WHEREAS, James P. Truss, Tax Commissioner on behalf of the Tax Department of the State of Delaware, has reported to me a list of corporations which for two years preceding such report have failed to pay the taxes assessed against them and due by them under the laws of this State.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Walter W. Bacon, Governor of the State of Delaware do hereby issue this proclamation according to the provisions of Sections 75 and 76, Chapter 6, of the Revised Statutes of 1915, as amended, and do hereby declare under this act of the Legislature that the charters of the following corporations, reported as aforesaid are repealed:
A B B Company, Inc., A. B. Rothacker Furniture Co., A. & C. Clothes, Inc., A. E. Corporation, A. L. Marvel Co., Inc., A. M. Schanke & Company, A. R. Zelley Company, A. Wachs, Inc., Acacia Corporation, Acme Wall Servicing Company, Actuated Signal Corporation, Administrative Corporation, Advance of Science, Inc., Advancement Company, The, Aer-O-Toys, Inc., Aero Transport, Inc., Agricultural Publishing Company, The, Aidco Automatic Inflator and Deflator Company, Air Conditioning Inc. of Philadelphia, Airco International, Incorporated, Airkure Corporation of America, Airtress Corporation, Aladdin Chemical Corporation, Alamo Mining Cmpany, Albas Estates, Inc., Albert Buehler Provision Company, Alka-Zola Beverage Company, Alliance Aircraft Corporation, Allied Bridge and Construction Company, Allied Contractors, Inc., Allied Markets, Inc., Allied Mines, Inc., Alloy & Mineral Products, Inc., Alpha Tool Company, Inc., Alunite Corporation of America, Amaco, Inc., Ame Co., Inc., American Academy of Concert Artists, Inc., The, American Bancorporation, The, American Bankers Service, Incorporated, American Budget Systems, Inc., American Centrifugal Corporation, American Chemical Company of Pittsburgh, American Coal Corporation, American Dominions Corporation, American Educational Foundation, Inc., American Extension School of Law, Inc., American General Products Corporation, American Harvester Corporation, The, American Home Furnishers, Incorporated, American Hydro-Thermic Motor Company, Ltd., American Independent Unions, Inc., American Land & Lumber Corporation, American Liberty League of Delaware, Inc., American Mechanical Engineering Co., American Metals, Inc., American Morocco Corporation, American Pullmatch Corporation, American Raab Aircraft Corporation, American Republics Contractors, Inc., Amko Company, Amusement Enterprises, Inc., Anapo Restaurant System, Inc., Anderson Casket and Vault Co., Inc., Andreas Markets, Incorporated, Anglo-American Commodities Corporation, Anthony Caruso, Inc., Approved Patents Corporation, Areal Petroleum Corporation, Architects Housing Corporation, Argo Grocery Company, Argos Products Corporation, Arizona Molybdenum Corporation, Army & Navy Literary Association, Inc., Arpin Products, Inc., Associated Artists of America, Ltd., Associated Claims Services, Inc., Associated Carpet & Furniture, Inc., Assoc. Onyx & Marble Co., Associated Security Investors, Inc., Assured Savings Plan, Inc., Atfam Theatre Corporation, Athens Home Bakery, Inc., Atlantic Export Corporation, Atlantic Finance Company, The, Atlantic Food Specialties Co., Inc., Atlas Chemical Products Co., Auburn Automobile Sales Corporation, Audio Projector Company, Automatic Gear Corporation, Autosleeper Corporation, Avis Company, Inc., The.
B-Co Oil Corporation, B & L Company, Inc., B-Vite Company, B. W. Ludeman Company, The, Back Bay Beach Improvement Company, Bahls Restaurant Company, Baldwin Oil Company, Inc., The, Bankers Small Loan Corporation, Bankshare Syndicate, Inc., Bare Facts Publishing Co., Inc., Barrett Automatic Keyless Lock Company, Barron G. Collier, Incorporated, Barsness Candy Company, Bartlett Manufacturing Corporation, Bateman Securities, Inc., Bayco Productions, Inc., Bayview Manor, Inc., Beach Royalties Corporation, Bear & Son, Inc., Bearings Sales Corporation, Bell Oils, Inc., Benjamin Winter, Incorporated, Benmac Company, Limited, Bennett Gas Corporation, Bennett Oil Corporation, Bennett-Whitson Corporation, Bennie's, Inc., Berkshire Security Co., Berkshire Steamship Operating Corporation, Bernardi Greater Show, Inc., Bicarb Dental Products, Inc., Big Bunker Hill Mining Corporation, Big Four Mining & Leasing Co., Bill Kneeland Motor Express, Inc., Biltmore Grocery Company, The, Biosal Company, Bireley's Orangeade Company, Blue Bird Consolidated Corporation, Boltex Company, Bonanza Gold Producers, Inc., Boston Coal & Clay Products Co., The, Bradford Gasoline Company of Bradford, Pa., Brahe Laboratories, Inc., Bralowe Corporation, Bremo Corporation, The, Brinkley's, Inc., British and American Developments Limited, Brix-Impexo Corporation, Brookes Productions, Inc., Brooklyn Express Publishing Corporation, Brookmire Economic Service, Inc., Brown Construction Co., Inc., Brown and Whiteside, Architects, Incorporated, Browne Products Corporation, Bryant Pharmacy, Inc., Buchholtz & Co., Inc., Buckeye Vacuum-Cup Belting Company, The, Burel & Company, Burkhard Realty Co., Business Helping Club, Inc., The.
