The Ninth Annual Observance of Flag Week throughout the Nation will be held during the period June 8-15, 1947, as this period embraces June 14th, the Anniversary date of the adoption of our Flag by the Continental Congress in the year 1777.
To inculcate the meaning of true Americanism in the minds and hearts of our citizens; to definitely mark the Anniversary of the adoption of the first Flag of our Nation; and to place emphasis upon the rights and privileges enjoyed under our Flag and to cause all Americans to become conscious of their duties and obligations flowing from the enjoyment of these rights and privileges, are the underlying purposes for the observance of this period each year in the life of our Republic.
Our National Emblem still floats over a Nation which has preserved for its people the principles of Freedom, Justice and Humanity. May our Nation, standing for these principles, endure throughout the Ages.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Walter W. Bacon, Governor of the State of Delaware, do hereby proclaim the period June 8-15, 1947 as
and urge every community in our State to hold appropriate exercises, at which expressions of love of country and respect for our Flag shall be spoken, and at which patriotic devotion shall be pledged to the perpetuation of the ideals and the institutions of America; and I further urge that our National Flag be displayed on all public buildings and other suitable places throughout the State.
of the State of Delaware, have hereunto set my