House Amendment 2 to House Bill 311
151st General Assembly (2021 - 2022)
Bill Progress
Passed 4/7/22
The General Assembly has ended, the current status is the final status.
Bill Details
This Amendment corrects a drafting error so that consistent with federal law, the exemption for religious organizations only applies to requirements to provide reasonable modifications for individuals with disabilities. This Amendment also aligns this exemption with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act by making religious organizations completely exempt from the requirement.
This Amendment also includes the change in House Amendment No. 1, revising the length of time to file a complaint under the Delaware Equal Accommodations Law so that instead of extending the deadline from the current 90 days to 1 year, a complaint must be filed no more than 180 days after the occurrence of the alleged discriminatory practice. The 180-day time limit is consistent with the time frames under federal law for filing administrative complaints based on discrimination with the Office of Civil Rights in both the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Education. Maryland and New Jersey also provide 180 days to file a complaint under the state equal accommodations law.