Delaware General Assembly






Whereas, Eugene Bunting, Secretary of State on behalf of the State of Delaware, has reported to me a list of corporations which for two years preceding such report have failed to pay taxes assessed against them and due by them under the laws of the State.

Now, therefore, I, Russell W. Peterson, Governor of the State of Delaware, do hereby issues this proclamation according to the provi sions of Section 511 and 512 of Title 8 of the Delaware Code of 1953, as amended, and do hereby declare under this act of the Legislature that the charters of the following corporations, reported as aforesaid, are repealed:

A Brodrick Construction Company, A. C. Picciotti Company, Inc., A. R. M. Company, Inc., A & V, Inc., AAA Corporation, Aarons Associates, Inc., Abattoir, Inc., Abbotsford, Inc., Abbott, Inc., Abby, Inc., Acacia, Inc., Acadia, Inc., Accurate Electronics, Inc., Ace Industries International of New York, LTD., Acme Development Company, Acme Spark Plug Corp., Acorn, Inc., Active Young Republicans of Sussex County, Inc., Acton, Inc., Adams Brothers Produce Company, Inc., Admiralty Service Co., Inc., Adrian, Inc., Advance Concepts, Inc., Advanced Foods Inc., Advertising Sales, Inc., Advisors to Business, Inc., Agassiz, Inc., Agaw am, Inc., Ainsley,Inc., Ainsworth, Inc., Air-Dri Internation a l, Inc., Air Illinois Airline, Inc., Air International Terminal Services, Inc., Air Space Training & Engineering Company, Inc., Airkaman Lear Jet Sales, Inc., Airlines National Terminal Service Company, Inc., Akel Associates, Inc. , Akron, Inc., Al Luneau Chevrolet, Inc., AI's Pawn Shop, Inc., Aladdin, Inc., Alban, Inc., Albemarle, Inc., Alben, Inc., Albert Associates, Inc., Albert Enter prises, Inc., Albert, Inc., Albion, Inc., Alder, Inc., Alcast Fittings, Inc., Alexandria Finance Corpor ation, Alfleg Inve stment Corporation, Algonquin Producing Company, Incorporated, Alisa Construction Co., All American Campers, Inc., All Inclusive Tours, Inc., All-States Photo Co., Allied Auto Sales, Inc., Allied Equip ment & Appliances Corp., Allied Metal Workers Union of America, Allied Public Relations, Inc. , Allied Publishers, Inc., Allied Services Construction Company, Allie s Products Corporation, Allstate Leasing Corporation, Alpine National Inc., Atom Distributing Co. Inc., Altoona Midway Oil Company, American Stone Co., American Tobaccoless Corp., American youth and Re habilitation Corporation, Amex Mining Corporation, Amuropa Export Corporation, Anchorage Yacht Club, Ancient Ord er of Mariners, Inc ., Ander sen-Birkh olm Corporation, Andrew L. Burk s, Am-Ad, Inc., Amato Service, Inc., Amedica Group, The, American Allo ys Incorporated, American Art Association-Anderson Galleries, Inc . , American Charter Oil Company, American Civilian Club, Inc., The, American Filter Products, Inc . , American Foundation for Theatre Arts, Inc., The, American Hydrofoils, Inc., American In vex LTD . , American Leduc Uranium Corp., American Lib erty Ste a mship Corporation, American Library Society, The American Medicines, Inc., American Motor Scooter Corporation, Ameri can Ori ental Navigation Corp., American Palmite Corporation, American Purcha s ing Company, American Ramie Compan y, American Records, Inc., American Resources Corporation, Inc., Angeles, Inc., Angle Steel, Inc., Ankh, Inc., The, Annandale Management Corporation, Annett Farms, Inc . , Anthony Cesario School of Beauty Culture, Inc., Anthon y Intern at ional , LTD., Apco Libya Oil Company, Apollo House of Carpet, Inc., Apollo House of Carpet, Inc., No. Two., Appalachian Mail Service, Inc., Appli ed Health & Research Inc., Arab Trading & Contracting Company, Inc., Arch Aircraft, Inc., Arden Building, Inc., The, Ardmor e Investment Company, Ardsley Corporation, The, Area Builders, Inc., Argo Shipping Company, Inc., Aristocr at Club, The, Arlington Construction Co., Inc., Arlington Seating Company, Armanco Productions, Inc., Arnold Livestock Co., Arthur Balfour and Company, Inc., Arthur H. Ander son Co., Aseco, Ltd., As soc iated Auto Salvage Storage Pools, Inc., As so ciated Business Service s, Inc. , A ss ociated Five, Inc., Associated Investors and Developers Corporation, Associated Leasing Cor poration, Associated Mining and Minerals Corporation, Associated Production Corporation, Astoria Mortgage Company, In corporated, Atlantic Bowling Corporation, Atlantic Enterprises , Inc., Atlantic New York, Inc., Atlantic Philadelphia, Inc. , Atlan tic Resort Co., Inc., Atlantic Sealants Corporation, Atlas Liqui dating Corporation, Atlas Protective Coatings, Inc., Atomic Lightning Control, Inc., Atoms & Us, Inc., Augustine, Ltd., Aura Electroni cs Corporation, Auto-A-Mericas Systems, Inc., Auto Brokers, Inc., Auto-Magic Car Wash, Inc., Automated Billing Cont ro l, Inc., Automated Business Services, Inc., Automatic Dolly Legs Inc., Automation Controls, Inc., Avaco Engineering Consultants, Inc., Ayre Leasing Ltd.,

B & A Elevator Contractors, Inc., B. Ciotti & Sons, Inc., B. Crifasi Bros., Inc., B. F. L. Enterprises, Inc., B. H. R. Corporation, B. R. Westbrook Trucking Company, Inc., B. S. Associates Ltd., Babbitt, Inc., Babcock, Inc., Babson, Inc., B a colo Automotive Suppliers, Inc., Baer Corporation, Bahama Beach Estates, Ltd., Bahamia Country Club Apartments, Inc., Baird, Inc., Baker, Inc., Bakon Seasonings, Inc., Bala Foundation, Inc., Baldwin , Inc., Baldwin Research and Manufacturing Company, The, Balfi Shoe . Co., Inc. , Balfour, Inc., Ballin, Inc., Ballou, Inc., Bancroft, Inc., Bancroft Preparatory School, Inc., Banks, Inc., Banks Patrol Service, Inc., Banner Industries , Inc., Bannock, Inc., Banton, Inc., Bap Inc. of New Jersey, Bar Double K Inc. , Barclay Investments Inc., Barge Baking Co., Inc., Barkhouser Foundation, Inc., The, Barlow, Inc., Barnes, Inc., Barrett's Candy Stores, Inc., Barrett , Inc., Barrington Fairhaven Estates, Inc., Barrington, Inc., Bar rows, Inc. , Barry, Inc., Bart's Rents-A-Honda, Inc., Bartley Feeder Service, Inc., Bartley, Inc., Prescriptions, Bartolo Trucking & Excavating Co., Barton & Marshall, Inc., Bath County Land Comp any, Batman Inc., Battletown Construction Co., Inc., Baynard's, Inc., Baynard Realty Co., Bearl Investment Corporation, BelAire Fabrics, Inc., Beltway Construction Company, Inc., Belvedere Volunt eer Fire Co l mpany, Ben Bohm Enterprises, Inc., Ben Watts Marina, Inc., Bendall Fleetway, Inc., Benedict Insurance Agency , Inc., Benefactor of Delaware, Inc., Benefits Adjustment Co., B epco, Inc., Berkson Brothers, Incorporated, Bern-Beck, Inc., Bernhard-Norman Corporation, Ber s had Realty Co., Bethel-Convalescent Home, Inc., Better Stores, Inc., Biff-Burger System , Inc. , Big Ben Rest a urants, Inc. , Big River Broadcasting Corp., Billion Dollar Newspaper Markets, Inc., Billy's Dair y Bar, Inc., Bio Corporation, Biosonics International , Inc., Birch and Gattone, Incorporated, Bishop Maintenance & Repair Service, Inc., Bituminous Coal Institute, Black Daimond Towing Corp., Black Ha w k Downs, Inc. , Black L a ke Oil & D e v e lopment Company, Inc., Blade Inve s tment Comp a n y, Blatchf o rd Furniture Co., Blaunco, Inc ., Bloomington-Norm a l C.Bo Hou se, Inc., Blue Boar Inn, Inc., Blue Hen Inve s tment S e curiti e s Compan y , Blue Rock Manor, In c . , Blue-White Holdin g and Trading Co. , Inc., Bluebonnett Gas Corporation, Bob Frazier, Inc., Bodegas De San Jose, Inc., Bollm a n-Pemco Corpor at i on, Bon-Sh e r Beauty Salon, Inc . , Borgia Co., The, Boros-E w ing Fo rd S a l es, Inc., Bosche W e ld Con s truction Corporation, B o u s kill Corporation, Bowker Associates, Inc., Bowl-Ar e n a, Inc. , Bradley Manuafcturing Company, Inc., Bradle y Ol so n, I nc . , Brandywine Television & Appliance Co., Inc., Brandywine Village Nursing Home, Inc., Branmar, Inc., Brant Oil Compa ny, Bra s ili a n-American Steel Corporation, Breathable Foam Co rp . , Briar Park Civic As s ociation, Bridg e Realty and Develo pm ent C orp. , B r idle Brook, Incorporated, Brookside Apt s ., Inc ., Br o wn and Da v id s on Funer a l Home, Inc., B r yan Prope r tie s , Inc., B ry c e , Inc., Builders Incorporated, Building Chemicals Co., Building Mat e ri a ls Wh o l esa le s , Inc . , Bullington Investm e nt Co., Bur g m as ter S a les C orporation , Burke, Inc., Busin ess and Industry D eve lopment Company, Butler Sewing Center, Inc o rporated, Butterworth Apartments, Inc.,

