Committee Report Details
On its Merits:
Daily Report for 6/15/2021
Governor's Actions
Bill | Current Status | Sponsor | Synopsis | Title |
HB 26 w/ HA 1 | Enact w/o Sign | Heffernan | This Act requires the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families ("DSCYF'') to have exclusive jurisdiction over all aspects of a child’s care, custody and control when a child is convicted of a Superior Court offense. The Act establishes that from a date certain, no more juveniles would be transferred to the custody of the Department of Correction upon their adjudication and Level V sentence in Superior Court. The Act also provides that when a juvenile’s case is transferred to Superior Court, a reverse amenability hearing must be filed within 60, not 30, days of arraignment and that the time period may be enlarged by the Court for good cause. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLES 10 AND 11 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO PROSECUTION OF JUVENILES. |
SS 1 for SB 36 | Signed | Paradee | Section 1 of this Act revises the following definitions: (1) “Dormant captive insurance company”, to change the criteria review period from a calendar year to a continuous 12-month period. (2) "Pure captive insurance company", to clarify that a pure captive insurer may insure its parent, its parent's affiliates, or a controlled unaffiliated business. (3) “Series”, to allow a registered series to be licensed as a captive insurer. Section 2 of this Act clarifies that a pure captive insurer may insure its parent, its parent’s affiliates, or a controlled unaffiliated business. Section 2 of this Act also expands the captive insurance licensing authority for a series as defined under Chapter 69 of Title 18 to allow a Delaware series to be licensed as an agency captive insurance company. Section 3 of this Act allows certain captive insurers to select the Delaware series form of business organization. Section 4 of this Act makes the provisions of §§ 2702, 2703, and 2706 of Title 18 applicable to captive insurance companies. In addition, this Act makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual. This Substitute Bill differs from Senate Bill No. 36 as follows: (1) By removing new definitions for “policy” and “premium” and amending definitions for “dormant captive insurance company” and “series” as indicated in Section 1 of this Act. (2) By clarifying that a pure captive insurer may insure its parent, its parent’s affiliate, or a controlled unaffiliated business as indicated in Section 2 of this Act. (3) By removing authority for a series to apply for a certificate of authority as a branch or reciprocal captive insurance company. (4) By making §§ 2702 and 2703 of Title 18 applicable to captive insurance companies. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 18 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO CAPTIVE INSURANCE COMPANIES. |
SB 44 w/ SA 1 | Signed | Sturgeon | This Act allows the Drug Overdose Fatality Review Commission ("Commission") to review all deaths related to a drug overdose, regardless of the type of drug implicated in the overdose death. This change will allow the Commission to obtain and review all medical records, including substance abuse and mental health records, when there is a death related to a drug overdose. This approach will allow the Commission to monitor the evolving nature of societal drug use over time and make recommendations that are proactive in reducing the harm from emerging trends. This Act also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 16 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO THE DRUG OVERDOSE FATALITY REVIEW COMMISSION. |
HB 87 | Signed | K. Williams | This bill increases the membership of the Human Trafficking Interagency Coordinating Council to 24 members by adding representatives from the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Criminal Justice Council, the Department of Transportation, and the Division of Professional Regulation, a person who has been a victim of human trafficking, and a person who has prior experience working with victims of human trafficking in a legal or advocacy capacity. This bill also changes the quorum for the Council from 7 members to 13. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 11 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO THE HUMAN TRAFFICKING INTERAGENCY COORDINATING COUNCIL. |
HB 89 | Signed | K. Williams | This act will allow a critical need reimbursement to be distributed directly to an institute of higher education or Secretary of Education approved Alternative Routes to Teacher Licensure and Certification program for an eligible teacher who is taking noncredit-earning seminars or workshops or credit-bearing coursework in order to attain a Standard Certification in a state-approved critical need area. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 14 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION. |
