AN ACT to amend an act entitled, "An act for the Protection of Terrapin in Indian River and Rehoboth Bay and waters adjacent thereto."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That Section 1, chapter four hundred and thirty-five, volume thirteen of the laws of the State of Delaware, passed at Dover, March 16, 1869, be and the same is hereby amended in the first section thereof by inserting, after the words "dispose of" and before the word "any," in the fifth line of said section, the following words : "or any person or persons buying or receiving ;" and by striking out the word "four," in the seventh line of said section, and inserting in lieu thereof. the word "six ;" and, by striking out the word "four," in the tenth line of said section, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "six ;" and also by striking out the word "ten," in the fourteenth line of said first section, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "fifteen."

Passed at Dover, April 8, 1873.