C. B. S. Advertising Associates, Inc., C. H. Strong Elevator, Inc. , C. H. Strong & Son, Incorporated, C & T Con s truction Co., Caddy, Inc., Cadillac Lounge, Incorporated, Cald we ll, Inc., Caledonia, Inc. , Call, Inc., Callahan, Inc., Calldex of the Mid-Atlantic Stat es , Inc., Callender, Inc., Caltha, Inc., Calunite Co r poration, The, Calvert Hospitality Corporation, Cambria, Inc., Camden , Inc., Camelot Motor Lodge & Inn Corporation, Camelot Supply Company, The, Cameron, Inc . , Camp, Inc., Campbell Upholstering Co., Camrick Oil Corp., Canal Inc., Candlelight Hous e , Inc., Candor, Inc., Candy Crafters, Inc., Canterbury General Stores, Inc., Canterbury, Inc., Canton, Inc., Cape Cod Cable TV, Inc., Cape Development Corp., Capital Associates Inc., Capital In vestments, Inc., Capitol Gardens Cafe, Inc., Capitol Red Carpet Inn, Inc., Carbondale Home Lumber Company, Cardington Inc., Carey, Inc., Caribbean Development Company, Caribbean Se a food Sales Corporation, Caribe Dons, Inc., Carl Griffin Pierce Weer Realty, Inc., Carl J. Skinner Co., Carleton, Inc., Carlford, Inc., Carlos, Inc., Carlyle Lake Developers, Inc., Carneer Corp., Carpet Center, Inc., The, Carroll Wood By the Lake Inc., Cartwright Sealcoater Company, Casa Blanca, Inc., Casey's Cafe, Inc., Casual Post, Ltd., Catering Service, Inc., Cedarbrook of Delawa re, Inc., Cemetery Holdings, Inc. , Center Road Company, Central Business Men's Civic Association, Central Busine ssmen's Club, Central Gas Service, Inc., Certa Company Inc., The , Chantilly's Inc., Chapel Hill Bldg. Co., Char-S Sports, Inc., Char-Steak House of Dela ware Valley, Inc., Chas. E. Tull Co., The, Charles M. Upham Associ'ates, Inc., Charleston Linen Sales Company, Chern-Coatings Inc., Chemical Credit & Trading Corporation, Chemonics Corporation, Chemosphere, Inc., Cherokee Enterprises, Inc., Chicken Au Go-Go, Inc., Chris Hoerr Building Corporation, Chris Paschen Corporation, Christina River Enterprises, Inc., Christner Brothers Cons tr uction Company, Christopher Columbus Monument Committee, Inc., Chuck Wagon, Inc., Ciaio Enterprises, Inc., Cinnabar Canyon Mines, Incorporated, City of Arts, Incorporated, The, City Associates Ltd., City Drapery Cleaners, Inc. , City On e Hour Cleaners, Inc. , Clay Bank Grain Company, Clayton Truck Rental, Inc., Club 184, Inc., Coachella Project, Inc., Coastal Circus Operating Co., Coastal Distributors , Inc., Coat Craft Company, Inc., Cochran Equipment Co., Coffey Chev rolet Co., Cohasset, Inc., Coiffure's D'io r Beauty Salon, Inc., Col lege Forum Enterprises, Inc., Colonia, Inc., Colonial Associates, Inc., Color Lithography Corporation, Colpro, Inc., Columbia Floor Service, Inc., Co lumbia Structures, Incorporated, Columbian Mote l Corporation, Columbus Inn, Inc., ColwYck Discount Variety Inc., Comidex Corporation, Comity Corporation, The, Committee for Welfare, Edu cation and Legal Defense, Inc., Commodity Futures Fund, Inc., Common Market Growth Fund, Inc., Commonwealth Mining Ltd. Inc., Commonwealth Research Corporation, Community Action Ag e ncy of Greater Dover, Inc., Community Cablecasting Corporati o n, Communit y Fence Co., Community Service (Incorporated) , Compact Homes, Inc., Complete Coin Corporation , Comp o nents Credit Corporation, CO'mpulease, Inc ., Computer Bu s iness Analy s ts, Inc., Computer Programming Institute of Eastern Pa., Inc., Concord Auto Centre, Inc., Concord Book & Card Center, Inc., Concord Le as ing, Inc., Conforti Construction Co., Inc., Conn. BiProducts, Inc., C o nni Gordon Art Center of Delaware, Inc., Cono v er Compan y , Inc., The, Consolidated Construction Compan y of Delaware, Consolidated Nursery Sales, Inc., Consolidated S ys tems, Inc., Consolidated Transit, Inc., Construction Research As s ociate s Inc., Consumer Finance Insurance Corporation, Contin a na Corporation, Continental Entertainment Corporation, Conti ne nt a l Film Corporation, Continental Mining & Milling Co. , Continent a l We s tern Corporation, Continental Western Inve s tment Corp., Continuous Casting Steel Corp., Converti-Ben c h Corporation, Cooke & Lamborn, Inc., Cooltainer Corporation , Coordinated Construction Enterprises, Inc., Corbly Hershbarger GMC, Inc., Cornell Pipe & Supply Company, Corntails Company, Inc., Corpamerica, Inc., Corpo r ate Planning, Inc., Corral Enterprises, Inc., Corrugated Suppli es Corp., Cosma Corporation, Inc., Cost-Less Discount Co., Countr y Club Foods, Inc . , Country Homes, Incorporated, Cowgill's Community Club, Cranfill and Peterson, Inc., Creative Art Film s, Inc . , Cr e ative Ventures Corporation, Credimatic Corporation , Cro s by Mining Development Corporation, Cross Roads, Inc., Crusad e rs for Peace, Inc., Crystal Associates Inc., Cuban Telephon e Compan y , Custom Auto Radio Distributor s of D. C. , Inc. , Cu t rona ' s, Inc . , Cycle World, Inc.,