HB 84 w/ HA 1 | Signed | Gray | This bill removes from §C-5 (Town Council) of the Charter of the Town of South Bethany sections regarding qualifications of Town Council Members, terms of office, and Prohibition of Employment with the Town and relocates the sections to §C-6. It also amends §C-6 (Municipal Elections) to conform with the mandatory provisions of Delaware Code, Chapter 75 of Title 15 of the Delaware Code (entitled “Municipal Elections); adds a requirement that the Town post a Notice of Solicitation of Candidates at least 20 days prior to the Town’s candidate filing deadline; changes the Town’s Notice of Election requirement to include posting such notice on the Town website and one newspaper of general circulation, while no longer requiring notice to be posted in 5 public places; changes the date of the annual election for municipal offices to the second Saturday in May; renames all references of “Freeholder” to “Property Owner”; removes “spouse of a freeholder” as a qualification to vote in an election; denies Trusts, Corporations, Partnerships and Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs) the right to vote; revises the definition of “resident of town” to include a person who has physically resided in the town corporate limits for at least 30 days prior to the election; requires persons appearing to vote to present proof of identity and address; allows personal recognition of a voter by a majority of Election officers at the polling place to attest to a voter’s identity and address; removes the requirement a Notice of Intention of Candidacy be filed 45 days before the election; requires the Town to submit the names of candidates to the Department of Election within one day of the filing deadline; allows the Mayor to call a Special Meeting regarding candidate eligibility 20 days before the election; requires a candidate for a municipal office to file a Certificate of Intention establishing a campaign committee with the State Election Commissioner; allows the Board of Elections to declare candidates elected where the number of qualified candidates are equal to or less than the number of seats up for election; adds a provision barring members of the Board of Elections from being elected officials or immediate family members of elected officials; and adds new procedures for Election Day. The bill also removes references to Town Aldermen; removes the option of the Town Council Secretary and Treasurer not being members of the Town Council; renames the President pro-tempore as the Mayor pro-tempore; further expands the definition of “sudden emergency”; allows the City Treasurer to be assisted by Town Staff in their responsibilities; removes the requirement that an audit of town funds be performed upon the expiration of a Treasurer’s term in office; requires a member to pay at the member’s own expense if they retain counsel at a hearing for a forfeiture of office; requires notice requirement of Special Meetings be made in accordance with the provisions of the Delaware Freedom of Information Act; and authorizes the Town Council to allow participation and vote by remote electronic access to the extent permitted by a state of emergency and the Delaware Freedom of Information Act. This Act requires a greater than majority vote for passage because §1 of Article IX of the Delaware Constitution requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the General Assembly to amend a municipal charter. | AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF SOUTH BETHANY RELATING TO TOWN COUNCIL, MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, AND ORGANIZATION OF TOWN COUNCIL. |
HB 95 | Signed | K. Williams | This Act requires that individual, group, State employee, and public assistance insurance plans provide coverage for epinephrine autoinjectors for individuals who are 18 years of age or under and must include at least 1 formulation of epinephrine autoinjectors on the lowest tier of the drug formulary developed and maintained by the carrier if the insurance plan has tiers. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 18, TITLE 29, AND TITLE 31 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO INSURANCE COVERAGE OF EPINEPHRINE AUTOINJECTORS. |
SB 60 w/ SA 1 | Signed | Lopez | This Act allows nurse practitioners and physician assistants to recommend medical marijuana for adult patients. This Act does not require the Department of Health and Social Services to promulgate new regulations before implementing this Act because § 10113 of Title 29 exempts amendments to existing regulations to make them consistent with changes in basic law from the process otherwise required under Chapter 101 of Title 29. This Act also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 16 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA. |
HB 111 | Signed | Lynn | Individuals who are at very high risk of getting HIV can take pre-exposure prophylaxis (“PrEP”) medication to reduce the risk of HIV transmission. PrEP medication reduces the risk of HIV transmission by up to 99% if taken daily. This Act prohibits discrimination because an individual takes PrEP medication in the issuance or renewal of disability, long-term care, and life insurance. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 18 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO INSURANCE DISCRIMINATION BASED ON PRE-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS MEDICATION TO PREVENT HIV INFECTION. |
SB 67 w/ SA 1 | Signed | Ennis | This Act removes the exclusive jurisdiction of the Superior Court for offenses under § 4836 of this Title on the basis of the voluntary and involuntary exclusion lists. This would allow the Court of Common Pleas to hold jurisdiction over these offenses as these are class A misdemeanor offenses. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 29 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO JURISDICTION OVER OFFENSES RELATING TO THE STATE GAMBLING EXCLUSION LISTS. |
