AN ACT Requiring the Secretary of State to Examine Certain Operators to Determine Their Fitness to Drive.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. That Chapter 10, Volume 36 of the Laws of Delaware be and the same is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraph (d) to Section 59 to read as follows: amended "The Department shall cause a special examination to be made of every person involved in a second accident resulting in personal injury, death or property damage to an apparent extent of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or more within any 24 month period to determine any physical or mental impediment to the safe operation of a vehicle as a pre-requisite to the continuation of the operator's right to drive on the highways. The Department shall also cause to be examined any person whom the State Police Superintendent or the Chief of Police in the City of Wilmington recommends for such examination as the result of the bad operating record of any such person".

Approved April 3, 1931.