D. B. Talmage & Associates, Inc., D. J. Trading, Inc., D. Kaltm a n & Co., Inc.-C & C Division No.5, D & N, Inc., D. R. E. R. M. Democratic League, Inc., D and R Market, Inc., D W D Productions, Inc., Dabney Inc., Dacia Inc., Dade Inc., Dahlgren Inc. , D a iry-M a tic Vending, Inc., Dalawar, Inc., Dale Inc., Dalin Inc., Dallas Inc. , Dalton Inc., Daly Inc . , Damon Inc., Damrell Inc., Dan Paul Textile s , Inc., Dana Inc., Danbury Inc., Danceable s, Inc. , Dane Inc., Danforth Inc., Dania, Inc., Danny, Inc., Dante Alighieri Society, The, Danube, Inc., Dapro Incorporated, Darling, Inc., DarIus, Inc., Dartel Corporation, Dartmouth Woods, Corp., Data fact, Inc., Davis & Schipper, Inc., Davispate and Associates, CIE., Daystar Chemicals, Inc., Daytona Highridge Estates, Inc., Daytona Highridge Sales, Inc., De Puy Manufacturing Company, Inc., Deb-Mar Corporation, Debie Corporation, The, Decatur Commu nity Homes Co., Del Mar Penn Jersey C. B. Club Inc., Delaware Builders and Modernizers, Inc., Delaware College of Chiropody, Inc., Delaware Contractors & Builders, Inc., Delaware Decor ators, Inc., Delaware Fruit & Product Co., Delaware Harness Racing Association, The, Delaware Home Improvement Company, Dela ware Industrial Development Foundation, Inc., Delaware Preferred Meat Co., The, Delaware Room, Inc., Delaware Rug Co., Inc., Delaware State Florists Association, Delaware State Joint Council for The Accpeditation of Nursing Homes, Inc., Delaware State Roofing Co., Delaware Student Audience Foundation, Dela ware Tutorial and Job Training Program, Incorporated, Delmark Co., Delmarva Contracting Company, Delreco, Inc., Demma, Inc., Demontluzin Corporation, The, Den-Del Transport, Inc., Depend able Electronics Company, Inc., Dependable Models, Inc., Deposilube Manufacturing, Inc., Derby Records, Inc., Design Analysis Corporation, Desplaines River Transport Corporation, Devon Inc., Diamond State Engineering Co., Diamond State Evergreen Co., Inc., Diamonds of Brazil, Inc., Diana Shop of Moultrie, Inc., Dick Clark Radio Productions, Inc., Dick Clark Syndicated Inc., Dick Ellis, Inc., Dictour Corporation, Digay Corporation, Diplo mat Assurance Limited, Dixon Supply Company, Dog Owners Guidance Service Association Inc., Domart, Inc., Donaldson Bak eries, Inc., Donuts and, Inc., Dorsey Drip Regulator Corp., Dot Sel, Inc., Dover Area Industrial Development Corporation No.1, Dover Arms, Inc., Drakes Jewelers, Inc., Dray Builders Supply & Lumber, Inc., Dreamboat Company, Inc., Drug Products Sales Corporation, Dunrin, Inc., Dupont Pharmacy, Inc., Durock Corporation, Durst Pickwick Corp., Durst-Sunhill Corp., Duxbury, Inc., Dynapower Systems Corporation.

E G H Realty Co. Inc., E. & S. Aquarium, Inc., E. S. D. Corp., E & T Corporation, E. W. Bates, Inc., E & W Corporation, Eagle, Inc., Earl, Inc., Earl Wilson Music, Inc., Earlou, Inc., Ea s t Coas t Stationers of New York, Inc., East Coast Stationers of Washing ton County Inc., East Holly Oak Civic Association, East Inc., East-West Import and Export Co., Inc., Eastern Min es I nc . , Eastern Pipe Coating Corp., Eastern Poultry Farms, Inc., East ern Shore Home Improvement s, Inc ., Eastgate Construction and Supply Co., Inc., Eaton Inc., ECA, Limited, Ecclesiastical Con s ul tants, Inc., Echo, Inc., Eden Park Market, Inc., Edgar, Inc., Edgebrook, Inc., Edi son, Inc., Edith, Inc., Edmund Burke Memorial Foundation , Inc . , Edsco, Inc., Educational Aid Associates, Inc., Edutech, Inc. , Edw a rds Seattle Corporation, Edwards Supply Co., Inc. , Ed w i n, Inc., Egan Inc., Eimar Corporation, El-Chem Co., El Moro c co International Ltd., Elba Inc., Eldon Inc., Eldora Inc., Eldridge Inc., Electra Construction Company, Electrical Associat e s , Inc., Electro-Pix Corporation, Electro Products Corp., Electro n ic C u r rency Corporation, The, Eliot Inc., Elisabeth Innes Bennett Foulke Foundation, Inc., The, Eliz a beth J. Brisbine Foundation, Inc., Elk Mills Production s , Inc., E l kins Inc., Ellerton Inc., Ellery Inc., Ellington Inc., Elli s Sist e r s, Inc., Elnwood, Inc., Elwood Liquors, Inc., Emerite Corporation, Emor y Line Construction Inc., Empire Charta, Ltd., Empire Engineers & Constructors, Inc., Empire Laundry Inc., Empire Pro ductions, Inc ., Epic Corporation, Equities Investment Corpo r a tion, Errand Boy of Madison, Inc., Escort & Patrol Services, Inc ., Essex Boat Corporation, Et Cetera, Inc., Euramerica, Incorpor ated, Evans & Edell Inc., Ever Ready Circle Kings Daughter s, Evisave Corporation, Exceptionale Enterprises, Inc., Execugraf Corporation, The, Experimental Aircraft Association, Delaware Chapter 171, Inc., Export Oil Field Sales, Inc.

F. & F. Builders, Inc., Fabin Inc., Fabrication Associate s , Inc., Facts International, Inc., Fair Haven Development Com pany, Fairbury Stone, Inc., Fairfax Enterprises Inc., Fairview Inc., Falcon Inc., Falmouth Inc., Family Guardian Corporation , Inc., Farley & Dunmon, Inc., Farmington Inc., Farnham In c . , Farnsworth Inc., Farrar Corporation, The, Farrar International , Inc., Farrell Electronics Corporation, Farrington Engineering Corporation, Farrington Inc., Farwell Inc., Fashion City of South Dakota, Inc., Fashion Galleries, Inc., Fashion Leasing Corpora tion, Fashionable Publications, Inc., Fast & Fancy Car Wash, Inc., Faulkner Inc., Fay Inc., Faywood Inc., FCI Industrial Development Corporation, February Corporation, Felar Corporation, Felix Inc., Fellows Inc., Felton Inc., Fendale Inc., Fenner Inc., Fenwick Inc., Fern Inc., Ferncliff Inc., Festival Award Films, Inc., Fiberform Corporation, Fiberglass Materials & Equipment Corp., Fidelity Fine Arts, Inc., 5th Wheel Tavern, Inc., Figure 8, Inc., Financial Engineering, Inc., Financial Guaranty Corporation, Financial Planners of Dela ware, Inc., First Gibson Stores of California, Inc., First Gotham Corporation, First Pegasus Corporation, First Property Management Corp., First State Life Insurance Company of America, The, First State Life Insurance Investors, Inc., First State Title Insurance Investors, Inc., Firstate Sales, Inc., Flair Plastics Corporation, Flanzer Realty Co., Flomac Painting Corp., Floral Arts, Inc., Florence Oil Co., Inc., Flower Building, Inc., Food-N-Cup Corp., Forbes Coal Co., Foreign Research and Development Corp., Forest Brook Glen Corporation, Forsnas Engineering Company, Inc., Fort Knox Company, The, Fort Myer Lodge, Incorporated, Fort Neck South, Inc., Forty Liquors, Inc., Fosca Oil Corporation Incorporated, Foundation Fund, Inc., 4-A Auto Wreckers, Inc., Four Seasons Management Corp., Fourth Medium Corporation, The, Franchise Management Corporation, Francmines, Inc., Frank-N-Stein Systems, Inc., Frank Ted Clark, Inc., Franklin Apartment House Company, Frano, Inc., Fransvea Company, The, Fred H. Ebersold, Inc., Freedom Network, Inc., French Quarter Garden Apartments, Inc., Frontier Leasing Corporation, Futures, Inc.,

