill Progress

Signed 10/21/22
The General Assembly has ended, the current status is the final status.

Bill Details

Rep. Longhurst
Sen. Wilson
This Act amends the Charter of the Town of Ellendale in the following ways: 1. Replaces the legal description in the Charter, instead referring to the legal description found in the Sussex County Recorder of Deeds. 2. Some technical corrections and updates to antiquated language. 3. Clarifies if a municipal election falls on January 1st, the election will be held on the Second Saturday of January. 4. Clarifies public notice requirements for Special Meetings of the Town Council. 5. Clarifies that in the absence of an ordinance regarding Quorum requirements, Mason’s Rules of Order shall apply. 6. Clarifies that for a Councilmember to lose their seat, the crime being committed must be a felony 7. Public Notice of Council Meetings is to be posted at least one hour prior to the start of the meeting. 8. Removes from the Collection of Town Taxes from the Clerk’s duties, and assigns those duties instead to a Collector of Taxes, as an alternative to the Town Treasurer. 9. In determining late fees, the Town will rely on a fee schedule, rather than 1% per centum per month. 10. Removes certain powers given to the Town by the Charter, such as the prevention of vice, prohibition of gaming, regulating the observance of the Sabbath, and the ability to levy a per capita tax on all eligible voters 11. Removes a $50,000 limit on real estate taxes. 12. The town is now permitted to borrow $100,000 on behalf of the town, as opposed to the previous limit of $60,000. 13. In the Town Budget, it will no longer be required to include the value of supplies and materials on hand. 14. Raises the amount from $5,000 to $10,000 for contracts in which competitive bidding is not required. 15. Annexation requirements now are applicable when the proposed annexation exceeds 10 acres. 16. Exercise the powers given other municipalities as set out in the Municipal Tax Increment Financing Act and the Special Development District Act. 17. Enter into certain contracts without competitive bidding in connection with municipal tax increment financing and special development districts. 18. Collect special ad valorem taxes and special taxes related to the municipal development districts. 19. Levy special ad valorem taxes, special taxes, and ad valorem taxes in amounts it deems necessary for any municipal tax increment financing and any municipal development districts
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