AN ACT to amend Chapter 45 of the Revised Code of Delaware, the same relating to the abatement of county taxes in New Castle County on payment within certain times and providing a penalty for non-payment.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

That Chapter 45, of the Revised Code of Delaware, be and the same is hereby amended by the repeal of 1174, Sec. 30, and the insertion in lieu thereof the following, which shall be styled 1174. Sec. 30:

1174. Sec. 30. ABATEMENT OF TAXES ON PAYMENT WITHIN CERTAINTIMES; PENALTY FOR NON-PAYMENT:--On all taxes paid before the first day of October there shall be an abatement of five per centum ; on all taxes paid after the first day of October and before the first day of December there shall be an abatement of three per centum; on all taxes paid after the first day of December and before the first day of January, there shall be no abatement; on all taxes paid after the first day of January, there shall be added one-half of one per centum per month until the same shall be paid.

Approved April 2, A. D. 1917.