C. B. Holding Corporation, C. D. Perrine Associates, Incorporated, C. S. Sale & Company, Inc., C. Vandegrift Co., C. W. Thiel, Inc., California Drilling Company, California Orange Groves, Inc., California Stucco Products Corporation, Calorin Corporation of America, Calvert Mortgage Company, The, Cameron Metal Tape Company, Inc., Campana Gold Mines, Inc., Canadian Building & Finance Corporation, Capital Building Co., Inc., Capital Suburban Investment Corporation, Caravansary Company, Inc., The, Carlito Springs Corporation, Carnegie Development Corporation, Carroll China Co., Carver Penol Company, The, Cary Ice Company, Cathay Sales Corporation, Cauffiel & Company, Cavalier Productions, Inc., Caywood Bros. & Garrett, Inc., Cecil M. Jamison, Inc., Cement Art Products, Inc., Central Auto Top & Body Company, Inc., Central Avenue Real Estate Company, Central Loan and Trust Company, Central Nebraska Investment Co., Inc., Central States Packing Co., Inc., Central States Petroleum Corporation, Central Texas Pipe Line Company, Certone Company, Inc., Chadron-Osage Oil Company, Champion Line Machinery & Products, Inc., Charlaing, Inc., Charles W. Halfen, Inc., Check Valve Piston & Ring Company, Chelsea Country Club, Chemical Colors, Inc., Chilton Royalty Corporation, China Mill Agencies, Inc., Chinati Mining & Milling Co., Chinese-American Publishing Co., The, Choate Motors, Inc., Christian Service Foundation of the Diocese of Eau Claire of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, Inc., Chromium and Aluminum Corporation, The, Cinder Block Corporation, Citizens Dairy, Inc., Cla-Tile Corporation, The, Claymont Enterprises, Incorporated, Claymont Realty Company, Clement Company, Inc., Cleveland Profiler Corporation, The, Clover Crest Dairy Stores, Inc., Coakley, Saulsbury & Company, Coal Products Co. of Delaware, Coal Sales Agency, Incorporated, Cochise Mining Company, Coffee, Incorporated, Coffin & Webb, Inc., Cohen Bros.--Quality Outfitters, Inc., Colcord Gold Mines, Inc., Colofoto Corporation, Colonial Hotel Corporation of Meyersdale, Color Corporation, Columbia Amusement Park Company, Columbia Gold Mining and Development Company, Columbus Oil Corporation, Common People, Inc., Community Trading Corporation, Concrete Tie Company, Condon Industries, Inc., Conservator Publishing Company, Inc., Consolidated Enterprises, Inc., Consolidated Improvement Company, Consolidated Interests, Inc., Consumers Power Company, Continental Funds, Inc., Continental Meters Corporation, Continental Oil and Refining Company, Controlled Refrigeration, Inc., Controlled Steam Generators, Inc., Cooperative Finance Corporation, Corinth Hosiery Mill, Incorporated, Corona Conversion Corporation Syndicate, Cosmopolitan Relief Association, The, Cosmos Food Products, Inc., Costadon Oil and Gas Company, Inc., Counties Reporting Bureau, Inc., Courtland Construction Co., Cozart Extension Tray Co., Inc., Crawford Coal & Coke Company, Credit Corporation of Akron, The, Credit Service Holding Corporation, Croft Associates, Inc., Croquet Cro-Golf, Incorporated, Cugan, Inc., Cushing and Driscoll, Incorporated, Custom Contractors, Inc.
