AN ACT Providing for the Blood Testing of Cattle for Bang's Disease.

WHEREAS, an infectious disease, known as Bang's Disease, commonly called "Contagious Abortion" and "Bang's Abortion Disease," which may be determined by testing the blood from cattle, has been found to exist to a considerable extent in the cattle in Delaware, and as this Disease is becoming of as much economic importance to cattle raisers as tuberculosis was before means for tuberculosis control and eradication were enacted, and as cattle owners throughout the State have been requesting that their herds be taken under supervision for the eradication of this disease ; therefore

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. That the State Board of Agriculture is hereby authorized and empowered to take under supervision, whenever the Board deems it advisable, such herds of cattle as the owners request, for the conducting of the blood test for Bang's Disease, provided the owners requesting this service agree to conform to the rules and regulations promulgated by the State Board of Agriculture for the control and eradication of said disease.

Section 2. That the State Board of Agriculture is hereby authorized and empowered to make such rules and regulations and to place and enforce such quarantines as the Board shall deem necessary and advisable for the control and eradication of said disease.

Section 3. That the State Board of Agriculture is hereby authorized and empowered to use, from the appropriations made for the control and eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis, such funds as shall be needed to employ a veterinarian or veterinarians to supervise the herds for the control and eradication of Bang's Disease, to collect the blood samples and supervise the testing of the same, and to defray such other expenses as shall be necessary to efficiently conduct this work.

Approved April 4, 1933.