HB 9 w/ HA 1 | Signed | K. Williams | This Act adds the term “adjudication” to this section of the criminal code to enable juvenile defendants to petition the court for their adjudications of delinquency to be vacated and their juvenile criminal record to be expunged in regard to crimes, other than defined violent felonies, committed as a direct result of being victims of human trafficking. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 11 OF THE DELAWAE CODE RELATING TO CRIMES. |
New Legislation Introduced
Bill | Current Status | Sponsor | Synopsis | Title |
SCR 24 | Passed | Hansen | This Concurrent Resolution recognizes June 15, 2021, as "Delaware Elder Abuse Awareness Day" and encourages all of Delaware's citizens to learn about how to protect and nurture our elderly citizens. | RECOGNIZING JUNE 15, 2021, AS "DELAWARE ELDER ABUSE AWARENESS DAY". |
HA 9 to SB 15 | Defeated | S. Moore | This amendment delays each rise in the minimum wage by 1 year for small businesses – those with 20 or fewer employees. Those employers will reach a $15 minimum wage by 2026, rather than 2025. | |
SCR 53 | Passed Senate | Bonini | This resolution designates October 18-24, 2021 as "Free Speech Week" in the State of Delaware. | DESIGNATING OCTOBER 18-24, 2021 AS "FREE SPEECH WEEK" IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE. |
SCR 59 | Passed | Lawson | This resolution congratulates the class 2019-2020 Eagle Scouts for having attained the highest rank one can earn in the Boy Scouts of America. | CONGRATULATING THE CLASS OF 2019-2020 EAGLE SCOUTS FOR HAVING ATTAINED THE HIGHEST RANK ONE CAN EARN IN THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA. |
HA 1 to HB 212 | Passed | Brady | This Amendment removes language allowing some plastic bags and returns to language that already allowed for bags containing prepared foods and baked goods. This Amendment removes the separate enforcement provisions in §6099A(h)(1) and (h)(2), thus placing enforcement under the Department’s general administrative enforcement powers. | |
HB 247 | Committee | Collins | This Act lifts any ongoing face mask mandates relating to COVID-19. This Act will expire 1 year after its enactment. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 29 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO LIMITING MANDATES TO REQUIRE FACE MASKS. |
SA 1 to SB 175 | Passed | Mantzavinos | This Amendment removes February 15, which was inadvertently included in the text of the original bill as a quarterly statement deadline. Insurers are currently required to file quarterly statements for the first 3 quarters of the year, but do not file a quarterly statement in the fourth quarter; rather, they file an annual statement by March 1, which includes the fourth quarter statement. | |
SB 186 | Committee | Brown | According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, an estimated 800,000 children are reported missing each year. This Act revises this State’s missing children laws to improve search efforts, increase collaboration between law enforcement agencies, and increase public information about missing children. This Act also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 11 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO MISSING PERSONS. |
SA 1 to HB 125 | Defeated | Pettyjohn | This amendment provides a mechanism for persons who lawfully own or possess an unfinished firearm frame or receiver with no serial number prior to the effective date of House Bill No. 125 to retain possession and ownership. | |
HB 248 | Committee | Hensley | This Act requires the State to reimburse healthcare expenses incurred by eligible pensioner spouses on Medicare who are required to enroll in their former employer's healthcare coverage and their former employer's coverage pays less than the State's coverage would pay. This creates fair and equal benefit coverage for all spouses of eligible pensioner's whether they have former employer coverage or not. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 29 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO EQUITABLE REIMBURSEMENT OF CERTAIN PENSIONERS' SPOUSAL HEALTHCARE EXPENSES. |
HA 1 to HB 230 | Passed | Griffith | This amendment does all of the following: 1. Corrects a technical error. 2. Clarifies that where personal information is contained in a printed directory, the person must remove it (following a request) before the next update, rather than within 3 day. 3. Clarifies that this Act is not meant to limit or enlarge protections in federal law relating to third-party content providers on an interactive computer service. | |
HA 1 to HB 7 | Passed | Minor-Brown | This amendment makes technical corrections to Senate Amendment No. 1 to House Bill 7. | |
HB 246 | Committee | K. Williams | The purpose of this Act is to achieve 2 goals: (1) Allow a person who is 18 years or older to serve alcoholic liquors or otherwise work in a taproom if the taproom has separate dining facilities that seat at least 12 people, provides complete meals, does not have a history of violating a provision of Title 4 or related regulations or being convicted of committing a crime under Title 4, and has been approved by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner (“Commissioner”) as meeting these requirements. (2) Allow a person who is under the age of 21 years to enter or remain in a taproom until 9:00 p.m. if the person is accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and the taproom has separate dining facilities that seat at least 12 people, provides complete meals, has been found by the Commissioner to have no grounds to refuse a license under § 543 of Title 4, and has been approved by the Commissioner as meeting these requirements. Under this Act, a person who is under the age of 21 years and enters or remains in a taproom that has been approved by the Commissioner under this Act may not be fined if the taproom is out of compliance with the approval. This Act provides the Commissioner with the authority to refuse to grant an approval to a taproom under this Act if any of the grounds for license refusal under § 543 of Title 4 exist. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 4 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS. |