Dakota Oil & Transport Co., Dakota Producers and Refiners Corporation, Dallas E. Winslow, Inc. of Delaware, David & Company, Inc., David Endis, Inc., Davis Royalties, Inc., Davolos-Addesi, Inc., Dawn Donut and Baking Company, Incorporated, Daytona Meadows, Inc., De Witt Shoe Company, Inc., Dearborn. Oil Co., Debenture Corporation of America, Debold Construction Company, Delaware Coal Dealers League, Incorporated, Delaware Ledger Co., Delaware Soya Products Company, Delcampo Baking Company, Delco Ice and Fuel Company, Delmarva Country Life, Inc., Delmarva News & Advertising Service, Inc., Delmarvia Fur Farms, Inc., Delmas Corporation, Delstate Petroleum Co., Inc. (Cleveland, Miss.), Denison Novelty Co., Inc., Dependable Tuft Corporation, Der-Mo-Topic Laboratories, Inc., Derrickson Lumber Company, DeSoto Crude Oil Purchasing Corporation, Detroit Tile & Mosaic Company, Detroit Tool, Die & Auto Products Corporation, Diamond Silver Company, Diatom Insulation Company, The, Diaz-Maure Co., Digby Corporation, Diggers Investment Co., Inc., Dimmitt's Waffle Nook's, Inc., Diraplane Corporation, Discount Corporation of California, Discount and Deposit Corporation, Diversified Homes, Inc., Diversified Shares, Incorporated, Dr. Moore's Health Clinic and Physiotherapy Institute, Inc., Dodd, Christensen & Company, Domestic Appliance Company, Inc., Domestic & Foreign Commerce Corporation, The, Dominion Export & Import Corporation, Dover Garage Company, Drake Process Incorporated, Driver's Protective Association, Drug Sales Company, Incorporated, Duct Electric Heater Corporation, Dueth Corporation, The, Dulin Company, The, Duncan Gin Corporation, Duncan & Goette, Inc., Dunkard Creek Coal & Coke Company, Dura-Bilt Homes Corporation, Durafer (Inc.), Dutch Maid Laundry, Inc.
E. H. Edwards Company, E. H. Hoffman Lines, Inc., E. M. Records & Company Incorporated, Eagle Oil and Refining Corporation, East End Club-Lincoln, Eastern Container Corporation, Eckland Aero-Motive Coast Corporation, Economy Furniture Co., Economy Gas Service Company, Edelman's, Inc., Edmar University Association, Educational Copyrights Corporation, Eighth Street Theatrical Co., El Tee Gee Realty Company, Electric Pneumatic Tire Pressure Meter Co., The, Electro Lime and Ice Corporation, Elizabeth Realty Co., Ellis Hosiery Company, Ellis Petroleum Company, Emerson Engineering Company, The, Emerywood Realty Company, Emil Hoffman, Inc., Empire Paint Company, Engineers' Development Company, Equality Cleaners and Laundry, Inc., Eskay Premium & Novelty Co., Essex Holding Corporation, Essex Lumber and Coal Co., Inc., Euclid Investment Company, Incorporated, Ever Ready Social Club, Incorporated, Eveready Pen Corporation, Export Engineers, Inc.
F. R. Gooding Company, The, Falkland Pharmacy Inc., Famous Products Corporation, Fargosal, Inc., Fashion Spot, Inc., The, Federal Housing Corporation, Federal Income and Audit System, Inc., Federal Land Syndicate, Inc., Federal Wall Paper Co., Fernwood Securities Corporation, Ferreri Brothers, Inc., Ferro-Alloys Incorporated, Ferrocon Sales Corporation of Philadelphia, Fertile Products, Inc., Fidelity Holding Company, Fidelity Mutual Benefit Corporation, Film-File, Inc., Finney's, Inc., First National Fund Corporation, The, First National Petroleum Corporation, First State Paint & Varnish Co., Fisco Leasehold Corporation, Fisher Welding and Contracting Company, Flexible Insoles, Inc., Flo-Tex Oil Corporation, The, Flowers Incorported, Fluid Seal Corporation, Flushing Refrigeration Co., Inc., Fly-Control, Inc., Foot Health Institute of Wilmington, Delaware, Founders Industrial Development Corporation, The, Framecraft Manufacturing Company, Franco-American Textile Co., Inc., Franklin Street Realty Company, Frederica Packing Co., The, Frederick Douglass Housing Corporation, Friendship Heights, Incorporated, Fuel Oil Motors, Inc., Fusaline, Inc.
