Daily Report for 6/16/2021

Governor's Actions

No legislation is Signed by Governor Today

New Legislation Introduced

BillCurrent StatusSponsorSynopsisTitle
HA 1 to HB 191PWBCollinsThis amendment adds effective dates to make the Act prospective, corrects typing error of percentages, and adds a gross receipts tax section that was not addressed. This removes all retroactive application of the Act which was not intended. 
HA 1 to SCR 55PassedKowalkoThis amendment adds the Provider Advisory Board to the groups the Department of Education engages as it reviews regulations regarding child care. The Provider Advisory Board, under § 3007A of Title 14, serves in an advisory capacity to the Office of Child Care Licensing with regard to regulations that pertain to early care and education, family child care homes, and school-age centers. 
HA 2 to HB 245StrickenDukesThe census data was due to be officially reported by March 31, but has been delayed this year. If there had been no delay, the General Assembly would have had a June 30, 2021 deadline to act. This 90-days requirement is the same number of days to get the job done. 
HA 3 to HB 245StrickenDukesThis Amendment replaces the term "receipt" with the term "official reporting". Receipt is not a defined term. The term official reporting is set forth in line 4 of the bill and is the term used in prior redistricting cycles. 

Legislation Passed By Senate

BillCurrent StatusSponsorSynopsisTitle
SB 166 w/ SA 1SignedHansenDelaware has been irreparably harmed by the opioid crisis. In 2018, 400 people died of an overdose in Delaware, and in 2019, 431 people died of an overdose. Settlements from opioid distributors, manufacturers, and pharmacies are expected to provide significant monies over a substantial period of time to Delaware. These funds are intended to address to harm caused by the opioid crisis in our communities. This Act establishes the Prescription Opioid Settlement Fund (Settlement Fund) and Prescription Opioid Distribution Commission (Commission), to ensure that settlement money is used to remediate and abate the opioid crisis and is not diverted to other purposes. The Commission is part of the Behavioral Health Consortium and is established to ensure that decisions on how to spend funds are reached through consensus driven process that takes into account the views and experience of affected communities. The Behavioral Health Consortium will distribute money received by the Settlement Fund and the Prescription Opioid Impact Fund (Impact Fund), enacted by Senate Bill No. 34 of the 150th General Assembly, according to the recommendations of the Commission. The Commission shall seek input from the public and relevant stakeholders and shall convene a Local Government Committee to ensure that recommendations from counties and municipal governments are carefully considered. The terms of settlement agreements, bankruptcy plans, or other agreements for the payment of monies by defendants in opioid-related litigation will likely include terms that establish how the money must be spent. The Commission is required to adhere to those terms. The Commission must produce an annual report regarding the receipt and disbursement of funds. This Act preserves the status quo of the existing parties to litigation while limiting the ability for new local government opioid suits to be brought, because new lawsuits could limit the size of Delaware’s recovery in global settlements that are expected to be reached. This Act repeals the sunset of the Prescription Opioid Impact Fee (Impact Fee) and Impact Fund It also repeals the report requirement for the Impact Fund because the information in that report will be included in the new report that the Commission must produce. This Act requires a greater than majority vote for passage because § 4 of Article VIII of the Delaware Constitution requires the affirmative vote of three-quarters of the members elected to each house of the General Assembly to appropriate funds to a county or municipality. This Act also requires a greater than majority vote for passage because § 1 of Article IX of the Delaware Constitution requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the General Assembly to amend a charter issued to a municipal corporation.AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 16 OF THE DELAWARE CODE AND THE LAWS OF DELAWARE RELATING TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS FROM THE PRESCRIPTION OPIOID IMPACT FEE AND COURT SETTLEMENTS.
SS 1 for SB 157SignedHansenDelaware’s Power of Attorney statute requires a notary to verify the signature on a document. Many financial institutions have difficulty having the customer appear before a notary for that notarization. There are several electronic signature verification processes that are available to businesses. This bill would create a Power of Attorney for motor vehicle business that would allow for electronic signature verification if the verification system is acceptable to the Department. This bill will enable businesses of all sizes to accelerate document turnaround time and reduce costs, while ensuring document security and privacy. The revised bill clarifies when a power of attorney becomes valid, the duration of the power of attorney, and removes any potential conflict with an appointed guardian’s responsibilities.AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 21 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO POWERS OF ATTORNEY, ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES, AND THE REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES.
SA 1 to SB 166PassedHansenThis amendment requires that the co-chairs of the Joint Finance Committee also approve disbursements from the Prescription Opioid Settlement Fund. This amendment also makes technical corrections. 

Legislation Passed By House of Representatives

No Legislation Passed By House

Senate Committee Assignments

Health & Social Services

House Committee Assignments

Health & Human Development
Revenue & Finance
Transportation/Land Use and Infrastructure

Senate Committee Report

Banking, Business & Insurance
Elections & Government Affairs
Environment & Energy

House Committee Report

Economic Development/Banking/Insurance & Commerce
Health & Human Development
Natural Resources
Public Safety & Homeland Security
Revenue & Finance
Transportation/Land Use and Infrastructure

Senate Defeated Legislation

No Senate Defeated Legislation

House Defeated Legislation

No House Defeated Legislation

Nominations Enacted upon by the Senate

Davis, TerriConfirmedJustice of the PeaceNew
Dorak, DrewConfirmedUnemployment Insurance Appeals BoardReappointment
Green, Michael ConfirmedJustice of the PeaceNew
Leibu, BruceConfirmedProfessional Standards BoardNew
Philpotts, CimoneConfirmedState Board of ElectionsReappointment
Rosswog, SarahConfirmedProfessional Standards BoardNew
Smith, Matthew ConfirmedDelaware Interscholastic Athletic AssociationNew
Strosser, FrancesConfirmedProfessional Standards BoardNew