AN ACT Respecting the Title of Aliens to Real and Personal Property.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. That real and personal property situate in the State of Delaware may be taken, acquired, held and disposed of by an alien in the same manner as by a citizen of the State of Delaware.

Section 2. That a good title to real and personal property situate in the State of Delaware may be derived through, from or in succession to an alien in the same manner in all respects as through, from or in succession to a citizen of the State of Delaware.

Section 3. That all conveyances to or from aliens of real or personal property situate in the State of Delaware at any time, heretofore made are hereby validated, ratified and confirmed, and it is declared that the said conveyances vested in the purchaser or purchasers the same estates and rights as they would have taken if the conveyance had been made between citizens of the State of Delaware.

Approved March 29, A. D. 1911.