Delaware General Assembly




WHEREAS, there are a great number of unemployed employables who are maintained entirely or partly through funds derived from state and county taxation who could perform much of the urgent work which the overburdened local taxpayer is unable to finance; and

WHEREAS, it is of primary importance to furnish employment to the unemployed employables and keep them from as much idleness as possible; and

WHEREAS, the said unemployed employables can be made available for much of the work now unperformed (without dismissing those presently employed) desired to be done on federal, state, and local projects; and

WHEREAS, there are many of the present unemployed employables who would be glad to perform some work in return for the assistance furnished them by the State of Delaware; NOW, THEREFORE,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. As hereinafter provided, employable persons receiving Relief from the State of Delaware, or any political subdivision thereof, may be required to perform such work as may be assigned to them by the Relief Department or such department delegated to furnish Outside Relief.

Section 2 (a). Whenever the governing body of a county, city, or town within this State should have any work to be done within said county, city, or town which in their opinion may be properly performed by one or more able-bodied unemployed employables, they may direct a request, outlining the work to be performed and the approximate number of persons required to perform same, to the Director of the Relief Department or such agency responsible for the administration of Outside Relief who shall, in turn, make the necessary assignments of personnel for said work according to their availability.

(b). The Relief Department official shall thereupon assign to such project the required number of unemployed employables who are Recipients of Relief, provided he is satisfied that such persons will not be used to replace, or to perform any work ordinarily performed by regular employees of any department or other unit of such county, city, or town.

Section 3 (a). Persons shall be assigned to perform only such work as they are able, in the judgment of the Relief Director, to perform.

(b). The number of days of work to be given each person shall be determined by the amount of the budget deficit of the Relief Recipient and his family, computed on Outside Relief budget schedules. No persons shall be required to work for more than the number of days necessary to earn such amount or to be paid more than such amount. No person shall be required to work more than 8 hours a day or more than 40 hours in a week.

Section 4. Any person who refuses to report for or to perform that work to which he has been assigned by the Relief Department Director, shall thereupon become ineligible for further assistance.

Section 5. This Act shall become effective immediately upon the approval of the Governor.

Approved June 5, 1951.