G. & H. Mining & Reduction Company, G. M. Gest, Inc., Gache Lead Silver Mining Company, Gambine Laboratories, Inc., The, Garbo Amusement Company, Garrison Oyster Co., Inc., Gas Control Corporation, General Beauty, Inc., General Chain Corporation, General Industries Corporation, General Pictures, Inc., General Products Corporation, General Repair Shop, Inc., Geodetic Engineering Corporation, The, George Livingston Company, The, Gernert Company, Gerotor Licensing Co., Gilbertson Botanical Gardens, Inc., Gillham Mining Company, Inc., Glassave Company, Inc., The, Globe Trailer Corporation, Glolite Corporation, Gluck Stores, Inc., Glyndon Corporation, Gold Coast Valve Company, Gold Diggers Syndicate, Inc., Golden Eagle Metals Company, Golden Meadows Pipe Line Company, Incorporated, Golden Star Mining Company, Inc., Golden State Distilleries Corporation, Gotham Corporation, The, Graham Enterprise Company, Granada Realty Corporation, Grand River Natural Gas Company, Graphic Arts Research Institute Laboratories, Inc., The, Graves Process, Inc., The, Great Eastern Greenhouse Corporation, Green Lines, Ltd., Greenhouse Brandt, Inc., Greenway Mortgage Corporation, Guardian Financial Corporation of New Castle.
H. A. Brinkerhoff Inc., H. C. Friedauer, Inc., H. N. D. Parker Mfg. and Pub. Co., The, H. N. Lynch Fuel & Supply Co., Hal's, Inc., Hall Tug & Barge Corporation, Halligan Corporation, The, Halton Amiesite Co., Hamrick Exchange Service, Inc., Hansco Corporation, The, Hardy's Market, Inc., Harnell Carbon Dioxide Corporation, Harris Manufacturing Co., Inc., Hartford Oil and Gas Company, The, Harton Barge Company, Hawaiian Pacific Fisheries, Inc., Health Food Corporation of America, The, Herbert Alexander, Inc., Herca Enterprises, Incorporated, Hercules Equipment Corporation, Highland Park Building Corporation, Hill Real Estate Company, Inc., Hilliard Company, Inc., Hills' Auto Exchange, Inc., Hilltop Service Station, Inc., Hiltex Liquors, Ltd., Hockessin Provision Corporation, Holloway Corporation, Hollywood Star Cosmetic Corporation, Holrite Laundry Pin Co., Home Benefit Association, Home Builders Service Corporation, Home-Way Company, The, Homestead Co-Operative Association, Homestead Gold Mines, Inc., Hub Oil Company, Huntington Mortgage Corporation, Hydraulic Production Corporation, Hydraulic Systems Corporation, Inc., The.
I-De-Lite Products Corporation, Ibex-Bald Mountain Consolidated Mining Co., Ida Consolidated Gold Mines, Inc., Ideal Homes Company, Illuminated Art Co., Imperial Formula, Ltd., Independent Candy and Tobacco Company, The, Indian Creek Mines, Inc., The, Indian Creek Smokeless Coal Company, Inland Shares, Inc., Institute of Life Planning, Inc., The, Insurance Corporation, Lancaster-Davis Co., Inc., The, Lea Oil Company, Lee D. Butler Air conditioning, Inc., Lee Engines, Inc. (of California), Lee's Service, Inc., Leemont Corporation, Lenders Finance Corporation, Leo Lindenberg, Inc., Level Investor's, Incorporated, Leviton Suburban Realty Company, Lewes Hotel Co., Lewis-Clarke Petroleum Company, Lexington City Cab Company, Lido Restaurant, Inc., Lincoln Petroleum Company, Linden Development Co., Lindmont Theatre Corporation, Liquid Garlic Products, Inc., Little Folk's Shop, Inc., Littlejohn, Bowling & Morris Co., Lloyds Investment Company, Inc., Longco Oil & Gas Corporation, Louis Miller Shirt Co., Louise Lane, Inc., Louisiana Pulp & Paper Corporation, Loxet Co., Lucky Jack Mining Co., Lundelius & Eccleston Motors Corporation, Lyko Medicine Co., Lyleta Corporation, Lyntex Products Corporation, Lyons Construction Company.