HA 3 to HB 145 | Stricken | Griffith | This Amendment limits the deduction for contributions to a Delaware College Investment Plan Account to contributions intended or used for qualified college expenses. The contribution for which a deduction is taken would be eligible for all qualified expenses except for tuition in connection with enrollment or attendance at an elementary or secondary public, private, or religious school. The Amendment also provides a means test limiting the deduction to individual or head of household filers with an adjusted gross income of $100,000 or less and to joint, married filing separate combined, or married filing separate with an adjusted gross income of $200,000 or less. This Amendment makes the legislation effective for contribution to 529 and ABLE accounts made after January 1, 2022. This Amendment also corrects a section numbering error in HB 145 and clarifies the references for eligible Delaware College Investment and ABLE plans. | |
HA 1 to HB 245 | Passed | Schwartzkopf | This amendment makes technical corrections. |
Legislation Passed By Senate
Bill | Current Status | Sponsor | Synopsis | Title |
HB 91 w/ HA 1 | Signed | Bentz | This Act amends Delaware’s Consumer Fraud Act (Subchapter II, Chapter 25, Title 6 of the Code), to give Delaware consumers and businesses the protection against unfair acts or practices in commerce that the General Assembly intended to give them when it enacted the Consumer Fraud Act. When the General Assembly enacted the Consumer Fraud Act in 1965, it stated, in what is now § 2512 of Title 6 of the Code, that the purpose of the Consumer Fraud Act is “to protect consumers and legitimate business enterprises from unfair or deceptive merchandising practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce in part or wholly within this State,” and that “[i]t is the intent of the General Assembly that such practices be swiftly stopped.” However, § 2513(a) of the Consumer Fraud Act, as enacted, prohibits only deceptive practices, and does not protect consumers and businesses from unfair practices as the General Assembly intended. To address this, the Act amends § 2513(a) of the Consumer Fraud Act to include the term “unfair practice” among the activities explicitly prohibited by the Consumer Fraud Act. This aligns Delaware with the 7 states in the Top 10 of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform’s 2017 Lawsuit Climate Survey, and the 44 states overall (plus the District of Columbia), which prohibit the use of unfair or unconscionable acts or practices in commerce. It will also align Delaware with federal law, which since 1938 has prohibited unfair practices in commerce in the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. § 45). In order to provide guidance as to the meaning of “unfair practice,” this Act uses the most common definition of unfairness or unfair practice used by states where unfairness has been defined either by statute or court decision (based on information published by the National Consumer Law Center) including California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and South Carolina, and provides that interpretations of similar language in other jurisdictions should be considered in determining its meaning. The word “immoral” was purposely omitted from the definition of “unfair practice” despite its use in the definition of unfair practice in many other jurisdictions. Prohibiting unfair practices will protect honest businesses by enabling them to compete fairly and effectively in the marketplace, in addition to protecting individual consumers (and businesses acting as consumers) harmed by such practices. Prohibiting unfair practices will also protect consumers in situations that may not be readily or easily addressed by current Delaware law, such as the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal, price gouging during a state or national emergency, and other situations in which consumers are being unfairly taken advantage of and they are unable to reasonably avoid injury. Finally, prohibiting unfair practices will also enable the Delaware Attorney General to participate more effectively and robustly with other state attorneys general in multistate investigations and litigation seeking to protect consumers and remediate harm on a nationwide basis. The act also amends § 2513(a) to add the term “receipt,” to clarify that persons who provide goods or services at no charge to consumers—such as social media companies funded by advertising revenue—are not precluded from being held liable for engaging in consumer fraud simply because they may not directly sell or lease their goods or services to consumers. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 6 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO PROHIBITED TRADE PRACTICES. |
