WHEREAS, The State of Alaska has just become the 49th State of the United States of America, an event of importance to every American; and
WHEREAS, this is the more significant because of Alaska's being the first State admitted to the Union since 1912; and
WHEREAS, the new State of Alaska, with its great endowment of unsurpassed scenery, enterprising citizenry and vast natural resources, is a shining jewel added to the diadem of states, and
WHEREAS, little Delaware, "First State" by virtue of having been first to adopt the Federal Constitution, December 7, 1787, rightfully feels a spiritual kinship to Alaska, largest and newest of the forty-nine states; now
THEREFORE, I, J. CALEB BOGGS, Governor of the State of Delaware, do, on behalf of the people of our state, heartily welcome Alaska to the honorable status of full statehood.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, J. Caleb Boggs, Governor of the State of Delaware, have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the said State to be hereunto affixed at Dover this fourteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine and of the Independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and eighty-third.
J. CALEB BOGGS, Governor
GEORGE J. SCHULZ, Secretary of State