Daily Report for 3/19/2025

Governor's Actions

No legislation is Signed by Governor Today

New Legislation Introduced

BillCurrent StatusSponsorSynopsisTitle
SA 1 to HB 29PWBBucksonThis Amendment corrects punctuation errors in House Amendment No. 1 to this Act. Like House Amendment No. 1, this Amendment requires that the information about each school provided on the Department of Education's website include information about sports and other extracurricular activities. The information must include for each sport, if the school has a team for girls, a team for boys, or the team is co-ed. 
SA 2 to SB 60PassedHansenThis amendment restricts a public utility from recovering from customers organizational or membership dues but only to the extent that the organization engages in lobbying or similar activities intended to influence the outcome of legislation, rules, ballot measures, or regulatory decisions. With respect to the $125 million dollar cap on annual capital expenses at lines 37 through 40 of the bill, this amendment adds an exception for emergency or extraordinary circumstances, including natural disasters and tariffs, that require the electric distribution company to incur greater capital expenses above the cap. 
SA 1 to SB 61PassedHansenThis amendment changes the reporting requirements in Senate Bill No. 61 for the disclosure of voting at meetings of, or matters before, the PJM Interconnection Regional Transmission Organization. 

Legislation Passed By Senate

No Legislation Passed By Senate

Legislation Passed By House of Representatives

BillCurrent StatusSponsorSynopsisTitle
SCR 22PassedPooreThis Senate Concurrent Resolution recognizes March 2025 as "Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month" in the State of Delaware and highlights the importance of education, prevention, and early detection to reduce the impact of colorectal cancer.RECOGNIZING MARCH 2025 AS "COLORECTAL CANCER AWARENESS MONTH" IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE.
SCR 23PassedLockmanThis resolution recognizes March 6-7, 2025, as "Delaware Giving Day."RECOGNIZING MARCH 6-7, 2025, AS "DELAWARE GIVING DAY."
SCR 28PassedPooreThis Concurrent Resolution recognizes March 2025 as "Kidney Month" in Delaware.RECOGNIZING THE MONTH OF MARCH 2025 AS “KIDNEY MONTH” IN DELAWARE.
SCR 29PassedTownsendThis Resolution recognizes March 18, 2025, as "National Public Defense Day" in Delaware.RECOGNIZING MARCH 18, 2025, AS "NATIONAL PUBLIC DEFENSE DAY".

Senate Committee Assignments


House Committee Assignments

No House Committee Assignments

Senate Committee Report

Banking, Business, Insurance & Technology
Corrections & Public Safety
Elections & Government Affairs
Health & Social Services

House Committee Report

Elections & Government Affairs
Health & Human Development

Senate Defeated Legislation

No Senate Defeated Legislation

House Defeated Legislation

No House Defeated Legislation

Nominations Enacted upon by the Senate

Bennett, Renee L.ConfirmedAlderman, City of Rehoboth BeachReappointment
Bushweller, Joshua A.ConfirmedChair, Enhanced 911 Emergency Reporting System Service BoardNew
DiSabatino, Lauren M.ConfirmedMember, Delaware Interscholastic Athletic AssociationNew
Ferguson, Gary W.ConfirmedMember, Diamond State Hospital Cost Review BoardNew
Reeves, Jeffrey A.ConfirmedTrustee, Board of Pension TrusteesNew
Schultz, William R.ConfirmedMember, Delaware Interscholastic Athletic AssociationNew
Sweeney, Thomas A.ConfirmedMember, Diamond State Hospital Cost Review BoardNew