HB 125 w/ HA 1 | Signed | Longhurst | Section 1 of this bill establishes the crimes of possession of an unfinished firearm frame or receiver with no serial number, possession of and manufacturing a covert or undetectable firearm, possession of and manufacturing an untraceable firearm, and manufacturing or distributing a firearm using a three-dimensional printer. This bill also makes it a crime to possess a firearm frame or receiver with a removed, obliterated, or altered serial number. This bill makes very limited exceptions to the requirement that certain guns have serial numbers which are: (1) Firearms manufactured before 1968; (2) Muzzle loaders that only use black powder, and antique replicas. Finally, this bill makes clear that § 1463 of Title 11 concerning untraceable firearms does not apply to members of the military forces or members of a police force in this State duly authorized to carry an untraceable firearm, and does not apply to the manufacture or importation for sale to a law-enforcement or military entity in this State. Section 2 is a severability clause. Section 3 provides that Section 1459A of Title 11, which is possession of an unfinished firearm frame or receiver with no serial number, takes effect 90 days after the Act's enactment into law. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 11 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO FIREARMS. |
HB 124 w/ HA 1 | Signed | Griffith | This Act prohibits a person who is the subject of a Protection from Abuse Order of the Family Court and who knows or has reason to know, that the Order has been issued from purchasing, owning, possessing, or controlling a deadly weapon or ammunition for a firearm in this State. This Act also prohibits the subject of an outstanding arrest warrant, active indictment or information related to a felony or misdemeanor crime of domestic violence from purchasing a firearm. The subject of the pending criminal process must know or have reason to know that the process is pending in order for the prohibition to apply. This Act also makes technical changes to the existing law to make it conform to the Legislative Drafting Manual. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 11 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO THE POSSESSION OR PURCHASE OF DEADLY WEAPONS BY PERSONS PROHIBITED. |
SB 123 w/ SA 1 | Signed | Poore | This bill will allow all surviving spouses of persons killed in the course and scope of employment to receive the same level of death benefits as the surviving spouses of those persons defined as “covered persons” in Section 6601(2), Title 18 of the Delaware Code, in the event that the surviving spouse remarries. This expansion of the death benefit beyond the surviving spouses of those persons specified in Section 6601(2) will result in all surviving spouses, who decide to remarry, being treated equally under Delaware’s Workers’ Compensation laws. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 19 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO WORKERS' COMPENSATION BENEFITS. |
SB 131 w/ SA 1 | Committee | Sturgeon | This Act lowers the tax rate for premium cigars from 30% to 15% of the wholesale price so that Delaware's tax rate is consistent with the tax rates for premium cigars in surrounding states. The tax rate in Maryland is 15% and there is no tax on premium cigars in Pennsylvania. Under this Act, a premium cigar means any roll for smoking that is all of the following: 1. Made entirely of tobacco, including the wrapper, binder, and filler. 2. Hand rolled. 3. Contains no filter, tip, or any mouthpiece consisting of material other than tobacco, or any additional flavoring. This Act takes effect on October 1 following its enactment into law. This Act also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 30 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO TAXATION OF PREMIUM CIGARS. |
SA 1 to SB 131 | Passed | Sturgeon | This Amendment revises the definition of "premium cigar" by adding additional requirements. | |
SA 1 to SB 123 | Passed | Poore | This amendment reinstates existing language that was previously deleted. | |
SB 142 | Signed | Poore | This bill removes the exclusion of Community Transportation Funds from the performance-based rating system. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 29 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO STATE PROCUREMENT. |
SB 144 w/ SA 1 + HA 2 | Signed | Pinkney | This Act modernizes the hate crime statute and consolidates related offenses together with the hate crime statute in the Criminal Code. Changes to the hate crime statute include: (1) That the hate crime be motivated, in whole or in part, on a bias. This reflects instances where a hate crime is committed but is only motivated in part by hate in addition to another component. (2) That the focus be on the defendant’s belief or perception. Currently our law focuses on the victim’s actual race, gender, religion, or other immutable characteristic, rather than focusing on the state of mind of the defendant. This change refocuses the inquiry on the defendant’s state of mind, and specifically, what the defendant believes to be true at the time the act was committed. (3) Prohibiting any crime committed in whole or in part on a belief or perception of an immutable characteristic of a group. This Act adds “group” to make clear that a hate crime can be committed because of the hate towards a group at large. In addition, this Act does the following: (1) Combines and updates the existing desecration and desecration of a burial place sections maintaining the existing penalties. (2) Establishes a right of civil remedies to allow individuals to seek relief from hate crime, desecration, and religious symbol burning related injury. (3) Requires law enforcement to report violations and investigations of violations of hate crimes to the Division of Civil Rights and Public Trust. This Act also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 11 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC HEALTH, ORDER, AND DECENCY. |
