WHEREAS, the 198th' Coast Artillery, A. A., Delaware National Guard, has been accorded the distinction of being the First Regiment of the United States among National Guard Coast Artillery regiments by the Major General commanding the Second Corps Area for the current year, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Delaware and the House of Representatives concurring therein that the General Assembly of the State of Delaware expresses its appreciation of the showing made by the military arm of the State Government, and extends to the Adjutant General, the Regimental Commander and all officers and men attached to the aforesaid unit its congratulations upon the unique distinction conferred upon it.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Adjutant General and to the Regimental Commander, to the end that the personnel of the organization may be acquainted with this expression of pleased recognition.
Approved March 8, 1935.