HB 73 | Passed | Jaques | This Act is a first leg of a constitutional amendment that would eliminate from the Delaware Constitution the limitations as to when an individual may vote by absentee ballot. This amendment to the Delaware Constitution provides that the General Assembly shall enact general laws providing the circumstances, rules, and procedures for absentee voting. | AN ACT PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE V OF THE DELAWARE CONSTITUTION RELATING TO VOTING. |
HB 212 w/ HA 1 + SA 1 + HA 5, HA 1 to HA 5 + SA 2, SA 3 | Signed | Cooke | This bill defines “industrial landfill” in conformity with the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Regulations Governing Solid Waste. This bill also establishes a height restriction, or vertical limit, for an industrial landfill at 130 feet above the mean sea level of the area. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 7 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL. |
SB 194 | Signed | Townsend | This Act removes the requirement that applicants for a marriage license state their race as part of the application process. Delaware is one of a small number of states that currently requires this information. In October 2019, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia ruled that requiring marriage license applicants to provide their race violates the United States Constitution. In Delaware, the Clerks of the Peace, who are the points of data collection, have expressed support for this Act, as has the Office of Vital Statistics in the Department of Health and Social Services. The National Center for Health Statistics ("NCHS") has not requested detailed information from states regarding marriage and divorce since 1996. NCHS only requires states to provide the total number of marriages that occur each month. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 13 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATION. |
SB 197 | Out of Committee | Townsend | This Act postpones the effective date of Senate Bill No. 67, enacted in 2019, from January 1, 2020, to July 1, 2020. The clerks of the peace for all 3 counties have indicated they intend to postpone implementation of Senate Bill No. 67, so as to allow additional time for engagement with leaders of faith communities to identify any additional changes to the marriage registry structure or to its implementation or enforcement. | AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 95, VOLUME 82 OF THE LAWS OF DELAWARE RELATING TO MARRIAGES. |
SB 200 w/ SA 1 | Signed | Townsend | This Act supports the ongoing work of the Primary Care Reform Collaborative to achieve better health for Delawareans at a lower cost by facilitating the sharing of de-identified health expenditure information and fostering transparency that is critical to the effective delivery of primary care in Delaware.
Specifically, this Act requires the Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN) to provide access to the Delaware Health Care Claims Database to 2 additional state agencies, the Department of Insurance and Delaware Health Care Commission. In adding these state agencies to the existing list, this Act makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual. | AN ACT TO AMEND THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO THE DELAWARE HEALTH INFORMATION NETWORK. |
SB 201 w/ SA 1 | Signed | Townsend | This Act makes additional technical changes to Senate Bill No. 122 and Senate Substitute No. 1 for Senate Bill No. 122. The Senate Substitute unanimously passed both chambers during the 1st Session of the 150th General Assembly.
Section 1 of this Act creates the Delaware Perinatal Quality Collaborative to improve pregnancy outcomes for women and newborns and such issues as obstetrical blood loss management, pregnant women with substance use disorder, infants impacted by neonatal abstinence syndrome, and advancing evidence-based clinical practices and processes through quality care review, audit, and continuous quality improvement.
Section 2 of this Act establishes the Chair of the Delaware Healthy Mother and Infant Consortium as the temporary chair of the Collaborative to guide the Collaborative’s initial organization. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 16 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO PERINATAL QUALITY COLLABORATIVE. |
SA 1 to HB 212 | Passed | McBride | This Amendment increases the height restriction established under this Act for an industrial landfill to 140 feet.
This Amendment also makes technical corrections to conform House Amendment No. 1 to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual by using the proper internal hierarchy designations, referencing the Delaware Code section governing hazardous waste storage facilities and sanitary landfills, and using the correct sentence format. | |
SA 1 to SB 201 | Passed | Townsend | This Amendment makes technical corrections. | |
SA 1 to SB 200 | Passed | Townsend | This Act makes technical corrections, including to comply with the original intent of the law, Chapter 329, Volume 80 of the Laws of Delaware. | |