M. Finkel, Incorporated, M. Luria and Co., Inc., M & S Trucking Company, Inc., M. V. Oil & Gas Company, Inc., McCauley Building Products Corporation, Macklee Investments, Inc., Magee-Marsh Corporation, Magic Door Operator Co., Inc., Manhattan General Advertising Company, Inc., Mann Company, Inc., The, March Gold Inc., Marine Mart, Inc., Marion's Shingle Shoppe, Inc., Marsh Financial Digest, Inc., Marshall and Company, Inc., Marshallton Heights Company, Martin Properties, Incorporated, Marvin Company, The, Maryland Slate Corporation, Mastro Incorporated, Mattakeunk Cabin Colony Inc., Maure Products, Inc., Mavis Candies, Incorporated, Maxine, Inc., Mayflower Biographical Society, Ltd., The, Mays Building Company, The, McGraw Petroleum Products, Inc., McMillan, Rapp & Company, McNatt Mfg. Co., Mellon Plan Corporation, Memorial Park Builders, Inc., Mercantile Finance Company, Mercer Petroleum Corporation, Merger Securities, Inc., Merriam and Company, Inc., Metal Craft Company of America, MetaIlan Syndicate, The, Metallic Brick Corporation, Metalloid Film Corporation, Meta-mold, Incorporated, Metropolitan Finance Company, Mfg. Sales Co., Michael Riccio Co., Michi-Cal Oil Company, Mid-Northern Investment Company, Middle States Finance Corporation, Midohio Corporation, Midvale Realty, Inc., Midwest Stores Company, Mildred Oil Company, Miles Gas Station, Inc., Milestone Finance Corporation, Military Aircraft Corporation, Milner Corporation, Milton Creamery Corporation, Mine Sales Inc., Mississippi Valley Iron Company, Modern Aire Heating & Cooling Corporation, Modern Construction Co., Modern Education, Inc., Monticello Restaurant, Inc., Monwardco Retail Stores Co., Mored Corporation, Moreno-Snyder Cine Corporation, Ltd., Morris Mineral Segregating Corporation, Morris Shop Inc., The, Morris Way Plan, Ltd., The, Moss Realty Company, Most Worshipful African Harmony Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons of the State of Delaware, Motor Cars Inc., Mt. Pleasant Furniture Co., Inc., Mountop, Inc., Multico, Inc., Muriel Parker, Inc., Music Service Corporation, Mutual Hospital and Disability Corporation, Mutual Service, Incorporated, Myrex Laboratories, Inc.
N. B. Mancill Co., National Bureau of Information, Inc., National Capitol Realty Company, National Engineering & Construction Company, Inc., The, National Federation of Labor, Inc., National Financial Recovery Association, Inc., National Guaranty Syndicate, National Herb Company, The, National Life Benefit Association, National Moss Peat Corporation, National Organization Service, Inc., National Patent and Licensing Corporation, National Public Utilities Corporation, National Supply Company, National Terminal Co. of Washington, D. C., National Textile Industries, Incorporated, National Textile Machinery Corporation, National Transit Refrigeration, Inc., National Transportation Association, Incorporated, The, Natural-Color, Inc., Near Eastern Engineering & Construction Corporation, The, Nelgur Pharmical, Inc., Nelson Furniture Company, Neshan G. Hintlian, Inc., Neva-Wet Corporation of America, New England Investment Company of America, New England Motorized Carnival, Inc., New England Shows, Inc., New England & Southern Securities, Inc., New Lancaster Natural Gas Corporation, New Mexico Building and Investment Co., New Mexico Western Mining Corporation, New Western Lunch, Inc., New York Digest, Inc., The, Newark Construction Company, Newburgh Ship and Repair Co., Newport Bakery, Inc., News Publisher, Inc., Nichols Construction Company, Nicholson Bros., Inc., Nicholson Meter & Mfg. Co., Nixon Vending and Change-Making Machines, Inc., Normandy Shoe Repair Shop, Inc., The, North American Oil and Minerals Corporation, North European Oil Corporation, North Western Gold Placers, Inc., Northeastern Timber Marketing Association, Northern Land and Mortgage Company, Northern Oil Corporation, Northern and Southern Company, The, Northwest Fruit & Produce Co., Northwest Furnace Company, Northwestern Development Corporation, Nova-Kelp Limited, Nul-Ex Products Mfg. Co.
0. L. S., Inc., 0-Dell Coal Company, Odd, Inc., Office Machines Company, Ohio Mfg. & Exterminating Co., Ohio School of Business Administration, Inc., Oil Exploration and Development Corporation, Old Dominion Publishers, Ltd., Inc., Old Mill Farm, Inc., "Ole Miss" Leases, Inc., Olympia Bowling Academy, Inc., 121 Coit St., Inc., Ontario Pharmacy, Inc., Ora-Asepti Laboratories, Inc., Orange County Associates Incorporated, Order of Bees Social and Sales Society, Oro Mining Co., The, Orsini-Fieni Mushroom Corporation, Orthopaedist Institute, Inc., Oscillatory Power Corporation, Outdoor Publishing Corporation.
