Delaware General Assembly





WHEREAS, American Education Week grew out of the First World War. Twenty-five per cent of the men examined in the draft were illiterate; 20 per cent were physically unfit; many were foreign-born and had little understanding of American life. During the War, the schools were drained of teachers, especially men. In the fall of 1920 thousands of schools were closed for want of teachers. A campaign of public information was needed to correct this situation. A long range program for the extension of education was needed to reduce illiteracy and physical unfitness. Members of the American Legion consulted with educators and the first American Education Week was observed in 1921. And

WHEREAS, the broad purpose of American Education Week has become that of acquainting the people with the needs, aims and achievements of the schools. Statistics show that of the 132 million people in the United States, 30 million persons are enrolled in public schools and colleges; there are one million teachers in public schools ; between July 1940 and July 1941, the vocational schools of the nation trained over a million defense workers in emergency programs, in addition to the regular enrollments in vocational schools; And

WHEREAS, the 21st annual observance of American Education Week will be held on November 9-15, 1941, and is a nationally recognized period set aside for special emphasis upon school public relations. It is an opportunity for the schools of the nation to cooperate in telling the people what the schools are doing, and it is an excellent opportunity for the people of the nation generally, and of our State in particular, to see for themselves what the schools are doing to help our youth build stronger bodies, develop special talents, work and play together, and to become good citizens of a Strong America, for the theme this year is Education for a Strong America, an especially timely topic in the present emergency.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Walter W. Bacon, Governor of the State of Delaware, in cooperation with the sponsors, do hereby proclaim

November 9-15



The people of the State are invited to participate in the public school programs during this period. The radio and press are urged to give as much publicity as possible to the occasion. Let each and every one of us show his interest in Education--the Hope of Youth; in Youth--the Hope of Democracy and in Democracy--the Hope of the World.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the Great Seal to be hereunto affixed, at Dover, this first day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-

(GREAT SEAL) one and of the Independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and sixty-sixth.

By the Governor:


EARLE D. WILLEY, Secretary of State