G-E-X Philadelphia Corp., G & G Plumbing & Heating, Inc. , G. H. Utterback & Son, Inc., G. M. D. Corporation, G. P. R. Inc., G.S.C. Corporation, G. W. Financing and Leasing, Inc., Gage Grinding Company, Gage Inc., Gage Park Bowling, Inc., GalaxyInternational Productions Incorporated, Galena Inc., Gallery of Homes Inc., Gallups Inc., Galty Inc., Gannett Inc., Gardnar Mul loy International Athletic Clubs, Inc., Gardner Inc., Garfield Inc., Garland Inc., Garment Lettering, Inc., Garner Inc., Garrett In. dustries, Inc., Garrison Ins., Garth Inc., Gas-Up Oil Company, Inc., Gaston Inc., Gates Inc., Gateway Enterprises, Inc., Gavin Inc., Gay Inc., Gayland Inc., Gaylord Tollinger Space Age Products, Inc., Gem Inc., Gene Inc., General Builders & Contractors, Inc., General Mining & Development Cor poration, General Scale Co., General Shipping & Chartering Com pany, Geneva Inc., Genie Oil & Gas Corporation, Geology Engi neering, Incorporated, George A. Davis & Sons, Inc., George C. Barr, Inc., George F. Moring Co ., Geo H. Jett Drilling Co., George's Restaurant, Inc., Gettig Leasing Corp. of Delaware, Gibbs Thomson Inc., Gibellino Builders, Inc., Gibellino and Company, Gibson Rowland Height s, Inc., Gittlin Securities Corporation, Global Electronics of Delaware, Inc., Golden Arch Inns, Inc., Golden Arch Motels, Inc. , Golfview Apartments of Peoria, Inc., Goodwil Supply Corp., Gordy Enter prises, Inc., Gore Properties, Incorporated, Graemere Hotel Com pany, Graftek Inc., Grand Old Gospel Fellowship, The Inc., Grande Loggia DelIo Stato Di Delaware, Ordine, Figli D'Italia in America, Inc., Granite Securities ; Inc., Gray Line National Tours Corporation, Graylyn Medical Center, Inc., Great Empire Invest ments, Inc., Greater Delaware Builders Inc., Green Acre s Nurs ing Home, Inc., Green Line Equip. Co., Inc., Greenfield-Philip s Co., Greenpages, Inc., Grenadier Films, Ltd., Griggs Inc., Grossi Apparel, Inc., Guatemala Investments, Ltd., Guilford Investment Corporation, Gulf Kramer Corporation, Gulf Marine Rentals, Inc., Gulf-Northern Airlines, Inc., Gunter Trucking Corporation.

H. & B., Inc., H. Clay Philips, Inc., H. E. Buch & Sons, Inc., H & H Builders, Inc., H. H. C., Inc., H. & H. Enterprises , Inc., H. L. Rodger & Company, Inc., H. P. Norem & Sons, Inc., H & R Building Co ., H. & R. Development Co., Inc. , H. & W. Cantor Inc., Hadwin Inc., Hagar Inc., Halborn Inc., Hale Inc., Halford Inc., Hall 'Stage Equipment, Inc., Hallam Inc., HaIlers Motors Sales Company, Hallet Inc., Hallron Inc., Halsey Inc., Hamblen Inc., Hampton Inc., Hannon Inc., Happy Holiday Inn of Rehoboth, Inc., Harambee, Inc. II, Harbell Inc., Hardwood Timber Corporation, Hargo Woolen Mills, Inc., Harlan-Fairfax Equity Corporation, Harley Inc., Har low Inc., Harold C. Horah, Inc., Harrington Junior Chamber of Commerce, Inc., Harris Inc., Harrow Inc., Harry Rabin Founda tion, Harry W. Bendall Foundation, Inc., Harry Walls Transportation Service, Inc., Hartlawn Inc., Hartwell Inc., Harvard Inc., Haywood, Stephenson and Company, Inc., Hazel Baird, Inc., Head On Collision Line, linc., Hendry Built Homes, Inc., Hendry Con struction Company, Henlopen Foundation, Inc., Henry G. Graves & Sons, Inc., Henry S . Banach & Son, Inc., Hetco, Inc., Heto, Incorporated, Hexton Leasing Co., Inc., Hickory Ridge Development Co., High Gun Farms, Inc., High Point Heating & Plumbing, Inc., Hilkey Transport, Inc., Hingham, Inc., Hit Beers, Inc., Hockessin Swimming Club, Hofman Hotels Corporation, Holiday Cruise Lines, Ltd., Holi ' day Promotions, Inc., Hollman, Bache, St. John and As sociates, Inc., Holly Ball Foundation, Inc., Holly Enterprises, Inc., Hollywood Motel, Inc., Holmes & Son, Incorporated, Home & For eign Securities Cdmpany, Homotel Inc., Honda Rental, Inc., Hotel Corporation of Virginia, House of Wenger Co., Household Sewing Machine Company, Inc., Houston Charity Corporation, Howard International, Inc., Hudson Realty, Inc., Huff Electric Inc., Huntsman Corporation, Hydroelectrics, Incorporated, Hygeia Development Corporation.

Ideal Company, Inc., The, Ilex Corporation, Imperial Enterprise s, Inc., Imperial International Inc., Imperial Productions, Inc., Imperial Research Corporation, Imported Cars of Dover, Inc., Incadel , Inc. -North America, Indatacon Corp., Independ ence Hall Corporation, The, Independence Mall of Dover, Inc., Indoor Billbo ards Corporation, Industrial Development International, Ltd., Industrial Equipment Corporation, Industrial Fund s Corporation, Informational Tapes Incorporated, Infropake International, Inc., Inga Borg, Inc., Inland Builders, Inc., Institute for Cultural Development, Institutional Exchange Fund, Inc., Institutional Sales Co ., Inc., Insurance Advisors Corporation, Inter City Cab, Inc. , Interamerican Capital Corporation, Intercontinental Industrial Corporation, Intercontinental I ndustr ie s, Inc., Interelations Inc., Interfina, Inc., Interim Development Corporation, Intermediates Incorporated, International Audio Sales, Inc., International Automation Institute, Inc., International Bowling Corporation, International Builders, Inc., Inter national Business Development Corporation, International Con sulting, Inc., International Contractors, Ltd., International Documentation In st itute, Inc., International Economic Publishers, Inc., International Engineering, General Research and Licensing Company, International Food Engineering Co., International Franchi se Foods Management Corporation, International Hydro foil Corporation, International Importers, Inc., International Information Institute Inc., International Management and Engineering Group Limited, International Mercantile Corporation, International Nutrition Corporation, International Obesity Foundation, International Oil Overseas Corporation, International Product Development, Ltd. International Projects, Inc., International Scene of Sports and Exhibitions, Inc., International S eamless surfaces, Inc., International Self Service, Incorporated, Intern a tional Standard Oil Corporation, International Technical Consul tants & Constructors (Incon), Inc., International Terrazzo Cor poration, International Trading Company, Inc., Interstate Florist Supplies, Inc., Interstate Service Co., Inc., Intertel Corporation, Investment Advisory Publishers Association of America, In c., Inve stor's Club, Inc., Investors Franching Corporation, Inc., Invicta Pla s tics Ltd. of the U. S. A., Ipswich, Inc., Iron City P roduce Co., The , Isoflex Corporation, Italian American Club of the Twenty-first Ward,