P. J. Nepper Mines, Incorporated, Pacific Coast Pulp and Paper Corporation, Pacific Finance Corporation, Palisade Gardens, Inc., Palmarita Exploration & Mining Company, Pan-American Economic News, Inc., Pan-American Engineering and Commercial Corporation, Pan-Hellenic Travel Club, Inc., Papantla Royalties Corporation, Papaya Corporation, International, Paperboard Institute, Inc., The, Par-Del Corporation, Parades, Incorporated, Paramount Furniture Manufactures, Inc., Paramount Service & Supply Company, Park Harris Company, Parker Patents Corporation, Parlor City Realty Company, Patriotic Society of Unemployed People of United States, Patterson Athletic Club, Incorporated, Paul Gaulois, Inc., Peerless Paint and Chemical Corporation, Pelee Island Development Corporation, Pencader Breeding and Agricultural Association, Penndel Papaya Distributors, Inc., Pennsylvania Developing Corporation, Pennsylvania Railways Advertising Company, The, Pentecostal Assembly of Jesus Only, Inc., Peny-Savr Co., The, People's Foot Hospital, Inc., Peoples Petroleum Co., Inc., (Shaw, Miss.), Pere Marquette Line Steamers, Inc., Perfection Street and Highway Marking Systems, Inc., Perma-Plastic Corporation, The, Permanent Arts, Incorporated, Perry Lumber and Manufacturing Company, Personal Finance Company of Louisville, Personal Finance Company of Orleans Parish, Personal Finance Company of Pittston, Peru-Laclede Syndicate, Inc., Peruvian Land & Irrigation Company, Pescara & Raymond Corporation, Petco Inc., Peterson Drug & Chemical Corporation, Petroleum Engineering Company of America, Philadelphia Fruit Market, Inc., Philadelphia Indoor Baseball Club, Inc., Philadelphia and Suburban Town Meetings, Inc., Photo Lyte Sound (Incorporated), Physicians and Dentists Health Association, Pine Delaware Mining Co., Pines Homes Association, Incorporated, The, Pittsburgh Oil Company, Inc., Platt & Cohen, Inc., Plaza Apparel Inc., of Delaware, Plaza View Garage, Inc., Plumbing and Heating Industries Administrative Association, Incorporated, Plymouth Investment Corporation, Pneu-Crete, Inc., Poc Project Corporation, Poehlmann-Union A. G., Polar Motorship Corporation, Pontiere Construction Co., Portion Land Company, Potomac Engineering Co., Inc., Potomac Hardware & Sporting Goods Company, Potomac Import Export Corporation, Premium Gold, Inc., Presscraft Corporation, Prince William Country Club Estates, Inc., Progressive Razor & Blade Co., Pronto-Rubber, Incorporated, Prosco Oils Corporation, Provident Aircraft Corporation, Puf Company, The, Pullmatch Incorporated, Puritan Hotels, Inc., Pylite, Inc., Pylite Products Corporation, Pyramid Research Engineers, Ltd., Pyrotechnic. Industries, Inc.
Quaker City Engraving Company, Queen City Vault-Casket Company, Quick Service, Inc.
R. H. Merritt & Company, Radio Electronic Television Corporation, Radio Scriptions, Inc., Radio Service Corporation of Delaware, Radio Wire Television Corporation of America, Radio Wire Television, Inc. (D. of C.), Radiovision Corporation, Rae & Company, Inc., Rae Machine Tool Works, Incorporated, Railway Facilities Corporation, Ralph Realty Co., Inc., Ralva, Ltd., Ramsey Comstock Mines, Inc., Rancho San Carlos, Inc., Rapid River Mines, Inc., Rayon Institute of America, Inc., The, Realty Investment & Securities Corporation Record-O-Service Corporation, Red Eagle Development Co., Inc., Red Raven Rubber Corporation, Reedy Patent Co., Reflectone Corporation, Registered Donors' Bureau, Inc., Reinforced Paper Bottle Corporation, Reliable Home Builders, Inc., Renshaw & Darling, Inc., Renson Products Co., The, Research Associates, Inc., Rextex, Incorporated, Richter Pump & Equipment Co., Riverside Gardens, Inc., Rockland Shoe Co., Inc., Rodgers Diesels, Inc., Rolkow Company, The, Roslyn Manganese Corporation, Rotary Diesel Corporation, Roto-Photo Products, Inc., Rowland Accouterments, Inc., Royal Crown Bottling Co., Inc., Royalty Management Corporation, Ruboleum Company, Inc., The, Ruby Foo's Den, Inc., Rundel & Company, Ruzicka Woodcoke Corporation.
