Daily Report for 4/21/2021

Governor's Actions

No legislation is Signed by Governor Today

New Legislation Introduced

BillCurrent StatusSponsorSynopsisTitle
HA 1 to HB 125PassedLonghurstThis amendment removes the carve out in § 1462 Covert or undetectable firearms and § 1463 Untraceable firearms for members of the military forces and police force in this State and for the manufacture or importation for sale to law-enforcement and the military in this State. 
SA 1 to SB 109PassedS. McBrideThis Amendment corrects the names for the services covered by this Act. 
SA 1 to SB 12PassedPooreThis amendment returns the language in the bill to the language as it exists in the current Section 3406A(d) of Title 14 by limiting the eligibility of students for SEED grant moneys to their junior year while they pursue a bachelor’s degree. 
HA 2 to HB 112PassedSchwartzkopfThis amendment removes the mandate that errors or omissions in the information provided by the managing agent incorporated into the resale certificate is a per se violation of the Consumer Fraud Act of Delaware. 

Legislation Passed By Senate

No Legislation Passed By Senate

Legislation Passed By House of Representatives

No Legislation Passed By House

Senate Committee Assignments


House Committee Assignments

Sunset Committee (Policy Analysis & Government Accountability)

Senate Committee Report

Banking, Business & Insurance
Elections & Government Affairs
Health & Social Services

House Committee Report

Health & Human Development
Public Safety & Homeland Security
Transportation/Land Use and Infrastructure

Senate Defeated Legislation

No Senate Defeated Legislation

House Defeated Legislation

No House Defeated Legislation

Nominations Enacted upon by the Senate

Adkins, JenniferConfirmedWater Infrastructure Advisory CouncilReappointment
Baker, DesmondConfirmedWater Infrastructure Advisory CouncilReappointment
Borel, JamesConfirmedTrustee of the University of Delaware Board of TrusteesReappointment
Carter, Aubrey TempleConfirmedDelaware Solid Waste AuthorityReappointment
Castellanos, AllisonConfirmedTrustee of the University of Delaware Board of TrusteesReappointment
Clark, JeffreyConfirmedResident Judge of the Superior Court of Kent CountyNew
Danberg, CarlConfirmedChief Judge of the Court of Common PleasNew
Duncan, RichardConfirmedWater Infrastructure Advisory CouncilReappointment
Dvornick, EugeneConfirmedWater Infrastructure Advisory CouncilReappointment
Ferrell, EmilyConfirmedCommissioner of the Court of Common PleasNew
Hartnett, AnneConfirmedJudge of Court of Common PleasReappointment
Heaton, DeborahConfirmedDelaware Natural Areas Advisory CouncilReappointment
McCormick, KathaleenConfirmedChancellor of the Court of ChanceryNew
Riddle, William JackConfirmedDelaware Solid Waste AuthorityReappointment
Sears, FrederickConfirmedDiamond State Port CorporationReappointment
Shevock, NancyConfirmedBoard of Pension TrusteesReappointment
Whalen, MariettaConfirmedDiamond State Port CorporationReappointment
Wicks, CarolannConfirmedWater Infrastructure Advisory CouncilReappointment