J. C. Elliott & Sons, Inc., J. C. Williams & Sons, Inc., J. D. B. Construction Co., Inc., J. D. G. Inc., J. E. McElroy Construction Co., Inc., J. H. Fulweiler, Inc., J & J Transport Inc., J. M. Corp.,

J. P. David Tracy Company, J & P Distributors, Inc., J. P. Horgan Company, Inc. , J. Reese Warrington and Son , Inc., J. S. Rudni tz ki, Inc., J. W. Martin & Co., Inc., Jack's Luncheon ette. Inc., Jack's Ultra Spray Car Wash Incorporated, Jacques Fath Furs, Inc., Jade Cosmetic Distributors, Inc., James B. Shelnutt & Associates, Inc ., James Lawrence, Inc., J ames Meredith Educational Fund, Inc ., . Jankus Enterprises, Inc. , Jap anese Steak House, Inc., Jarvis Inc., Jasons, Inc., Jasper Inc., Jay Inc., Jaye Explorations, Inc., Jeffers Inc., Jefferson Road, Incorporated, Jelco Manufacturing, Inc., Jenner Inc., Jenton Inc., Jerome Inc., Jerusalem Inc., Jet-Wash, Inc., J ewell Inc., Jewett Inc., Jewish Memorial Loan Fund, Inc., Jim Hull, Inc. , Jimrick, Inc., Jinnah, Inc., Joan Inc., John C. Darby, Inc., John Doris International, Inc., John F. Kennedy Center for International Education, Inc., John H. Shain, Inc., Johnny Martin Chevrolet Co., Johnswood Inc. , Joiner Inc. , Jone s Inc., Joral International, Limited, Jordan Inc., Joseph A. Vogel Company, Joseph B. Benedict, Inc., Joseph Inc., Joseph P. Keeley Contracting Co., Joshua Pepper Memorial Cemetery, Inc., Joslin Inc., Jubes Inc., Judson Inc., Jule Enterprises Inc., Julius Reiver Company, Junior Achievement of Northern Dela ware, Inc., Junior Order United American Mechanics, Home Incorporated, The, Just One Break, Inc.,

K & B Enterprises, Inc., K. C. Jones Studio, Inc., K & H - Puget Sound, Inc., Kalada Inc., Kalicakvenker, Inc., Kalimantan Development Company, Inc., Kamara, Inc., Kane Inc., Kappa Services, Inc., Kardon Inc., Kay Jewelry Co. of Birmingham, Inc., Kay Kis Corporation, KDC Corporation, Keen Mobile Homes, Inc., Keenan Inc., Kelley Marketing Corp., Kelly Labor of Birmingham, Inc., Kelly Labor of Charlotte, Inc . , Kelly Labor of Lexington, Inc., Kelly Labor of Syracuse, Inc., Kelton Inc., Kemble Inc., Kemp Inc., Kempton Inc., Ken Gallagher Agency, Inc., Kenesaw Inc., Kenlain Inc., Kenmere Inc., Kennebec Inc., Kennedy Boyle Ford, Inc., Kennedy's Glass Company, Inc., Ken nedy-Quine Productions, Inc., Kenneth A. Freeman Investment Co., Kenneth Inc., Kenrick Inc., Kensington Inc., Kent Agency, Inc., Kent Contracting Co., Inc., Kent Inc., Kent-Sussex Economic Development Corporation, Kent Truck Rentals Co., Inc., Kentminster Developers, Inc., Kentwood Enterprises, Inc., Ken way Inc., Kenwood Inc., Kerna Inc., Kerwin Inc., Kevin Inc., Key Data Machines Corporation, Keystone Institutes, Inc., Kik Enterprises, Inc., King Brothers of Washington, Inc., King Pizza, Inc., Kingsnorth Incorporated, Kingwood Corporation, The, Kirkwood Auto Parts Go., Kirkwood Company, Kirk wood Inn, The, Knickerbocker Distributing Corporation, Knowles, Inc., Knox Stations, Inc., Kogod-Dubb Store Fixture Co., Inc., Krause Toy Industries, Inc., Krauser Services, Inc., Kristol's Inc., Kritzer Radiant Coils, Inc.,

L. E. Owen, Inc., L & M Charter and Leasing Co., La Maison De La Coiffure Ltd., Inc., Laban Inc., Labor-Aides of Kalamazoo County, Inc., Labor Fund, Inc., Laconia Inc., Lafayette Proper ties Corporation, Lakeshire House, Ltd., Lakeside Inc., Lakeville Inc., Lamartine Inc., Lamont, Ltd., Lamson Inc., Lanada Ballet Theater School, Inc., Lanark Inc., Lanco International Corp., Land Investment Corp., Land Marine Corporation, Land and Wildlife Management, Ltd., Landco Planners, Inc., Landor Inc., Landseer Inc. Lanesville Inc., Langdon, Inc., Larch Inc., Laredo Inc., Lark Inc., Larkdale Recreational Park, Inc., Larkhill, Inc., Lathrop Inc., Latin Development, Inc., Lattimore Inc., Laurel Civic and Cultural Center Incorporated , Laurel Glen Maintenance Corp., Laurel Ome & Auto Supply, Inc., Lawncliff - Corporation, The, Lawnwood Inc., Law son Inc., Le Petit Gourmet, Inc., Learning, Incorporated, Lebanon Inc., Lectour Communications Corporation, Leeds Jewelry Co., Inc., Lei sure Homes, Inc., Lend-Lease Golden Coast, Inc., Leneer, Ltd., Leon Associates, Inc., Leon, Inc., Leonard Associates, Inc. , Leounes Realty Corp., Les Sprague Trucking Inc. , Lesters Jewelers of Abilene, Inc., Lesters Jewelers of Lubbock, Inc., Lesters Jewelers of Odessa, Inc., Lester s Jeweler s of Parkdale, Inc., Let George Do It, Inc., Lewes Jaycees, Inc., Lewi s Truc king Corporation, Lewrene Productions Limited, Lexington Hotels, Inc., Liberty Bell Post House, Inc., Liberty Excavating Co., Library Service, A Corporation, Life Stock Exchange Fund, Inc., Likins Gas Company, Lilly , Inc., Lima Truck & Equipment Co., Lincolnwood Operating Corp., Lindale Building and Development Co., Linkwood Construction Co., Inc., Lo - Pe , Inc., Lo cal Union 3182, Inc., Lorclark Corporation, "Louis A. Rapuano & Sons, Inc., Loupap, Inc., Love Department Stores, Inc. of Delaware , Lovekin Advertising, Inc., Lsth Corp., Lumar Gas Corporation, Lumber Corporation of the America s, Luxora , Inc., Lyn Lease Inc., Lynn Allen Corp.,