S. S. Jones, Inc., Saftee Flare Novelty Co., Safety Service Milk Bottle Corporation, Safety Stemming Plug Co., Inc., Safety Tire Rim Corporation, Safeway Sprayer & Seed Company, Inc., St. Clair Studio, Inc., Saint Edmond's Roman Catholic Church, Incorporated, St. Mary's River Oil Corporation, St. Tammany Oil & Exploration Company, Inc., Samples Coal Mining Company, Samuel Tannen, Inc., San Francisco Bridge Securities Corporation, San Gabriel Oil Corporation, Sanitary Service Company, The, Sayre Manufacturing Corporation, Schaffer Floral Company, Inc., Scurlock Kontanerette Corporation, Seaboard Aviation Corporation, Seaboard Contracting Corporation, The, Seaboard Contractors, Inc., Seadrift Oil & Gas Corporation, Seaford Hundred Co., The, Seaford News Publishing Company, The, Seaford Plumbing and Heating Company, Seaford Realty Co., The, Sealed Joint Products Company, Inc., Sebeco Corporation, Security Finance Corporation of China, The, Security Realty and Investment Company, Security Trading Corporation, Seddon Motor Car Company, Senadel Corporation, Sentinel Corporation, Service Devices Corporation, Servidor Company, The, 710, 14th Street, Northwest, Inc., Shallow Oil, Inc., Shareholders Coal Company, Inc., Sharpless Food Corporation, Sheffield Fibre Accessories, Inc., Sherman Plastering Corporation, Shoppers Finance Company, Shopping Center, Incorporated, Shopping Guide Co., Inc., The, Sidor African Commercial & Industrial Corporation, Signaphone Corporation of America, Silver Grocery Company, Silver Top Operating Co., Singer Phonograph & Furniture Company, Singer-Speaker Company, Inc., Sixteen To One Extension Gold Mines, Inc., Sleep-Over Corporation, Sloey-Toal Corporation, Smi-Del Corporation, The, Smiles Knitting Mills, Ltd., Snead Associates, Inc., Snowden, Inc., Soap Lake Sales Inc., Societa M. S. Giovane Italia, Inc., Society of Chartered Accountants, The, Soft Crab Express, Inc., Sol's Auto Supply, Inc., Solatron Corporation, South Gulf Oil Company, Southern Advertising, Incorporated, Southern Bio Reduction Corporation, Southern Cotton Products Co., Inc., Spalding Building Corporation, SparkL-Draft Corporation, Spear-Jones & Co., Inc., Speculation Corporation, The, Speedbrik Corporation, Sphinx-Tone, Inc., Spray-makers, Inc., Spruce and Carr, Inc., Sraka & Vargo, Inc., Standard Arena Corporation, Standard Carbonic Corporation, Standard Finance Corporation, Standard Investment and Development Company, Standard Service Corporation, Steam Power, Inc., Steel City Bowling, Inc., Sterling's Drug Stores, Inc., Sterling Home Equipment Co., Steuben Beer Taverns, Inc., Stevens and Hanover, Incorporated, Stimax Trading Corporation, Store Money Corporation, Store-Store Haberdasheries, Inc., Straight Creek Coal, Incorporated, Street Railways Advertising Company, Studio of the Theatre, Inc., Suburban Realty, Inc., Sukro Corporation, Sun Ray Mines, Inc., Super-Service, Inc., Superfine Service, Inc., Superior Armature Corporation, Superl Chocolate Corporation of Delaware, Suplie Surgical Supply Co., Surety Corporation of America, Surety Finance Corporation, Sussex Farmers Exchange, Inc., The, Sutherland Mfg. Co., Suzor Mining Company, Limited, Swarthmore Realty Company, Sweet Arrow Land Company, Swinger's, Inc., Szczepan Gniwek, Inc.
T. W. Rogers Co., Talavera Oil Company, Talbot Non-Corrosive Linings Company, Tasty Seafoods Corporation, Taxicab Service Center, Inc., Taylor Oil & Refining Company, Technical Design and Manufacturing Co., Technical Developments Corporation, Technical Products Corporation, Tele Capital Corporation, Tennessee Valley Paper Mills, Inc., Terminal Paper Products Corporation, Terrace Holding Co., Inc., Texas Bean Company, Inc., Texas Crude Rubber Corporation, Theo. Stivers Milling Co., Thermo Air Conditioning Institute, Incorporated, Thermo Miser, Inc., Thine Products, Inc., Third Community Trading Corporation, Thomas Bond, Inc., Thomas E. Coale Coal Company, Thoroughgood Company, The, Thrift Investment Certificate Corporation, Tic-Toc, Inc., Tiernan Properties, Inc., Tilico Oil Co., Tim-Bo-Lok Corporation, Tip-Toe Appliances, Inc., Tip Top Gold Mines, Inc., Tire Distributors, Incorporated, Toga Press, Inc., The, Tom Taylor Co., Tommy Loughran's Inc., Townley, Inc., Townsend Farms, Inc., Tracy Construction Co., Inc., Trans-Vale Oil Company, Transport Company, The, Transportation Rates Co., Travis Petroleum Company, Trenton Oil Corporation, The, Tri-Mension Films, Inc., Tri-State Hotel, Inc., Triangle Briquette Corporation, Trimack, Inc., Trio Productions, Incorporated, Trucksville Realty Company, Tugboat Woodbine Company, Tulloch Gold Mines, Inc., Tungoil Grove Estates, Inc., Turf Club, Inc.
