WHEREAS, certain out-of-State Newspapers and Magazines have been publishing false and libelous reports concerning the conduct of the members of this General Assembly during the closing hours of the Regular Biennial Session; and
WHEREAS, the members of this General Assembly are satisfied that these false reports did not originate with any of the members of the Press, who are regular attendants at the Sessions of the Delaware Legislature, but undoubtedly eminated from one or more scandal mongers who snook around the Legislative Building seeking notoriety for themselves by attempting to assassinate the character of people far above their own low state in life; therefore
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Delaware, the House of Representatives concurring therein:
That the members of this General Assembly hereby condemn in the strongest terms the unscrupulous conduct of these scandal mongers and notice is hereby given to each and all of them, if there be more than one of them, that their presence here is very offensive to all of us, and they are warned to apply their nefarious trait elsewhere; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we strongly condemn the unseemly conduct of the newspapers and magazines that published such false reports without taking the trouble to find out the truth or falsity of such reports.