M & E Service, Inc. , M & J Restaurant, Inc., M. L. Goldsmith Contracting & Leasing Corp., M-R-B Laboratories, Inc., M. R. L. International, Inc., M & R Refrigerated Tran sport, Inc., M & S Realty, Inc., M-Tel, Inc., Machinery & Tools International Cor poration, Macinnes & Hamm, Inc., Mack Construction, Inc., Mackin Inc., Madison Corporation, Madison Liquor s, Inc., Magnolia Inc., Magnus Oceanic Corporation, Mahler Inc., Maine Cen tral Corporation, Maine Leasing Corp., Mainstay Corporation, The, Maitland Inc., Major Engineered Homes , Inc., Major Tire Co., Inc., Mal, Inc., Malbert Inc., Malcolm Inc., Malden Inc., Malin, Inc., Mall Inc., Malta Inc., Malvern Inc. , Management Capital Marketing Corpora tion, Managemen t Datavision Corporation, Manchester Lands, Inc., Manila Inc., Manley Inc., Manning Inc., Manor Park Co . , Mansfield Inc., Manton Inc., Mantua Development Association, Inc., Mapes Inc., Maplechase Construction, Inc., Marbettes Inc., Marbury Inc., Marcel Albert Machip.ery Corporation, Marcella Inc., March Inc., Marcy Inc., Margin Safety Corp., Marine Acceptance Corporation, Marine News Corporation, The, Marine Products of Delaware, Inc., Marjohn Corporation, Mark VII Guild, Inc., The, Marketration, Inc., Markets, Inc., Marlane Land Co., Inc., Marsh Road Liquors, Inc., Martin Brothers Implement Co., Martin Reinis Company, Inc., The, Marty & Fran, Inc., Marvil Package Store, Inc., Mary A. and Thomas F. Grasselli Endowment Foundation, Maryland Con struction Co., Inc., Mason & Moore Insurors, Inc., Master Clean ers and Tailors, Inc., Master Home Builders, Inc., Master Key Enterprises, Inc., Master Key Holding Company, Master Key Incorporated, Materia l s Economy, Inc., Matex Co., Inc . , Mayfair Industries, Inc., Maywood Oaks, Inc., Mazda Incorporated, Mazepa Enterprises, Inc., McHale Pharmaceutical, Inc., McHenry Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc., McHenry Implement, Inc., McKee Motors, Incorporated, Meadow Graphics Inc., Mec-Tronics, Inc., Media Management Corporation, Medical Developers, Inc., Medical-Technical Book Service, Inc., Medicare Centers Inc., Medicare Drug Co., Inc., Mellas Foundation, The, Melrose Restaurant, Inc., Melvin Manu facturing Company, Memorial Society of Wilmington, The, Mercury Supplies, Inc., Mermed, Inc . , Merrels Drive-In, Rockville, Inc., Merritt Francis Corporation, Messmer Trucking, Inc., Metropolitan Construction Co., Inc., Metropolitan Management, Inc., Metropolitan Semi-Pro Baseball League, Inc., Mi-Law of Atlantic, Inc., Mi-Law of Darby, Inc., Mi-Law of Delaware, Inc., MiLaw of Levittown, Inc., Mi-Law of Market, Inc., Mi-Law of New Jersey, Inc . , Mi-Law of Philadelphia, Inc . , Mi-Law of Roosevelt, Inc., Michelle Lynn Enterprises, Inc., Micr o Plan International Inc., Microtron Systems Corporation, Micuccio Service Company, Mid-America Newspaper Markets, Inc . , Mid-Atlantic Company, Inc., Mid Atlantic Properties, Inc., MidLand Overseas Shipping Corp., Midwest Auto Imports, Inc., Midwest Paving Co., Milford Broadcasting Corporation, Millbrook Business Machines Corpor ation, Millen-Mexico, Inc., Million Dollar Promotions, Inc., Mills boro Industrial Development Corporation, Millsboro Industrial Development Corporation Number Three, Milton Development Co., Milval Corp., Milwaukee Chair Company, Mimeo Specialties Co., Mississippi Sound Tidelands Corporation, Mrs . Dr. Paul Albert Tschirner Foundation, Inc., The, Model Homes, Inc., Modern Enterprises, Inc., Modernage Brands, Inc., Mohican Pipe Line Company, Money Mart, Inc., The, Monosaic of America, Inc., Montecito Pea Soup Jr. Re sta ur ant, Inc., Monticello Holding Corporation, Morris & Company, Inc., Mosteco, Inc., Motel Deville, Inc . , Motor-Sport, Inc., Moul throp Company, Inc., Mt. Holly Construction Co., Mountain and Manhattan, Inc., Mountaineer Motor Sales, Inc., MPM Indu stries, Inc., MTA Insurance Agency, Inc., Multi Services, Inc., Mundet & Ca. (Portugal) Inc . , Museo Julio Lobo, Inc., Music Stock Packages, Inc., Musitronic, Inc.,

N. T. & T., Inc., Naa ' mans Auto Body, Inc., Naamans Road Gulf, Inc., Nahant, Inc., Napa Inc., NapIer Inc., Naple s Inc., Nason Inc., Nathan Inc., National Amusement Company, Inc., National Association of Puerto Rican Affairs, Inc., National Bellas Hess Warehouse Corp., National Brand Film Corporation , National Cablevision, Inc., National Capital Insur anc e Agency, Inc . , National Consumers Paper Corporation, Nation a l Decorat ing and Display, Inc . , National Disposal Corporation, National Flameproofing & Chemical Corporation, National Graphic Arts, Inc., National Halls of Fame, Inc., National Highway Safety Research, Inc., National Marine Marketing Association, Inc., National Record Library, Inc., National Spot Media 'Sales, Inc., National Supply Company, National Tours, Inc., National Uni-Pac, Inc., "Nationwide" Motorist Association, Inc., Navionics International, Inc., Nawn Inc., Nay Inc., Nazing Inc., Nealis Motors, Inc., Neco International, Inc., Needham Inc., Nellis General Corporation, Neptune Inc., Net, Ltd., Neville Inc., Nevins Inc., New Castle Industrial Development Corporation, New Castle Traveler's Services, Inc., New Orleans Coal & Bisso To wboat Company, New Sun Ray Drug, Inc., New W es t Land Corporation, Newark Auto Exchange, Inc., Newbern Inc., Ne wbur g Inc., Newco Sales, Inc., Newfield Inc., Newgate, Inc . , Newhall Inc., Ne wlight In corporated, Newman Industries, Inc., Niagara Duty Free, Inc., Niagara Tower, Inc . , Nictronix, Inc., Niles Inc., Nims Inc., 91065 Corporation, Ninic Corporation, The, Noah Inc., Noble Inc., Noble and Kermeen, Inc., Noll's Food Co., Norcal Sim plified Business Services, Inc., Norco International Inc., Nordic Biochemicals, Inc., Norman Jay Boots Foundation, The, Norramco, Inc., North American Professional Soccer League, Inc., North Street Association, Northeast, Inc., Northern Dela ware Industrial Development Corporation Number Five, Northern States Service Corp. of New York, Northrop Advertising, Inc., Northwestern Investigating Bureau, Inc., Northwestern Pennsylvania Gas Corporation, Norwich Development Co., Inc., Nova Enterprises Inc., Nova Products, Inc., Novinger Company, Inc., Nursing & Convalescent Centers, Inc. , Nutritional Research Group, Inc.,

O. and D. Gerhart, Inc., Oak Hill Horse & Trailer Sales, Inc., Oak Inc., Oak Run, Inc., Oakburn Inc., Oakdale Inc., Oakhur st Inc., Oakland Insurance Agency, Inc. , Oakman Inc., Oakmere Inc., Oakridge Inc., Oakton Inc., Oakview Inc., Oakville Inc., Oak wood Inc., Ohio Construction Engineering, Inc., Oil Industries, Limited, Oklahoma Gas & Hydrocarbon Corp., Old Mill Coffee Service of Northern California Inc., Old Mill Coffee Service of Southern California Inc., Oldfields Inc., O'Leary Bla ' cktop, Inc., Oliva Inc., Oliver American Trading Company, Inc., The, Olm stea d Inc ., Olney Inc., Olympia Management Corporation, Omaha 001'poration, The, On Guard, Inc., Onslow Inc., On slow Square Cor poration, Ophir Inc., Ordway Inc., Orkney Inc., Ormond Inc., Overseas Development Corp., Overseers, A Non-Profit Corpora tion, The , Ownaparts , Inc., Oxford Knitting Mills , Inc.,

