Daily Report for 1/26/2021

Governor's Actions

No legislation is Signed by Governor Today

New Legislation Introduced

BillCurrent StatusSponsorSynopsisTitle
HA 1 to HB 55PassedMatthewsThis Amendment makes a technical correction and adds language to clarify the following: - Because the Gun Shop Project has the discretion to determine which types of written materials it produces, it is required to make available only the materials it produces. - The Gun Shop Project is required to make the written materials available for downloading and access online, not to physically deliver the materials. This Amendment also removes language related to licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons because gun shops are not involved in that licensing process. 
SA 1 to SB 18PWBHockerThe Amendment requires that a pump that contains motor fuel under subsection (b) of this section must be clearly labeled as “non-ethanol”. 
SB 53CommitteeLawsonOn November 3, 2015, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a report titled "Elevated Rates of Urban Firearm Violence and Opportunities for Prevention – Wilmington, Delaware" in which the CDC made 2 major recommendations: (1) the creation and adoption of a robust risk assessment tool and (2) an integrated, statewide data collection system. To date, no meaningful action has been taken at any level to implement the CDC's recommendations. This Act adopts the CDC's recommendations and directs the pertinent State agencies to implement these recommendations.AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 16 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO CRIMINAL VIOLENCE RISK ASSESSMENT.
HCR 3CommitteeLynnThis concurrent resolution establishes the Delaware Corrections Investigation Task Force to investigate and make findings and recommendations regarding the treatment of inmates and the quality of healthcare provided to inmates in this State's correctional institutions. The Task Force shall complete its investigation and findings 90 days after the Task Force’s initial meeting and issue a final report containing a summary of its work, findings, and recommendations.CREATING THE DELAWARE CORRECTIONS INVESTIGATION TASK FORCE TO INVESTIGATE AND MAKE FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE TREATMENT OF INMATES AND THE QUALITY OF HEALTHCARE PROVIDED TO INMATES IN THIS STATE’S CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS.

Legislation Passed By Senate

No Legislation Passed By Senate

Legislation Passed By House of Representatives

No Legislation Passed By House

Senate Committee Assignments

Environment & Energy
Health & Social Services

House Committee Assignments

Public Safety & Homeland Security

Senate Committee Report

Banking, Business & Insurance

House Committee Report

Natural Resources
Revenue & Finance

Senate Defeated Legislation

No Senate Defeated Legislation

House Defeated Legislation

No House Defeated Legislation

Nominations Enacted upon by the Senate

No Records