AN ACT to amend 372, Section 7, Chapter 10 of the Revised Code of the State of Delaware and to further amend 368 Section 3 Chapter 10 of said Code, as amended, relating to the printing and disposal of public Codes and Laws by establishing the price at which same may be sold.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. That 372, Section 7, Chapter 10 of the Revised Code of the State of Delaware be and the same is hereby amended by repealing all of said 372, Section 7, and inserting in lieu thereof a new Section to be styled 372, Section 7.

372. Section 7. Annually, on or before the first day of July, it shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to obtain from the Prothonotaries of the several Counties of this State an accurate account of the number of Revised Codes and the number of bound volumes of the Laws of Delaware giving the number of each of the respective volumes as numbered, placed in their respective offices for sale, which they then have on hand or, having sold, have not accounted for, which said Revised Codes and said bound volumes of the Laws of Delaware thereby reported shall be charged by the State Treasurer against the respective Prothonotaries reporting the same.

When any bound volumes of the Laws of Delaware are published and delivered by the Secretary of State to the Prothonotaries of the several Counties for sale as provided by law, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to transmit an account of the number so delivered to each of the said Prothonotaries to the State Treasurer immediately, who shall charge the same to the respective Prothonotaries. The said Prothonotaries shall, annually on or before the First day of July, or whenever demanded by the State Treasurer, account for all said books sold, the price to be charged for the same to be a price equal to the actual price paid by the State for same, and shall pay to the State Treasurer for said books at the prices above mentioned, after deducting ten per cent. of said price as commissions for selling the same.

Each Prothonotary on retiring from office shall deliver to his successor in office all of the Revised Codes and bound volumes of the Laws of Delaware then on hand, and shall take duplicate receipts for the same, one of which he shall forward to the State Treasurer for credit to his account. If there appear to be books missing, for which the said Prothonotary cannot satisfactorily account, the said Prothonotary shall pay the State Treasurer for the said missing volumes at the prices originally charged him therefor, with the percentage herein allowed for sale deducted, or upon failure so to do the State Treasurer shall proceed to collect the same by process of Law.

Section 2. Further: That 368, Section 3, Chapter.10 of the Revised Code of the State of Delaware as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by repealing all of said 368, Section 3 and inserting in lieu thereof a new Section to be styled 368, Section 3.

368. Section 3. The Secretary of State shall immediately upon the adjournment of the General Assembly have Fifteen Hundred (1500) copies of all bills, orders, resolutions or votes of a public nature, accurately printed, with an index thereto, to be prepared by him, and shall carefully preserve the originals in the State Archives. The printing of Session Laws shall be done under contract made by the Secretary of State, and in accordance with specifications furnished by said Secretary. The Secretary of State shall then have Six Hundred (600) copies bound with a general index, and he shall distribute the same as follows : Fifty (50) copies to the Prothonotary of New Castle County, Twenty (20) copies to the Prothonotary of Kent County, and Twenty (20) copies to the Prothonotary of Sussex County ; One (1) copy to the Executive, One (1) copy to each State officer, One (1) copy to each County Officer of the respective Counties, One (1) copy to the Library of Congress, One (1) copy to the State Library of each of the United States, and the residue to the State Library of this State for the Librarian to distribute, who shall charge the respective Prothonotaries for the same a price equal to the actual price paid by the State for same ; in one year after the delivery of such copies to the respective Prothonotaries, they shall return all unsold copies, and shall be credited therefor the amount which they have been charged for same, and such returned copies shall be delivered to the State Librarian. The State Librarian shall also charge for such copies the actual price paid by the State for same. The copies delivered as herein provided to the Executive, and to the State and County officers shall be kept and remain in their respective offices, and be by them delivered to the successors, as the property of said offices. The other Nine Hundred (900) copies of such bills, orders, resolutions or votes of a public nature, so printed as aforesaid, shall be in pamphlet form with paper binding or covers and shall be sold by the State Librarian at a price equal to the actual price paid by the State.

All moneys realized from the sale of the Session Laws of the State of Delaware by the State Librarian, shall be paid to the State Treasurer for the use of the State.

All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed insofar as the inconsistency may occur.

Approved May 7, 1929.