P. B. S. Operating Company, P. and C., Builders, Inc., P.G.N. Produce and Provision Co ., Inc., P. & J. Dry Wall, Inc., P. M. Corporation of Delaware, Pace, Incorpor a ted, Pacific Aircon, Inc., Pacific Builders Incorporated, Pacific Coast Mining & Man ufacturing Corporation, Paint City, Inc., Pale rmo Inc. , Pan-O Rama Industries, Inc. , Panama R eso urces Oorporation, Pancake Man Franchises, Inc., The, Papa's Cafe, Inc., Para-Wedge Louver Company, Inc., Park-Wa y Manor, Inc., Parkch ester Courts, Inc., Parker and Abbott, Inc., Parklynn Enterprises, Inc., ParklynnNaaman's Pharmacy, Inc., Parklynn-Ogletown Pharmacy, Inc., Parkman Inc. , Parkton Inc., Parkway Inc., Parley Inc., Parmenter Inc., Parrott Inc., Parsons Inc., Par take of Delaware, Inc., Partake of Greater Baltimore, Inc., P ar tridge Inc., Pasadena Inc., Pascagoula Boat & Iron Works, Inc., Passwaters Construction Co., Inc., Patent Merchandising Corporation, Paul-Bilt Homes, Inc., Paul Stevens Company, Inc., Payson Inc., PBA, Inc., Peabody Inc., Peacock Inc., Peak Inc., Pearson Motor Service, Inc., Peckham Plan Fund, Inc., Pelham Inc., Pelincoln Operating Corp . , Pelton Inc., Pemb ro ke Inc., Pemelaur Enterprises, Inc., Pender Inc., Penro se Industries Corporation, Pen sions and Funds Management Corp., Pepper Real Estate Co., Perch Inc. , Perfect Cut, Inc., Perfect Textile Mills, Inc., Personal Music Corporation, Peter Pan Sheridan , Inc. , Peter Thomas Associate s Inc. , Peters & Lake , Incorporated, Peterson Distributing Company, Petrotherm, Inc., Pharma Caribe, Inc., Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Inc., Philip N. Hughes Foundation, Photo Image Company, Physical Fitness National Foundation, Pierce, Ellison Petroleum Company, Pine Beverage Co., Pinera Realty Company, Pini Bros., Inc., Pinnella-Lewin-Hess Construction Co., Inc. , Pipeline Specialty & Supply Corp., Pit Stop Import Motors Inc., Pittsburgh Airways, Inc., Plamax, Inc., Plant Inc. , Pla stic Coated Products, Inc., Pleasant Valley Purcha s ing Corporation, Pl ywoo d Mart, Inc., Polaris Motel, Inc., Polycup Corporation of Virginia, Inc., Polystrap Corporation, Polarized Animation s Corp., Poreen Corporation, Portage Park, Inc., Pot omac Sky Divers, Inc., Precision Development Company, Preci s ion Winding Company, Prefect Theatres, Inc., Premium Builders, Inc., Presto Restaurant, Inc. , Prime TV Network, Inc., The, Prince of Pied mont Society, The, Pro Vac Corp., Process-General Engineers, Inc., Product Development Associates, Inc. , Production Enterprises, Inc., Professional Athletes Association, Professional Data Systems, Inc., Professional Photo Service Company, Program Pictures, Inc., Progressive Fuel Oil Company, Progressive Press, Inc., Puerto Rico C.A.T.V., Inc., Pulvercote, Inc., Putnam-Nel son Dodge, Inc.,

Quality Toy Corporation, Quay Tool Corporation,

R. A. Lytle Inc. , R & B Enterprises, Inc., R.D.P. Corporation, R.E. Lovekin Corporation, R. and G., Inc., R. H. Edwards Con struction Co., R. H. Sturdy Company, Inc., R.L. & A. Properties Corporation, Rabcad, Incorporated, Ralph N. Murphy, Inc., Rambler At Park Ridge, Inc., Rand Construction, Inc., Randolph Rental, Inc., Rangoon Corp., Rapp's Restaurants, Inc., Raypan Development, Inc., Re-Don Inc., Reader Reward Research Proj ects, Inc., Ready White Inc., Real Estate Investors Adviser, Inc., Red Lion Tavern, Inc., Registered Exchange Management Co., Inc., Reinwood Corporation, Renlip Explorations Inc., Reno's Auto Repair, Inc., Reno Beach Amusement Company, Renzi Realty Corporation, Restaurants, Inc., Restco Dela ware Corp., Return Productions, Inc., Revere, Inc., Rhoads Scien tific Industries, Inc., Richards Apparel, Inc . , Ricketts Chevrolet Sales, Inc., Ridge-Crawford Corporation, Rile-Coe Filter Process, Inc., Rill International Films, Ltd., Rio Blanco Ranch Company, Rm-Er Corporation, Ro-Kat-Co., Robert H. Carr & Sons, Inc., Robert J. Enders Advertising, Inc., Rocart, Inc., Rodger Realty Corp., Rodgers Record & Photo Shop, Inc . , Roger's Automotive Service, Inc., Rome Liquors, Inc., Romelda Development Corp., Ronbob, Inc., Rondo Development Corporation, Rosenfields of Duncan, Inc., Rushservices, Inc., Russell Branch Development Corporation, Russell Dana Trent, Inc.,

S. A. Construction Co., S A F E Inc., (Services, Automotive, Financial, Educational), S-I Electronics, Inc., S & T Truckmen, Inc., S. W. Hanover Properties, Inc., Safeguard of Canada, Ltd., Safety Services, Inc., Sail' Construction Co . , Inc., Sales Communi cations Systems, Inc., Sally Forth, Inc., Salmon River Mining Company, Sam Miller Enterprises, Inc., Sampson Industrial Chemical Co., Samuel Richards Galleries, Inc., San Diego International Development Corporation, Sandia American Development Company, Sandia Church Supply Company, Sark, Inc., The, Satellite Cities Corporation of Delaware, Scarfs Incorporated, Scenic Sound, Inc., Sceptre Films, Inc., Schieks Aut 0 E 1 e c t ric Co., Schiff-Cummings, Inc., Schmitt & Son Trucking, Inc., Schneider, Hill & Spangler, Wilmington, Inc., Schultz Baking Company, Scientific Economics, Inc., Scituate, Inc., Scotch mon's Club, Scout Bus, Inc., Seaboard Supply Co., Second Chance Scholarship Foundation, Secondsho Corp., Secured Scientific De velopments Inc., Segers Construction Company, Inc., Seifert Chevrolet-Olds, Inc., Selby Company, The, Select Fashions, Inc., Self-Service Steak Houses, Inc., Seven Eleven Republican Club, The, Shaffer Stores Company, Shannon Productions Inc., Sharon Dee Baking Company, Inc., Sheehan Industries, Inc., Shellpot Mart, Inc., Shelton Corporation, Sheraton Auction Galleries, Inc., Sherborn, Inc., Sherman Overseas Car Wash Associates, Inc., Shore Enterprises, Inc . , Shuco Delaware Corp., Silicon Crystals, Inc., Simplified Business Services of Ohio Inc., Sincere Agency Associates, Inc., Sinusitis, Asthma, Hay Fever and Allied Troubles Foundation, Six Continents Travel Exchange, Inc., Skyhawk, Inc., Slocum Mills, Inc., Small Business International, Inc., Snow Removal Corp., Solarchem Industries Incorporated, Someplace Else, A Corporation, Sonco Chemicals, Inc., Son well Industries, Inc., Sorge Enterprises, Inc., Sound Steamship Line s, Inc., Soup's On By Andersen, Inc . , South American Technical Assistance and Development Corporation, Southeast Investment Company, Southern Champion Storm Window Corp., Southern Illinois Wee Acres Shooting Clubs, Inc., Southgate Gardens, Inc., Space Aeronautics Corp., Space Reports Incorporated, Spectrum Industries, Inc., Speed Spary, Inc., Spence Trucking Co., Inc., Spera Scientific Company, Spheric Structures, Inc., Spire Charity Corporation, Sports Port Arthur Lane s, Inc., Spring Leasing Corp., Square & Compass Club Holding Company, Squire for Men, Inc., Stadium Concerts, Inc., Standard Advisors Corporation, Standard Clay, Sand, and Construction Co., Standard Educational Products, Inc., Standard Machine and Equip ment Company, Stanley Green's Chicago, Inc., Stanrex Inc., Stars, National, Inc., State Line Machine Works, Inc., Steamer Rowe, Inc., Stores Fiscal Corporation, Storm Weather Products, Inc., Stratford, Ltd., Suckow Borax Mines Consolidates, Inc., Sudbury , Inc. , Suffolk Seamless Synthetics, Ltd., Sugar Hollow Apartm ents, Inc., Suit City Nationwide, Inc., Sujohn Construction Company, Sulphide Ore Process Company, Inc., Sumsho Corporation, Suncraft Corporation, Sunny Orange, Inc., Super Enterprises, Inc., Superior Findings Company, Inc., Supper Club, The, Surf Sand, Inc., Swan Enterprises, Inc . , Swan Record Corporation, Swingin' Country Programs, Inc., Systems Consultants Unlimited, Inc.,

