Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Delaware:
Section 1. The State Board of Education is hereby authorized and empowered to pay the Middletown School District #60 for the cost of non-ordinary and non-recurring repairs to the public school buildings of the state. The State Board shall establish criteria for the types of repairs which it will approve under this Act, provided that the State Board shall pay local districts only for the actual expenses of repairs of a capital nature, including but not limited to the re-building or major repair of roofs, floors, heating systems, electrical, and plumbing or water systems.
Section 2. (1) Before any repairs authorized under the provision of this Act are undertaken by the Middletown School District #60, the school district shall send a request to the State Board of Education and such request shall itemize the repairs needed and show the estimated cost of each item. The State Board, using the criteria established pursuant to Section 1 of this Act, shall decide as to the right of payment to the local school district for any repairs, and the decisions of the State Board shall be final.
(2) In order to determine the right of payment to the school district, the State Board, or its designated representative, shall;
(a) Inspect the building or buildings to determine that the repairs requested by the school district are needed and are in accordance with the criteria established in Section 1 of this Act.
(b) Provide necessary help to the school district for letting of bids on the repairs or replacements meeting the criteria.
(c) Inspect the repairs upon completion to determine that all specifications have been met and that the work and materials used are of acceptable quality.
(d) Pay the cost of the repairs made by the school district in accordance with the provisions of this Act after the repairs are accepted as meeting all specifications as to workmanship and materials.
Section 3. In order to carry out the provisions of this Act, there is hereby appropriated to the State Board of Education the sum of $42,282.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary to be expended by the State Board for the purpose set forth in Section 1 of this Act.
Section 4. The sum of $42,282.00 is appropriated to the State Board of Education for Middletown School #60 for the following named purposes :
Replace double door west end of south
wing -- Redding School $ 391.00
Remove and replace main entrance walk --
Redding School 650.00
Heating-radiant floor coil to be replaced
by finn tube radiation -- Redding School 6,000.00
Ceilings -- replace acoustical ceiling
corridors -- Redding School 5,650.00
Ceilings--replace acoustical ceiling in gym
--Redding School 5,000.00
Epoxy coating each entrance -- Redding
School 1,800.00
Curtains -- stage and window curtains
replaced in gym -- Redding School 6,000.00
Roofing -- repairs parapet, masonry
walls -- Redding School 7,500.00
Joints between metal windows and louvers as well as joints between wood and masonry at heads and jams at all exterior door frames -- cleaned out and caulked -- Redding School -- 192 windows, 35 louvers and 20
door frames 2,500.00
Painting all steel windows and all
exterior doors and frames -- 124 windows
20 doors -- Redding School 2,000.00
Shop doors -- 2 overhead doors need
replacing -- Redding School 600.00
Architects fees 6% 2,286.00
Contingency 1,905.00
Total $42,282.00
Section 5. This is a supplementary appropriation, and the monies so appropriated shall come from the General Fund of the State. Any monies which remain unexpended on June 30, 1968, shall revert to the State and be deposited to the General Fund of the State.
Approved July 5, 1967.