WHEREAS the President of the United States has proclaimed a Sixth Registration under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended ;
WHEREAS the President has specifically called upon the governors of the several states and territories and all officers and agents of the states and territories, and political subdivisions thereof, and all local boards and agents thereof appointed under the provisions of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, or the Selective Service Regulations prescribed thereunder, to do and perform all acts and services necessary to accomplish effective and complete registration :
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Walter W. Bacon, Governor of the State of Delaware, do hereby proclaim the following:
1. The registration of male citizens of the United States and other male persons, who shall have attained the eighteenth anniversary of the day of their birth during the periods indicated below, shall take place in the State of Delaware between the hours of 9 :00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. on the days hereinafter designated for their registration, as follows :
(a). Those who were born on or after July 1, 1924, but not after August 31, 1924, shall be registered on any day during the week commencing Friday, December 11, 1942, and ending Thursday, December 17, 1942 ;
(b). Those who were born on or after September 1, 1924, but not after October 31, 1924, shall be registered on any day during the week commencing Friday, December 18, 1942, and ending Thursday, December 24, 1942;
(c). Those who were born on or after November 1, 1924, but not after December 31, 1924, shall be registered on any day during the period commencing Saturday, December 26, 1942, and ending Thursday, December 31, 1942;
(d). During the continuance of the present war, those who were born on or after January 1, 1925, shall be registered on the day they attain the eighteenth anniversary of the day of their birth ; provided, that if such anniversary falls on a Sunday or a legal holiday, their registration shall take place on the day following that is not a Sunday or a legal holiday.
2. (a) Every male citizen of the United States and every other male person, except those exempted by the President's proclamation, is required to and shall during the time or on the day fixed herein for his registration present himself for and submit to registration before the selective service local board having jurisdiction in the area in which he has his permanent home or in which he may happen to be during that time or on that day if such male citizen or other male person has not heretofore been registered under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, and the regulation prescribed thereunder.
(b). Th duty of any person to present himself for and submit to registration in accordance with any previous proclamation issued under said Act shall not be affected by this proclamation.
(c). A person subject to registration may be registered after the time or day fixed for his registration in case he is prevented from registering during that time or on that day by circumstances beyond his control. If he is unable to present himself for and submit to registration during the time or on the day fixed for his registration, he shall do so as soon as possible after the cause for such inability ceases to exist.
3. The registration under this proclamation shall be in accordance with the Selective Service Regulations governing registration. Every person subject to registration is required to
familiarize himself with such regulations and to comply therewith.
4. I call upon the people of the State of Delaware and officers and agents of the State, and any of its political subdivisions, to give all necessary aid and assistance to the Selective Service local boards of the State in conducting a successful registration.
5. I shall deem it a discharge of a patriotic obligation if all newspapers, radio stations, and other disseminators of public information give full and complete publicity to the facts of registration in order that all eligible males will place their names on the Selective Service lists.
6. In order that there may be complete cooperation, I urge all employers and governmental agencies of all kinds to give those under their charge sufficient time in which to fulfill the obligations of registration.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Delaware to be hereunto affixed, at Dover, this fifth day of December, in the year of our Lord one
(GREAT SEAL) thousand nine hundred and forty-two and of the Independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and sixty-seventh.
EARLE D. WILLEY, Secretary of State.