T. E. Dickens Corporation, The, T & G Pharmacy, Inc., T. R. Gibbs Medicine Co., Inc., Tagar Corporation, Talking Scale Cor poration, Tanis Foundation, The, Tankers & Tramps Corp., Tap pans Jewelers, Inc., Tartan Navigation Corp., Tasti-Write, Inc., Tate-Mitchem Tractor, Inc., Taylor Craft, Ltd., Tea Garden, Inc., Tech-Reps, Inc., Technical Measurement Corporation, Tete-Leasing, Inc., Tele-Pagers, Inc., Tele-Que, Ltd., Tele-Radio & TV Sales, Inc., Teletime Publication, Inc . , Telford and Macleod Co., Temco International Corporation, Terminal Cartage Corporation, Tewksbury, Inc., Thacker Engineers, Inc., Thelen Ready Mix, Inc., Theobald Implement Co., Theodore B. Rogers Agency, Inc., Thomas Aircraft, Inc., Thomas Organ Studios of Washington, Inc., Thoroughbred Racing & Polo Inter national, Inc., 302 River Road, Inc., Thurman Manufacturing Corporation, Tichy Atelier, Incorporated, Tide Water-Guatemala, Ltd., Tidewater Oil Company of Spain, S.A . , Tiger Film Corporation, Timber Corporation of the Americas, Timber Realty, Inc., Tom's Food Market, Inc., Tower Steel Erectors, Inc., Town & Country Restaurant, Inc., Townsend Building Corporation, TPI, Inc., Trafalgar Sales & Supply Corp . , Traffic Appliances, Inc., Trans - Optics, Inc., Trans -Temp Corporation, Trans -World Translators, Inc., Transamerican Petroleum Corp., Transition Systems, Inc . , Transmission Electro Products Corporation, Treo, Inc., Tri-State Hatchery, Inc., Tri-State Hatching Egg Service, Inc., Tri-State Roofing Co., Tropical Cigar Company, Inc., Tropical Pools, Inc., Trustees of the Dela ware Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church , Inc., Turbo-Air Corporation, Turkey Burgette, Inc., Turner Auto Supply, Inc., Twin Flags Raceway, Inc., Twin Lakes Rental & Development Corp., 2010 Limestone, Inc.,

U-Launder, Inc., U.P.!' Limited, U.S. Lands Incorporated, U.S. Machine Service Company, Incorporated, U.S. Perlite Cor poration, U.S. Properties of Delaware, Inc., U.S. Servicator Corporation, Ulmac Equipment Co., Underwriters Equities, Inc., Union Acceptance and Credit Corp., Union Liquor Store, Inc., Union Street Social Club, Inc., United Cable Service Corporation, United Minerals, Inc., United Progressive Community Church, Inc., United Securities, Inc . , United States Adjustment Bureau, Inc., United States Iso-Thermic Transport, Inc., USIT, United States Methane Corporation, United Western Financial Corp., Unit e k Corp., Universal Advertising, Inc., Universal Amusement Co., Universal Desalting Corporation, Universal Duplicating Co., Universal Science Institute, Utopia Enterprises, Inc . , Urbana Corporation of Delaware,

V.I.P. Inc., Vacations International, Inc. of Georgia, Val-UGro Corporation, Valley Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., Valley Dru g Corporation, Valle y Transfer and Storage Company, Inc., Valmart Stores, Inc., Van Den Contacting Co., Inc. , Van Neerden, Inc., Van Waveren Airlines Corporation, Vande, Inc., Vandever Inn, Inc., Vara Builders Corporation, Varsity Theatr e Company, Vendisco, Inc., Venture Research Corporation, Vicda Associate s, Inc., Village Construction Co., Inc., Virginia Fireproofing Corporation, Vitratherm Corporation, Voss Petroleum Corporation,

W.D.T.A. Corporation, W. Flowers Asphalt Paving Co ., Inc., W.H. Taylor, Incorporated, W.J.H. Holding Corporation, Waffle Shops of Md., Inc., Wall Cartage Corporation, Wallingford Realty Corporation, Walter B. Moore, Inc., Ward Consultants, Inc., Washington-Unity Loan Association, Inc., Waste Proces s es, Inc., Waters Electronics Co., Watson Funeral Home, Inc., Watson & Gray-Melson, Inc., Watson and Wilkinson, Incorporated, Waxed Paper Merchandising Council, Inc., Weeks Manufacturing Com pany, Wellington Hills Service Corporation, Wesso Corporation, The , West Indies Company, Ltd., West Indies International Corporation, The, West Pittston Manufacturing Corporation, Western Hemisphere Overseas Company, Inc., Wheary Luggage Com pany, Wheatley Town and Country Casuals, Inc., Wheeler Yacht Corporation, White Marsh Flying Service, Inc., Whitin Business Equipment Corporation, Wickers International Inc., Wigs by Edith Shane, Inc., Wilbraham Manufactur ing Corporation, Wm. H. Peoples Transfer, Inc., William Perry Associates, Inc., William R. Irwin , Inc., Willoughby Company, Wilmington Construction, Inc., Wilmington District Church Extension Society, Inc., The, Wilmington Lodge No.l80, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc., Wilmington Warehousing Company, Wilton Realty Corp., Winnetka Vacations International, Inc., Winston Indu s tries, Inc., Witherspoon Inc., Wood Associates, Inc., Woodard Equipment Company, Inc., Woodbrook Realty Co., Woods Carribe, Inc., World Fertilizers, Inc., World Society of Great Entertainment, Inc., World Sports Inc., World-Wide Securities Company, Inc., Worthy Bros. Development Corporation,

Young and Peterson -International, Inc., youth Development Associates, Inc.,

Zeitler Farms, Inc., Zemco Leasing Corporation, Zimet Galleries, Inc., Zisook Country Club Apartments, Inc. , Zuni Milling Company.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, Russell W. Peterson, Gov ernor of the State of Delaware, have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal to be hereunto affixed this twenty-first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy, and of the Independence of the United States of America , the one hundred and ninety-fourth.


By the Governor:


Attest: EUGENE BUNTING, Secretary of State