AN ACT to amend Chapter 156 of the Revised Code of the State of Delaware in relation to the Fees of the Sheriffs.
Be it enacted by the Senate and 110Ilse of Representatives of the State of Delaware in. General Assembly met:
Sec. 1. That Chapter 156 of the Revised Code of the State Of Delaware be, and the same is hereby amended by striking out the sub-division designated by the title "OTHER SERVICES" of 4852, See. 5 thereof, and by inserting in lieu of said sub-division the following:
Delivering to surveyors, warrant to lay down pretensions and giving notice to the parties or their
Attorney of the time of executing the same $2.00
Attendance on survey under such warrant each day 2.00
Assigning Bail Bond or Bond in Replevin .50
For attendance with jurors on view each day 2.00
Summoning special jury and making return 5.00
Summoning special jury in term time of court 10.00
Executing a writ for levying costs of a contested election for the General Assembly, the same fees
as for like services upon execution process generally. For serving each writ, process, or notice
before mentioned, five cents per mile necessarily traveled out and in from place of return to the
place of service, for each writ, subpoena or notice so served.
For service of Sheriff for any monies arising from a sale of personal property, or lands and tenements
by virtue of an execution in his hands and applicable to other executions or judgments prior to
or subsequent .50
For every entry, not exceeding five items in the record of disposition of monies arising from sale of property under execution process, when the same is applicable otherwise than to executions in his hands, as provided by Section 8 of Chapter Forty-eight, fifty cents; when such entry exceeds five items, ten cents for each item.
Approved April 10, A. D. 1919.