AN ACT to amend Chapter 106, of Volume 34, Laws of Delaware, in relation to registration of voters.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. That Chapter 106, of Volume 34, Laws of Delaware, being an act entitled: "An Act to repeal 1619 Sec. 1 and 1657 Sec. 39 and the intermediate Sections of Chapter 56 of the Revised Code entitled 'Registration of Voters' and to substitute in lieu thereof new sections providing for the registration of voters," be and the same is hereby amended, by repealing and striking out all of the second paragraph of 1628, Section 10, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following new paragraph:

"You do solemnly swear upon the Holy Evangels of Almighty God (or "You do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm") that you have not received or accepted or offered to receive or accept, or paid, transferred or delivered, or offered or promised to pay, transfer or deliver, or contributed or offered or promised to contribute to another, to be paid or used, any money or other valuable thing as a compensation, inducement or reward for the registering or abstaining from registering of anyone qualified to register at the registration for this present year, so help you God" (or "so you do solemnly sincerely and truly declare and affirm").

Section 2. That said Chapter 106 of said Volume 34, Laws of Delaware, be and the same is hereby further amended, by striking out the words "or unless he shall cease to possess the qualifications of a voter under the Constitution and Laws of this State," in the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth lines of the second paragraph of 1630. Section 12, and also by inserting after the word "Registrar" and before the word "the" in the twenty-sixth line of the seventh paragraph of 1630. Section 12, the following words:

"Such entry or endorsement shall be signed by the Registrar."

Section 3. That said Chapter 106 of said Volume 34, Laws of Delaware, be and the same is hereby further amended, by adding at the end of 1632. Section 14, the following:

Provided, however, that if any person, having been previously registered in any election district in this State, shall by his removal therefrom have attained a legal residence in any election district in any other County in this State, such person shall have the right to register as a qualified voter in such other election district in such other County at any supplementary registration, subsequent to his or her aforesaid previous registration, upon proper proof to the registration officers of such other election district, to which such person has removed as aforesaid and to whom he or she shall apply for registration ; and if qualified and registered as a qualified voter in such election district to which application has been made as aforesaid, then and in any such case, such person shall cease to be a qualified voter in the election district from which he has removed as aforesaid. This provision shall be taken to be an exception to the provisions of 1645. Section 27, of Chapter 56 of the Revised Code of Delaware, as amended.

Section 4. That said Chapter 106 of said Volume 34, Laws of Delaware, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding after the word "office" and before the word "which" in the sixth line of the fourth paragraph of 1640. Section 22,the following:

"and the same shall be open to the inspection of the public at all convenient times, as other public records in said office; and the other of said "Registers" and also the other of said "Books of Registered Voters" for each election district of the County shall be delivered by the Clerk of the Peace forthwith to some Bank or Trust Company of the County, to be there safely kept until five days before the third Saturday in July of the year in which the next general election is held.

It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Peace, five days before the third Saturday of July in the year in which a genera/ election is held, to deliver the two "Registers" and the two "Books of Registered Voters" of each election district in the County to the Sheriff of said County, who shall, sometime previous to the third Saturday in July of said year, deliver the said two "Registers" and the said two "Books of Registered Voters" of each election district of the County to the Registrar of said election district; provided that the Clerk of the Peace for New Castle County shall deliver to the Department of Elections for the City of Wilmington the Registration books for all election districts within said City five days before the third Saturday in July of the year of the next succeeding general election, and the said Department of Elections shall, sometime prior to the third Saturday in July of said year, deliver to the Registrar in each election district in said city, the registration books for such district, so delivered by the Clerk of the Peace as aforesaid; provided, further that in any year in which there is a special election the registration books for the election districts in."

Section 5. That said Chapter 106 of said Volume 34, Laws of Delaware, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting after the word "them" and before the word "provided" in the sixth line of the sixth paragraph of 1642. Section 24, the following words :

"and the cost of the keeping of the Registers and books of Registered Voters in a bank or trust company of the County,"

Section 6. That said Chapter 106 of said Volume 34, Laws of Delaware, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting after the word "the" and before the word "Saturday" in the eighth line of the first paragraph of 1656. Section 38, the word "third."

Section 7. That said Chapter 106 of Said Volume 34, Laws of Delaware, as amended by this Act, as hereinabove stated and specified, and each and all of the various sections and paragraphs thereof, be, and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed and declared to be in full force and effect; and said Chapter 106 of said Volume 34, Laws of Delaware, as by this Act amended, as hereinabove stated and specified, and each and all of the various sections and paragraphs thereof, be and the same are hereby declared to be a part of the Revised Code of Delaware, as stated in said Chapter 106 Of said Volume 34, Laws of Delaware, with as full force and effect in every particular as any other part or parts of the said Code now in full and complete legal force and effect.

Section 8. Thai said Chapter 106 of said Volume 34, Laws of Delaware, entitled "An Act to repeal 1619. Sec. 1, and 1657. Sec. 39, and the intermediate sections of Chapter 56 of the Revised Code entitled 'Registration of Voters' and to substitute in lieu thereof new sections providing for the registration of voters," as promulgated, and as printed in pamphlet farm, as a part of the election and registration laws of the State of Delaware, by the Secretary of State, as authorized by House Joint Resolution, approved April 9, A. D. 1925, be, and the same is hereby validated, ratified and confirmed, and declared to be, and to have been, a good and valid act from the time of its printing and promulgation as aforesaid, to the date of the approval of this Act, and, from and after the approval of this Act, as herein and hereby amended, with all the force and effect of the law as therein and herein stated, and to all intents and purposes as manifestly intended; and each and every act of each and every person in any capacity whatsoever, done and performed in accordance with the manifest authority or direction contained in said act as printed and promulgated as aforesaid, is hereby validated and fully confirmed.

Approved April 9, A. D. 1927.