Section 1. A $300 Veterans Military Pay Bonus is hereby granted to all Merchant Marines who qualify as veterans under §8720 of Title 29. The Secretary of Finance or her designee shall by regulation distribute the Bonus to Merchant Marines who are Delaware residents as of the date of enactment and who provide sufficient evidence of their eligibility within one year thereof.
Section 2. Upon enactment of this legislation, the Budget Director is hereby authorized to transfer the sum of $30,000 from available funds in the Budget Office Contingency and One Times - (10-02-04) to the State Treasurer (12-05-01) for the purpose of implementing this Act unless funds have been otherwise allocated for this purpose. Any funds herein transferred but unexpended on June 30, 1996 shall not revert but shall be a continuing appropriation and shall revert to the General Fund of the State of Delaware on June 30, 1997.