Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:
Section 1. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Sixty-three Hundred Dollars ($6300.00) to the State Board of Education for the assistance in the education of handicapped children in the public schools. Said sum of Sixty-three Hundred Dollars ($6300.00) shall be used by the State Board of Education for the purpose of paying the salary of one teacher for the hard of hearing, one teacher for speech defectives and one audiometer technician. Of said sum the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) shall be used for travel expenses of said audiometer technician. The teacher for the hard of hearing and the teacher for speech defectives shall be employed for service in the city of Wilmington and the adjacent area. The audiometer technician shall be employed for service in the entire state. Said sum shall be paid out by the State Treasurer upon vouchers or warrants drawn by the State Board of Education from time to time.
Section 2. That this Act shall be known as a Supplementary Appropriation Act and the sum hereby appropriated shall be paid out of the State Treasury from funds not otherwise appropriated.