Section 1. The Smyrna School District is hereby granted approval to convey the following described lands and premises to the Town of Kenton, a municipal corporation of the State of Delaware to be used for municipal purposes:
"All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situated in or near the corporate limits of the Town of Kenton, Kenton Hundred, Kent County and State of Delaware, lying on the Northwest side of concrete highway leading out of Kenton to Downs Chapel, the metes and bounds, courses and distances whereof are as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a stake in the Northwest right of way line of said concrete highway where a permanent marker is placed and a corner established; thence running with line separating the tract hereby conveyed from lands • formerly of Ida M. Taylor, now of William R. Knotts, North thirty-six degrees West, five hundred and eighty feet to a stake set in the East line of lands of the Delaware and Chesapeake Railroad Company; thence running with the Easterly line of said Railroad Company's land North thirty-seven and one-half degrees East, two hundred and ninety-two feet to another stake set in the Easterly line of said Railroad Company; thence running with line separating the tract hereby conveyed from lands formerly of Ida M. Taylor, later of Alice Biger, South thirty-six degrees East six hundred and sixty-five feet to a stake set where a permanent marker is set in the Northwesterly right of way line of the said concrete highway; thence running with the Northwesterly right of way line of the said concrete highway, a short distance with the curve thereof and in the main South fifty-four degrees West two hundred and eighty feet to the place of beginning, containing and laid out for four acres of land, be the same more or less.
And being the same lands and premises which were conveyed unto the Smyrna School District by deed of The State Board of Education of the State of Delaware, a State agency, dated December 19, 19 , and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Kent County, Delaware, in Deed Record E, Volume 26, Page 342."