U. S. Fire Apparatus Co., U & U, Inc., Underwood and Underwood Corporation, Uneeda Merchandising Co., Inc., Unimatic Heater Corporation, Union Liquor Store, Inc., Union Trading Company, Union Waste Co. of Delaware, Inc., Uniontown Cotton Oil Company, United Alloys, Incorporated, United Cadets of America, Inc., United China Motion Picture Corporation, United Combustion Corporation, United Credit & Audit Co., Inc., United Hydraulic Pump Corporation, United Mining & Milling Company, The, United Motor Service Stations, Inc., United Products Corporation of America, United Resources Corporation, United Service Company, Inc., United States Mortgage Company, United Termite Exterminators, Inc., United Yeast Corporation of Michigan, Unity Drug Stores, Inc., Universal Advertising Corporation, Universal Development and Loan Company, Universal Liquid Gas, Inc., Universal Publishing Co., Inc., University of Delaware Press, Incorporated, Uz-One Chemical Corporation.
Vail Bros., Inc., Vanity Shops, Inc., Vat-Flo Corporation, Velva Gold Mines, Inc., The, Venice Hunting & Trapping Company, Inc., Victor Petroleum Company, Virginia Navigation Company, Virtue Consolidated Gold Mines, Inc., Vita-Vim, Inc., Voneiff & Stradley, Inc.
W. A. Naudain Company, W. C. Newman Corporation, The, W. and G. Modern Meat Market, Incorporated, W. G. Ruggles & Co., W. J. Klots Raw Silk Cleaner Company, W. M. & B. Oil Company, W. W. Wrigley Sales Co., Wagner Furniture Company, Wagner Holding Corporation, Waldo Co., The, Walker Engineering Company, The, Wall Street Shares Corporation, Waltona Mining Corporation, Ward Ice Cream Company, The, Ward Oil Utilities Corporation, Warfield Motor Company, Warfield Oil Corporation, Warrington Motor Car Company, Washington Chemical Corporation, Washington Consumers, Inc., Washington Housing Corporation, Washington Industries, Inc., Washington Realty and Investment Corporation, Waterhouse G. & S. Mining Company, Webster Cartage Company, Weibel Chemical Corporation, Weiner & Son Co., Weldin, Inc., Wells Construction Company, Inc., West Indies Company, The, Wests's Pharmacy Inc., Western Commercial Investment Company, Inc., Western Paper Products Company, Western Patent Protection Corporation, Western Radio Union, White Rose-Theater Corporation, Whole In Won, Incorporated, Wilco Producing Company, Wildel Mfg. Co., Wilkes Broadcasting Corporation, Will Schaefer, Incorporated, William F. Eckert, Incorporated, William Penn Amusement Co., Incorporated, Williams Creek Gold Dredge Corporation, Williamson Publications, Inc., Wilmington Juvenile Court and Probation Association, Wilmington Paint & Glass Co., Wilmington Tanning Company, Wilputte Elex Precipitator Corporation, Wilshire-Shatto, Inc., Windsor Gold Mine Limited, Windsor Productions, Inc., Winnedumah Mining Company, Inc., Winola Lake and Land Company, Inc., Wire Broadcasting Corporation of America, Wire Broadcasting, Inc. (D. of C.), Wise Shoe Company, Inc., Witesoda Sales Company, Inc., The, Witoga Oil Company, Inc., Wolsey Trading Corporation, Wolverine Company, Wondersign Corporation, The, Woodmoor Development Corporation, Woodmoor Food Mart, Inc., Woodward-Berkley Company, The, Woodyard Associates, Inc., World Wide Hotel Information, Inc., Wynn Producing Co., Inc., Wyoming Star Fox and Fur Company, World Travel Bureau, Incorporated.
Yellow Cab Dynamic Gasoline Sales Corporation, Yorba Linda Packing Company, York Craft Corporation, Yorkan Production Corporation.
Zero Plate Corporation, Zumeta & Co., Limited, Zweig Cut Price, Inc.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, Walter W. Bacon, Governor of the State of Delaware, have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal to be hereunto affixed this eighteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and sixty-seventh.
By the Governor:
WILLIAM J. STOREY, Secretary of State.