SB 145 | Signed | Poore | This Act amends the Charter of the Municipal Service Commission of the City of New Castle by granting the City Council of New Castle the power to appoint two of the three Commissioners to serve on the Municipal Service Commission, with the incumbent Mayor as the third Commissioner. This Act also sets the terms of each appointed Commissioner to 4 years, and allows the City Administrator to serve as a substitute for the Mayor on the Commission in the Mayor's absence. | AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEW CASTLE. |
SB 152 w/ SA 2 | Signed | Poore | This Act creates a new Utilities Coordination Council, as recommended by the Utilities Coordination Working Group established by SCR No. 48 from the 150th General Assembly. The purpose of the Council is to review and recommend best practices for efficient utility relocations on transportation projects on Delaware's highways. Additionally, the Council will be responsible for implementation, accountability, and the resolution of any specific utility delays. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 17 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO UTILITIES COORDINATION. |
SB 153 w/ SA 1 | Signed | Gay | This Act updates statutes relating to the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families. It adds "Institutional Abuse Investigation Unit" to the definitions within the existing statute. In addition, it updates references in certain sections of the laws to reflect whether the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, or a unit or division within that Department, is responsible for certain duties as described in the Delaware Code. It also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 16 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF SERVICES FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND THEIR FAMILIES. |
SB 156 | Signed | Walsh | This Act requires that prevailing wages be paid to laborers and mechanics working on all University of Delaware construction sites or renovation projects that exceed a certain cost. The prevailing wages are set by the Delaware Department of Labor, Division of Industrial Affairs, and apply to various classes of laborers and mechanics, according to the county in which the work is performed. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 14 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO THE CHARTER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE. |
HCR 30 | Passed | Morrison | This Concurrent Resolution acknowledges June 2021 as LGBTQ+ Pride Month in the State of Delaware. | ACKNOWLEDGING JUNE 2021 AS LGBTQ+ PRIDE MONTH IN DELAWARE. |
HCR 31 | Passed | Wilson-Anton | This Concurrent Resolution congratulates Melissa Hopkins for receiving Delaware's Mother of the Year Award. | HONORING MELISSA HOPKINS FOR BEING NAMED DELAWARE'S 2021 MOTHER OF THE YEAR. |
SB 168 w/ SA 1 | Signed | Lockman | This Act establishes a Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Program that allows for companies to facilitate the shared usage of vehicles in Delaware. | AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 21 RELATING TO PEER-TO-PEER CAR SHARING. |
SA 1 to SB 153 | Passed | Gay | This amendment makes a minor technical correction. | |
SA 1 to SB 144 | Passed | Pinkney | This Amendment does all of the following: (1) Revises the hate crime reporting requirements to better reflect current practice and to establish an annual report published by the Division of Civil Rights and Public Trust on the number and nature of hate crimes in Delaware. (2) Updates the existing fine for desecration of a burial place to mirror the fine threshold set in Title 11 for class A misdemeanors. It makes the new requirement for restitution and community service at the court's discretion and removes the elevation of desecration and cross burning to maintain the offense level at the current level. | |
SA 1 to SB 168 | Passed | Lockman | This amendment changes the record retention requirement to 4 years and clarifies that the notification requirement for safety recalls be provided in writing or electronically. | |
SA 2 to SB 152 | Passed | Poore | This amendment removes the Delaware Contractors Association and adds a representative from the Delaware Chapter of the National Association of Water Companies as a member of the Utilities Coordination Council. |
Legislation Passed By House of Representatives
No Legislation Passed By House
Senate Committee Assignments
Committee |
Agriculture |
Banking, Business & Insurance |
Elections & Government Affairs |
Finance |
Health & Social Services |
Judiciary |
Labor |
Transportation |
House Committee Assignments
Committee |
Administration |
Economic Development/Banking/Insurance & Commerce |
Senate Committee Report
Committee |
Education |
Finance |
Transportation |
House Committee Report
Committee |
Administration |
Corrections |
Economic Development/Banking/Insurance & Commerce |
Housing & Community Affairs |
Judiciary |
Sunset Committee (Policy Analysis & Government Accountability) |
Senate Defeated Legislation
No Senate Defeated Legislation
House Defeated Legislation
No House Defeated Legislation
Nominations Enacted upon by the Senate
No Records