AN ACT Authorizing Duly Accredited Child Placing Agencies to Remove Placed Out Children In the Promotion of Their Best Interest.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Slate of Delaware, in, General Assembly met, (two-thirds of all of the members elected to each House concurring therein):
Section 1. All agencies or organizations, engaged in the placement of dependent children within the State, shall have authority to remove any child so placed when, in the judgment of such agency, the welfare and best interests of the child require such action, whether such right was received or not at the time the child was placed;
Whenever any person, with whom a dependent child has been placed, shall refuse to give up such child on the demand of the representative of such agency, such agency, through its duly recognized representative, may give written notice to such person to deliver said child to the nearest railroad station, or some other equally convenient place, at a day and hour to be fixed in said notice, not less than one or more than three days after the date of the notice, and any person willfully refusing or neglecting to comply with the requirements of such notice shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be liable to fine of imprisonment, or both, at the discretion of the Court.
Approved March 31, A. D. 1919.