TO: Heads of All State Departments and Agencies.
RE: Creation of the Governor's Task Force for Aviation.
WHEREAS, programs and services related to aviation and the development and utilization of airports are of general interest to the citizens of Delaware and the State and local governments; and
WHEREAS, comprehensive aviation planning is desirable for the State of Delaware in establishing such programs and services to achieve short-range needs and long-range objectives; and
WHEREAS, Title 2 of the State of Delaware Code directs the Department of Highways and Transportation to encourage, foster and assist in the development of aviation in Delaware and have general supervision over aviation within the State; and
WHEREAS, to assure maximum benefits to the citizens of Delaware as authorized by the Airport and Airway Department Act of 1970, as signed by the President of the United States in May, 1970, the Department of Highways and Transportation has entered into an agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States Department of Transportation to prepare a state-wide aviation transportation plan; and
WHEREAS, as a portion of said agreement the Governor of the State of Delaware is requested to create a citizens advisory board, to be known as the Governor's Task Force for Aviation, to review and comment on the state-wide aviation transportation plan as it is prepared.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, SHERMAN W. TRIBBITT, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Delaware, do hereby order and direct as follows:
1. The Governor's Task Force for Aviation is hereby created and authorized and directed to exercise the functions of the State of Delaware's citizen advisory board for the establishment of a state-wide aviation transportation plan and other aviation-related programs and services.
a. Membership
The Task Force shall be composed of fifteen members who shall be appointed by the Governor and the membership shall consist of the following:
(1) Three members, one to be designated by each the President of the Kent County Levy Court, the County Executive of New Castle County and the President of the Sussex County Council.
(0) One member to be designated by the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce.
(1) One member to be designated by the Commander, 435th Military Airlift Wing, Dover Air Force Base.
(2) One member to be designated by a Civil Aeronautics Board certificated air carrier serving the Greater Wilmington Airport.
(3) Nine members representing the State at large, three each to be designated who are residents from the State's three counties, Kent, New Castle and Sussex.
b. Functions and Responsibilities
In its role as the Governor's Task Force for Aviation, the Task Force shall be responsible to the Governor and the Department of Highways and Transportation. Functions and responsibilities of the Task Force shall include:
(1) Review and comment upon the State of Delaware Aviation and Airport System Plan as it is prepared by the Department of Highways and Transportation.
(2) Making recommendations to the Governor and the Department of Highways and Transportation for the implementation of the State of Delaware Aviation and Airport System Plan.
(3) Making recommendations to the Governor and the Department of Highways and Transportation for other aviation-related programs and services that should be implemented by the State of Delaware for its citizens.
c. Meetings, Rules and Procedures
(1) The Task Force shall meet for the initial time at the time and place deemed appropriate by the Secretary of the Department of Highways and Transportation. At the initial meeting the Task Force shall elect a Chairman.
(2) The Task Force shall meet regularly after the initial meeting at times and places deemed appropriate, subject to the call of the Chairman.
(3) The Task Force shall determine its own rules and procedures for the conduct of meetings.
d. Services to the Task Force
The Department of Highways and Transportation shall, to the extent of available resources as provided by grants and agreements with the Federal Government or by appropriations by the General Assembly, provide such staff services and other supportive services as the Task Force may need.
e. Term of Service
Members appointed to the Task Force directly by the Governor shall serve at the Governor's pleasure. Members designated by the President of the Kent County Levy Court, the County Executive of New Castle County, the President of the Sussex County Council, the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce, the Commander of the 436th Military Airlift Wing, Dover Air Force Base and a Civil Aeronautics Board certified air-carrier serving the Greater Wilmington Airport shall serve until such time as the respective parties above listed shall request their replacement and shall designate successors, who shall then be appointed by the Governor.
2. This Executive Order shall be effective this date and the Task Force shall hold it's first meeting within fifteen calendar days of the date letters of appointment are issued by the Governor.
3. The Secretary of the Department of Highways and Transportation is hereby instructed to take such action as may be necessary for the implementation of this Executive Order, subject to the review and approval of the Governor.
Approved this 19th day of July, 1974.
Secretary of State