Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Delaware:
Section 1. The sum of $350,000 is appropriated to the Governor for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968, for the purposes set forth herein.
Section 2. This Act is a supplementary appropriation and the money appropriated shall be paid by the State Treasurer out of funds in the General Fund of the State of Delaware not otherwise appropriated.
Section 3. Any money appropriated herein and unexpended shall not revert to the General Fund of the State of Delaware until October 30, 1968.
Section 4. The sums appropriated herein shall be expended for the purpose of providing summer employment for disadvantaged youths of this state during the summer of 1968.
Section 5. Eligibility for the employment authorized by this act shall be limited to a person;
(a) who is over 14 and under 21 years of age or is over 21 years of age but is a college or university student and
(i) is a member of a household which is receiving public assistance from this state; or
() is a member of a household, the head of which is receiving unemployment compensation benefits from the state or has exhausted his benefits and has not returned to work; or
(i) is a member of a household whose gross family income for 1967 was less than $4,000 plus $600 for each member of the household over 2 members.
(b) who is not employed in any other job which receives governmental funds or aid.
Section 6. The provisions of section 5 shall not apply to persons hired as staff who possess special training or skills if persons meeting the requirement of section 5 with the special training or skills required are not readily available.
Section 7. In special circumstances the State Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, with the approval of the Governor, may waive the requirements of section 5, provided he states in writing the reasons for the waiver. Priority shall in all cases, however, be given to those persons who meet the requirements of section 5.
Section 8. Moneys earned by persons employed under programs provided for herein shall not be considered as income by the Department of Welfare in considering eligibility for assistance under any of its programs.
Section 9. The moneys appropriated herein may be used by the Governor, in his discretion, as matching funds for any grants or aid provided by the government of the United States or any of its agencies.
Section 10. At least $50,000 of the $350,000 appropriated by this act shall be used to supply employment to youths who reside in the City of Wilmington.
Section 11. The Governor may delegate to other persons the responsibility of administering the program authorized herein.
Approved June 14, 1968.